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2022-09-12 06:16:39 | 人围观 | 评论:

????Good morning. Today I would like to talk to you about my charityRebicycle. But before that, let me introduce someone. This is Leila Rahimi. Shewas so scared when she first moved to New Zealand that she struggled to leavethe house, and would spend days working up the courage to walk to thesupermarket for basic supplies. After a few months have been quite down andunhappy, she was invited to join a local bike club. ??At this time, Rebicycle gotinvolved and gave Leila a

second hand bicycle. Within weeks, her depression hadbegun to ease as she cycled.The bicycle totally changed her life, giving herhope and a true feeling of freedom.

To date Rebicycle has donated more than 200 bikes to those in need, ??and isnow expanding bike riding lessons as demand source.With a bike new comers herecan travel farther but for almost no cost.The 3 hours a day they used to spendwalking to and from English language lessons has been reduced to just 1hour.

Our bike riding lessons are so successful that we are urgently looking formore volunteers. Learning to ride a bike is almost always more difficult for anadult. And this can take days and weeks rather than hours.So if any of you havesome free time during the weekend, please come join us at Rebicycle and make adifference in someone's life.

19.What did Rebicycle do to help Leila Rahimi?

It gave her a used bicycle.

20.What is Rebicycle doing to help those in need?

Expanding bike-riding lessons.

21.What do we learn from the passage about Rebicycle?

It is a charity organization.




19. 查询资猜中说到的故事细节,正确答案与材料内容根柢共同。

used = second hand

20. 查询资猜中时态区别,曩昔捐赠了200多辆自行车,如今扩展课程作为需要来历,正确答案与材料内容共同。

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