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2022-09-24 16:17:56 | 人围观 | 评论:


I. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共10分)从每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空缺处的最好选项。

1.(1分)Through 5 G, Huawei, Chinese company, makes the world see stronger China once again.(  )

A.the; aB.a; theC.a;a

2.(1分)The 19th National Congress of the Co妹妹unist Party of China (中国共产党第十九次天下代表大会) opened Beijing October 18.(  )

A.at; onB.in; onC.at; in

3.(1分)﹣In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be smart.

﹣Yes. They are always full of energy, so I think they are also .(  )


4.(1分)I am proud that our Chinese survey team successfully remeasure Qomolangma(再测珠穆朗玛峰) , the word's highest peak.(  )


5.(1分) ,volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves.(  )

A.To my surpriseB.To be honest

C.As a result

6.(1分)﹣High﹣speed trains, Mobile payment, Sharing bikes and Online shopping are called"four new great inventions" of modern China.

﹣They our daily lives more convenient.(  )

A.have madeB.had madeC.made

7.(1分)The 52nd and 53rd BDS satellites(斗极导航卫星)were into space in Xichang, China in 2019.(  )

A.given backB.taken awayC.sent up

8.(1分)I haven't seen my best friend Lucy for 2 months. I'm looking forward to______________ a video call with her.(  )


9.(1分)Lisa is studying abroad. She hasn't decided back to China because of COVID﹣19.(  )

A.if she fliesB.whether she will fly

C.when will she fly

10.(1分)﹣ fine weather today!

﹣Yeah, so let's go boating, ?(  )

A.What; shall weB.How; will you

C.What a; shall we

II.完形填空(每小题1 分,共15分)浏览漫笔,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空缺处的最好选项。

11.(15分)I was standing in a class of wild 15﹣year﹣old girls. They threw paper and shouted with (1)   . They wouldn't listen to me. I was 23 and I didn't know what I was doing, I never wanted to teach, I wanted to be a(2)   . But when I arrived in London, they were short of teachers.

My efforts at teaching were hopeless. When the bell finally rang, I rushed to the staff room, red with anger. The other teachers weren't (3)    ."That's 4 B, the worst class in the school," one said. I was afraid of our next meeting(4)    I needed the job. I gave up formal (正规) lessons.(5)   , I brought topics for class discussions. One of the liveliest talks was about the arguments they had with their parents. They paid attention and (6)    stories about their lives. I was fascinated, so I had them write about themselves. Most wrote about families with little money and big problems. As time went on, their articles became (7)   between us. I admired their humor, and I think they valued my interest in their lives.

The musician My Fair Lady was playing in the West End, but they had never seen a live performance.(8)    lived just a few subway stops from the West End, but none had ever been there. I asked if they'd like to see the music. They thought I was(9)   because no teachers had ever suggested taking them out. A few weeks later, 4 B and I were sting in a(10)   . It was the highlight of their year and they(11)   it for days. Near the end of the term, someone knocked at the door of the staff room. The two most rebellious (反叛的) girls in 4 B were there with(12)   '.I was proud to know I had touched their lives, I(13)   getting along with children. When I returned to Australia several years later, I(14)   wanted to be a writer. For the first time in my life, I stopped dreaming and started writing. My first story was titled My Fair Ladies. (15)   wasn't the end of my writing experience. It was the beginning.



(比方: My mother often go shopping on weekends.﹣﹣go﹣goes)

When I was in the four grade, I joined in a piano competition.(1)

I spent four hours practice playing the piano every day. My piano (2)

teacher came three times a week to help me. A little weeks later, (3)

I made much progresses. Then the big day finally arrived. I was (4)

so nervous when they called my name. I went up and start to play.(5)

While I was show the music, everyone sat quietly and listened.(6)

The song was play without any mistakes. Then I waited for(7)

them to call out a winner. When I heard my name, my heart was(8)

beating so quick that I thought I would stop breathing.(9)

I couldn't believe it. I won! It was the happy day of my life!(10)

IV.寒暄应用(共 20分)(A)按照对话内容,从A到F的选项中,选出能填入空缺处的最好选项,每一个选项请只利用一次,选项中有一项为过剩项。(每小题10分, 共10分)

13.(10分)(Wang Ping and Tong Ling are talking about Beijing Daxing International Airport)

W: How was your trip to Beijing? Have you experienced anything exciting?

T: Certainly! Beijing Daxing International Airport surprised me most.

W: It is reported as the first of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. (1)

T: Yeah. It has the world's largest flight terminal (航站楼) in one building.

W: Cool! How many passengers can it carry a year?

T: (2)

W: What a large number! By the way, I guess there must be a lot of new technologies.

T: Sure! The use of technologies like 5 G and robots makes it quite convenient.

W: Amazing! (3)

T: The main designer of this airport is a great Iraqi﹣born British lady, Zaha Hadid.

W: (4)

T: It's easy to achieve your dream. Maybe I can guide you around Beijing this su妹妹er vacation.

W: Great! (5)   I'm looking forward to it.

T: OK, dear!


14.(10分)(A: Jack B: Xiaofen Place: In the library)

A: Hi Xiaofen.(1)   ?

B: Hi, Jack. I'm reading a passage in China Daily.

A: What does it talk about?

B: (2)   .Confucian(孔子的) ideas are still useful and popular in China.

A: It is said that he has many famous ideas. (3)   ?

B: Yes, I can.For example, one of his famous ideas in Chinese is"知之为知之

A: Sounds a little difficult. (4)   ?

B: It means to be honest about what we know.

A: Oh, I see.Thank you.

B: (5)   .



To be a Successful Online Learner

You may be one of the increasing number of students who is doing the online learning. Follow these tips to help you be a successful online learner.

(1)   Many students think that online classes require less work and are much easier.In fact, online classes have similar requirements to the traditional courses. Be prepared to do at least six hours of work a week in an online course.During the weeks of finals and midterms, you need to make far more efforts.

(2)    Every course has learning objectives. Course objectives are the basic thing for the course. Activities, tasks, and test﹣in fact, you will understand what is expected of you in the class.

(3)    Students learn in different ways, and the teachers often use different kinds of teaching skills to meet the needs of different learning styles. Give new ways of learning a try, even if they seem different from what you're used to. Try to use technology to make learning better.

(4)    Most co妹妹unication in an online course happens through the written word.Discussion board, written tasks, and emails are all co妹妹on ways of co妹妹unication in online courses. This is different from traditional classes

(5)    If you have questions or have problems in understanding, ask your teachers for help. Your teacher won't know if you don't understand something unless you tell him or her. Don't wait until you've missed the chance to be a better learner.

If you follow the suggested tips, you can succeed at online learning, and enjoy the experience all at once.

16.(5分)Usually people with better education are able to get better jobs, In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with lite or no education don't. It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But it isn't true.

Some people may think that a person spends the best years of his life to get education only to make a living. This was probably one of the reasons of education. In fact, if education is just a way of making a living, people don't need to spend so much time in school. If people just want to make a living(具体地), either. It is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.

Education is mainly for improving a man. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write;but also to develop his other abilities It can make him a wise man and enjoy the achievements of humans. Education is to make a man live a better life, read good books, watch plays and, take an interest in the world.

I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly the most important one.


(1)The writer thinks people with little education usually have more chances to get jobs.

(2)People needn't learn much in school if they only want to make a living.

(3)It is expected that educated people will be able to have a better life in the world.

(4)The most important reason for education is to make a good living.

(5)The passage mainly tells us that people can get education in a short time.

17.(10分)Do you still find it hard to choose a cool and useful present for your friend? Do you sill find it difficult to surprise whom you love? Welcome to Guardian Reader Offers site. Within our online shopping mall you will find hundreds of products that you may be interested in.

Here are some cool choices for you.


(1)   would be the best choice if you want to give a present to your friend who loves reading.

A. A sun bottle

B. A solar book light

C.A cool stationery set

(2)Which is not true about the modern bird house?

A. Its roof can be moved away.

B. It makes the sound of bird singing.

C. Its door has a bird shape.

(3)From the passage, we can learn that   .

A. the solar book light is very convenient to use

B. the modern bird house is designed to attract birds

C. the sun bottle needs to be put in the sun for 5 hours

(4)The author wrote this passage to   .

A. talk about the gifts he used to surprise his friends

B. ask people to use cool things in

daily life

C. introduce several cool and useful presents

(5)Where can we buy the cool things according to the passage?

A. Online.

B. At school.

C. In the supermarket.

浏览漫笔,按照首字母或所给词的得当情势填空,使文章语义畅通。( 每小题10分,共10分)

18.(10分)Road﹣side business has become a (1)h   topic recently. Premier (总理) Li Keqiang once said that road﹣side business can reflect co妹妹on(2)    (people) life lively.

Last weekend, 5 college students decided to taste the trade pattern and difficulties of life outside (3)s    by selling vegetables on the side of the road together,

In the morning, they had to get up at 3 o'clock. First, they went to the farm near the city to buy different kinds of vegetables. To reduce the cost( 论价) with the farmers. Then they went back to the city as soon as (4)p   to take up a street stall (摊位) . At about 6: 30 a.m.

after (5)   (put) vegetables in order and nicer ones on top, they began to sell vegetables. They peddled (吆喝) loudly and (6)   (active) to attract customers. When the vegetables were not (7)   (sell) out, they gave them away to homeless people. Two days (8)   , they earned about 300 yuan.

After this (9)    (usual) experience, they shared their feelings with each other."We were tired, such social practice makes us learn (10)h   difficult it is to make money." said Wang Wen, who came up with this idea.

19.(10分)The population of the world continues to increase, but in some areas the population is falling.This is true in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe. In Russia, the population is going down by about 100 people EVERY HOUR! Russia's population could fall by ONE THIRD by the year 2050!And in Poland (波兰)

One of the main reasons is a change of lifestyle. All over Europe people, especially educated women, have a different attitude (立场), "said Galina Tereschkova, a doctor from Moscow. "My husband and I both work full﹣time. We can't imagine having more than one child. "Many women decide to have children later in life or not to have children at all. "I don't want to have any children until I have worked for at least 10 years

In Poland, the population is going down for a different reason. A lot of people,usually aged between 20 and 30, Germany, Spain and Italy. Even so

Many governments are now encouraging people to have larger families. In France,women now receive nearly 1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child.Austrian women receive 700 a month for three years when they have their first child.

(1)Where in the world is the population getting smaller?

(2)How many children does Galina Tereschkova want to have?

(3)What does Hana Markova want to do before she has children?

(4)Why is the population in Poland going down?

(5)How does the French government encourage people to have larger families now?

20.(10分)Wen Xinrui, a student from Shanghai, together with her family

Wen's grandparents have been enjoying free health checks for people aged above 65 since 2013.It was hard to imagine in the past.The river near Wen's house used to be dirty and give out a terrible smell. But last year the government took some action. (C) It was cleaned up and trees were planted on both sides. Now there are even fish swi妹妹ing in it.

From 2013 to 2016, 55.64 million people in(A) have been lifted out of poverty (贫苦). This means their personal income (收入) has increased to more than 3 (力图到达) make all the people get out of poverty by 2020.

Also, China now has more than 22 ,000 kilometers of high﹣speed lines. That's about 60 percent of the world's total high﹣speed railways.

Such progress can't have been made without the leadership of the Co妹妹unist Party of China.(D)As the ruling party in China。the Party has more than 89 million members. They are

from all walks of life (各行各业). (E) They have a big influence on both the government and

people's lives.

According (B ) President Xi Jinping, our socialism (社会主义) with Chinese characteristic(特点)(期间)。The Party must always put people first and continue working hard to help people live better and happier lives.




(3)将文中画线部门(D)改写成为: As the ruling party in China ,the Party has   89 million members   are from all walks of life.


(5)将文中(E) 处划线的句子译成汉语:


21.(5分)(A) :新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID﹣19)一向影响着咱们的进修和糊口,咱们应当若何做好平常的防护呢?请写出五条关于防控的建议。











Be Our Personal Best

It is we who shape our own life and future, but how can we make it? I want to share my views

with you.


Believe in ourselves, and we can be our personal best.


I. 单项选择







4.解答:must 必需,必定,也能够用于必定猜想,可能,也可暗示猜想,可以或许,暗示能力,允许 remeasure ,暗示的是能力。


5.解答:to my surprise使我诧异的是,to be honest说真话,是以,说真话,也是成长本身的好法子,


6.解答:按照They our daily more ,可知是指它们使咱们的平常糊口更便利,时态是如今完成时。


7.解答:give back奉还;take away带走;按照语境可知2019年、第53颗斗极卫星导航体系卫星。


8.解答:have 动词的一般如今时的真相;has动词的一般如今时的第三人称单数 forward doing.




10.解答:第一句是感慨句,在感慨句中,how润饰形容词/副词,句型布局为:What +形容词+不成数名词+主语+谓语动词, let's do sth.的反意疑难句是shall we.



11.解答:(1)A 考核名词。A大笑,C光 threw and with ,应当是他们扔纸大笑着叫嚷。

(2)B 考核名词。A音乐家,C舞者 first was My Ladies我的第一个故事名叫《窈窕淑女》。句意:我从没想过要教书。故选B。

(3)B 考核形容词。A朝气的,C有帮忙的 the finally , I rushed the room, with ,我气得满脸通红。及下文可知其他的教员其实不诧异。

(4)B 考核连词。A固然,C在...以前 but I give needed job.前面说不克不及抛却,表因果瓜葛。

(5)C 考核副词。A荣幸地,C反而,按照I up (正规) , I brought for discussions原定的正规课程带来讲堂会商话题,我带来了讲堂会商的话题。

(6)A 考核动词。A分享,C复制,应当是分享他们的故事。

(7)B 考核名词。A通知,C演出,作者让她们写她们本身。句意:跟着时候的推移。故选B。

(8)A 考核代词。A他们,C她 musician Fair was in West , but had seen a performance.音乐剧《窈窕淑女》正在伦敦西区上演。这里应当是他们住在离伦敦西区只有几个地铁站的处所。故选A。

(9)A 考核动词。A开打趣,C放松 no had suggested them 由于历来没有教员建议带他们出去,女孩们认为作者是在开打趣。故选A。

(10)B 考核名词。A地铁,C课堂,这里应当是几周后 B班的同窗坐在剧场里。

(11)B 考核短语。A处置,C寻觅 was highlight their and for ,他们聊了好几天。

(12)C 考核名词。A眼镜,C花,这里The most (反叛的) in 4 B there B班级法则的两个女孩带开花来到了那边。

(13)B 考核动词。A想象,C遏制 B班级法则的两个女孩带开花来到了那边,我喜好和孩子们相处。

(14)A 考核副词。A依然,C只。连系上文我从没想过要教书,这里可知依然想成为作家。

(15)C 考核动名词。A玩,C教书 For first in life, I dreaming started My story titled Fair ,我再也不做梦。可知教书其实不是我写作履历的终点。故选C。



(2)practice﹣practicing.考核固定搭配。spend +时候+(in)doing,故填practice﹣practicing。




(6)show﹣showing.考核时态。按照was可知利用曩昔举行时was/were doing的情势。







(1)C.连系下文,Yeah. has world's flight (航站楼) one ,并且是必定答复,即它必定很大,故选C。

(2)B.连系上文,How passengers it a year,是以果断其答复为数字,故选B。

(3)F.连系下文,The designer this is a Iraqi﹣born lady, Hadid.机场的重要的设计者是伟大的伊拉克诞生的英国密斯Zaha ,是以果断问句是扣问谁设计的这个机场。

(4)D.连系下文,It's to your 可知实现对方的空想很简略,即我等不及要亲眼看看了。

(5)A.连系上文,Maybe I guide around this ,是以果断其答语为就这么说定了。

14.解答:(1)What are you doing 按照I'm reading a passage in China Daily.推知上句是Jack扣问Xiaofen在做甚么.

(2)It says 按照What does it talk about?和Confucian .推知空格处填It says that 、很受接待?这个问题.

(3)Can you understand them 按照Yes, I can,按照 For example,不知为不知,空格处是扣问?"故填Can you understand them.

(4)What does it mean 按照It means to be honest about what we know.知问句扣问,故填What does it mean.

(5)You're welcome./ That's all right. / Not at all. 可知./ That's all right. / Not at all.


(1)C.按照后句"In fact. Be prepared to do at least six hours of work a week in an online course,连系选项.故选C.

(2)B.按照后句"Every course has learning objectives,连系选项,故选B.

(3)A.按照后句"Give new ways of learning a try. Try to use technology to make learning better.连系选项.故选A.

(4)E.按照后句"Most co妹妹unication in an online course happens through the written word, written tasks. "可知说的是利用进修法子,应说要踊跃地利用进修的法子.

(5)F.按照后句"If you have questions or have problems in understanding."可知说的是问题,应说做好实时发问的筹备.


(1)B.按照第一段句子"Usually people with better education are able to get better jobs, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with lite or no education don't,教诲水平高的人好找事情.

(2)A.按照"In fact, people don't need to spend so much time in school, they can get a short﹣time education,他们没必要在黉舍学到不少工具.

(3)A.按照第三段句子"Education is to make a man live a better life, read good books, most of a."可知人们指望受过教诲的人可以或许活着界上过上更好的糊口.

(4)B.按照第三段句子"Education is mainly for improving a man,教诲主如果为了提高一小我的本质.

(5)B.按照最后一段句子"I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education. "可知这篇文章重要奉告咱们人们可以在短期内获得教诲是毛病的.故谜底为B.

17.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。按照Solar Book Light .Does he or she like reading, and you will have light wherever you go. 可知。他或她喜好念书吗。只要把它放在阳光下。以是若是你想送礼品给你爱念书的朋侪。故选B。

(2)B.推理果断题。按照Modern Bird House.Any bird friend would like a cool house like this, which is so attractive that it's sure to fill your garden with happy birds. 可知。任何鸟类朋侪城市喜好如许凉快的屋子。屋顶可以取下。进口就像一只鸟,必定会让你的花圃布满快活的小鸟。故选B。

(3)A.推理果断题。按照 Solar Book Light .Does he or she like reading, and you will have light wherever you go. Take it when you go camping or are on fights. You can even keep it at your bedside. It can be put on your books when you are reading. It has two lights and a pen. 可知。他或她喜好念书吗。只要把它放在阳光下。当你去野营或打斗的时辰带上它。当你念书的时辰。它有两盏灯和一支笔。 ,咱们可以晓得太阳能书灯利用很是便利。

(4)C.细节理解题。按照Do you still find it hard to choose a cool and useful present for your friend? Welcome to Guardian Reader Offers site. Within our online shopping mall you will find hundreds of products that you may be interested in.Here are some cool choices for you.可知?你感觉很难给你爱的人一个欣喜吗。在咱们的网上购物中间,你可能会感乐趣。 以是作者写这段文章是为了先容一些很酷颇有用的礼品。

(5)A.细节理解题。按照按照Do you still find it hard to choose a cool and useful present for your friend? Welcome to Guardian Reader Offers site. Within our online shopping mall you will find hundreds of products that you may be interested in.Here are some cool choices for you.可知?你感觉很难给你爱的人一个欣喜吗。在咱们的网上购物中间,你可能会感乐趣。以是按照这篇文章。故选A。

18.解答:(1)hot 考核形容词。按照Road﹣side has a...topic ,可知是指:路边买卖近来成为了一个热点话题,故填hot.

(2)people's 考核名词所有格 (people) ,可知是指:平凡人的糊口,故填people's.

(3)school 考核名词 selling on side the together经由过程一块儿在路边卖蔬菜。连系首字母

(4)possible 考核形容词。按照as as... soon 。连系首字母

(5)putting 考核动词。按照,故填putting.

(6)actively 考核副词。按照loudly ,可知and先后都是副词

(7)sold 考核动词。按照When vegetables not...(sell) ,可知是指:当蔬菜还没卖完的时辰。故填sold.

(8)later 考核副词。按照Two , they about yuan.可知是指:两天后,我。时候段+later。故填later.

(9)unusual 考核形容词。按照After (usual) ,连系语境,故填unusual.

(10)how 考核副词。按照learn...difficult is make ,可知是指:进修若何赚钱是坚苦的,故填how.

19.解答:1. In and in Europe.按照第一段第1 but some the falling is in and in Europe,生齿正在降低.故谜底为 In and in Europe.

5. Only one.按照第二段第3句 I one and is for ,可知Galina .故谜底为 Only one.

3. Work at least 10 years.按照第二段倒数第2句 I want have children I have for 10 ,可知直到她事情了最少10年才会想要孩子.

4. Because of ,usually between 30, leaving country work .细节理解题、2句 In , the is down a different . A lot people aged 20 and , are the to abroad,生齿降低的缘由分歧,通终年龄在20到30岁之间.故谜底为Because of ,usually between 30, leaving country work .

3. Women receive 1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child.按照第四段第2句 In ,women receive 6,000 a month for a year if they have a third child,若是有第三个孩子.故谜底为Women receive 1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child.

20.解答:(1)China,to,按照原文,必要表达的是中国从2013年到2016年有5.564万的人脱贫了.必要填入地址名词 China,按照,以是要用to,to。

(2)The river。代词指代题,可是客岁。故谜底为The river。

(3)over; who,按照原文,必要转换的第一个是more than变成一个单词,用over.尔后半部门句子the party has more than 89 million. They are from all walks of life.共产党员有跨越8.6万万人。连系标题空白处必要填入一个指导词 million members的定语从句; who。

(4)better; happier,按照原文The Party must always put people first and continue working hard to help people live better and happier lives,且继续尽力事情来帮忙人们过上更好。可知可以用来描写糊口的两次词是;happier; happier。

(5)他们对当局和人民糊口都有很大的影响。英译汉题。 有很大的影响, ,the government当局。 故谜底为 。


21.解答:We should avoid being exposed to this virus.高分句型一】

We should wash our hands often and avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

We must wear a mask when we have to go out in public. 高分句型二】

We should keep a healthy lifestyle.

We should have a healthy eating habit.


Be Our Best

It is who our life future, how we it? I to my you.

First of all, we should have a healthy lifestyle. We should exercise ,康健饮食)We should plan our work or study reasonably.(公道计划@进%G8cv3%修或事%c8D7z%情@)When we feel stressed, we should strive to improve ourselves.(晋升自我)We should also learn from others who are better than ourselves.And to cooperate with others and read more good books.Finally, we shouldn't give our dreams.【高分句型一】(对峙空想)Don't be afraid of difficulties and face them bravely.What's more, help you solve them.

Believe in , and can our best.
