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如果重生了,你会怎样 英语怎么答 雅思口语素材

2022-10-14 21:18:38 | 人围观 | 评论:

It's a regret that 真遗憾……

It's a regret that I didn’t spend more time with my parents. 真遗憾,我没有多花点时候陪陪我的怙恃。

It's a regret that I broke up with her. 真遗憾,我和她分离了。

if I had professed my love to her, I would have no regrets now. 若是那时能和她剖明,如今我就没有遗憾了。

profess 宣称/自称/声称/谎称/公然暗示

profess regret 暗示懊悔

professe ignorance 自称不知情




If I were given the chance to live my life all over again, I would have told my dream lover that I love her.


She was not only beautiful but also brilliant, and I fell in love with her at first sight in a school meeting. However, I didn’t have enough courage to tell her how I felt because I was afraid she would turn me down. After we graduated, she moved to Australia and I lost contact with her, but I still miss her sometimes.

她不但标致,并且很聪慧,在一次黉舍集会上我对她一见钟情。 可是,我没有足够的勇气奉告她我的感觉,由于我担忧她会回绝我。 咱们结业后,她移居澳大利亚,我和她落空了接洽,但有时我依然惦念她。

If I had professed my love to her at that time, I would have no regrets now.



If I could live my life all over again, I wouldn’t have given up learning French.


started learning French from my freshman year and gave up in my second year for

lack of time. I spent too much time on school activities.


Although those activities benefited me a lot, it's a regret that I didn't keep learning French, for I have missed some job opportunities related to it. If I had realized its value earlier and had worked harder at that time, I might be able to do a better job now.



