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unit 1

—————Word building

1) condense

2) proficient

3) competence

4) criticized","criticised

5) adjustment

6) expansion

7) negotiation

8) civilized","civilised

9) precision

10) quoted

11) adequacy

12) repetitively

13) exclamation

14) confused

15) desperation

—————Phrases and expressions

1) ended up

2) applied to

3) make sense

4) runs into

5) feel obliged to

6) distinguish between

7) left behind

8) focuses on

9) was absorbed in

10) thrust upon

—————Collocation 1

1) cause

2) conceal

3) relieve","ease

4) suffer

5) feel

—————Collocation 2

1) below

2) beyond

3) on","over

4) above","on

5) beyond


1) D

2) B

3) C

4) A

5) C

6) D

7) C

8) A

9) B

10) B

11) B

12) A

13) D

14) C

15) D

16) B

17) A

18) C

19) D

20) B


1. What went bankrupt last month was the branch of a famous private bank in Los Angles.

2. What the student does is (to) submit her essay through a website.

3. What he did is (to) break his promise of giving up smoking completely.

4. What / All the editor needs is a new laptop.

5. What I have been looking for is? the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

—————Sentence completion 1

1. What ruined the football game

2. What the old man does

3. What he wants to do now

4. What she needs

5. What I like most about this movie

—————Sentence completion 2

1. Hardly / Little does he know

2. No sooner had I cleaned the car

3. nor will they tell others

4. Only when you have enough confidence

5. will I take the challenging task

—————Sentence translation

1. 最近一项针对三万名美国男性的调查显示,他们之中三分之二的人都不喜欢做家务。

2. 我们全家人计划在春节假期去杭州旅游三天。

3. 因此,双方都希望本次谈判不要从头再来,或者无果而终。

4. 如果西班牙陷入金融危机,那么目前所有的危机处理措施都会变得不力。

5. 如果乔治早知道那个讲座是如此乏味,他就不会浪费整个下午去听了。

6. 读英文小说时,我通常会略读关于角色心理的描写。

7. 那个国家的妇女呼吁政府帮助她们抵制包办婚姻。

8. 有时候我感到内心充满了对他所作所为的愤怒,他的行为伤害了很多无辜的人。

9. 总统在整个讲话中都没有提到那个地区的贫困和种族歧视问题。

10. 由于地方偏僻,这一地区的居民形成了独特的经济文化特点。

—————Phrase translation

1. with traditional Russian architecture

2. If you had adjusted your strategy in this competition

3. might as well tell us frankly

4. was assassinated mysteriously

5. get / be serious about the scandal of the chairman

6. will this machine be functional again

7. speak their native language fluently

8. just out of curiosity

9. depict what happened last night specifically

10. ran into him in a grocery around the corner of the street

—————Paragraph translation

1) Paper-cutting is a traditional folk art in China, and it has a history of more than 1,000 years. The materials and tools used in paper-cutting are quite simple: some ordinary paper and a pair of scissors. A skilled craftsperson can cut paper into different patterns like doing magic tricks, with no model pictures to copy from. For instance, a piece of red paper is folded and cut several times, and then an attractive picture comes into your sight when unfolded. Paper-cutting art is very popular in many areas of China.

—————Banked cloze

1) D

2) K

3) F

4) O

5) J

6) N

7) C

8) L

9) H

10) I

—————Multiple choice Passage 1

1) B

2) C

3) B

4) A

5) D

—————Multiple choice Passage 2

1) C

2) A

3) D

4) B

5) C

—————Short answer Passage 1

1. English learning around the world

2. improve their language skills

3. English, Chinese, Arabic and Spanish

4. English becomes a basic skill

5. English learners are increasing and native English speakers should improve theirlanguage skills.

—————Short answer Passage 2

1. Many schools continue to employ ineffective instructional methods.

2. developing the ability to unlock the pronunciation of unfamiliar words

3. beginning reading

4. blend these sounds together to make words

5. thinking about the meaning of words and sentences

—————Skimming and scanning Passage 1

1) B

2) F

3) A

4) C

5) I

6) D

7) H

8) G

9) I

10) E

—————Skimming and scanning Passage 2

1) K

2) G

3) M

4) B

5) N

6) L

7) D

8) J

9) F

10) I

—————General writing

1) English is the most widely used language in the world, which means it is a crucial tool for communication and cooperation in various fields. With the development of society and globalization, mastering English is undoubtedly essential for modern college students. Being fully aware of the significance of this world language, I spare no effort to achieve the goal of improving my English competence. I have five English classes every week, and except for classroom learning, I often participate in the English corner activities on campus, where I can practice my oral English with foreign teachers, overseas students and students who love English. I read articles and books in English, and listen to English news online as well. Through learning English, I have broadened my horizons and I feel I'm much closer to the world. According to my personal experience, I suggest that, except for making full use of classroom learning, college students should download more listening and reading materials from the Internet, read English magazines and newspapers after class, put what you have learned into practice, and so on. I hope that college students can enjoy learning English enthusiastically!

—————Practical writing 1

1) George Liu School of Foreign Studies Nanjing University 163 Xianlin Avenue Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023 China? Mike Smith36 Bridge StreetFrenchtown, New Jersey 08825America

—————Practical writing 2

1) Michael XuDepartment of ChemistryZhejiang University38 Zheda RoadHangzhou, Zhejiang 310027China? David DawsonSchool of EngineeringUniversity of LiverpoolLiverpool L69 3BXUnited Kingdom