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2022-12-31 06:17:03 | 人围观 | 评论:


? ? recently the relationship between us and china is getting more and more intense because of the international business and trade issues. we could use this chance to learn some trading words in the news.---最近,由于国际贸易问题,中美关系变得越来越紧张。我们可以利用这个机会学习一些新闻中的贸易用语。


1/ tariffs---关税




? ? a?tariff?is a tax that a government collects on goods coming into a country.---关税是政府对进口货物征收的一种税。?

for example:---举例说明:

? ? america wants to eliminate?tariffs?on?electronics.---美国希望取消电子产品的关税。


2/ impose---强加,强征



? ? to force someone to?accept---强迫某人接受?

for example:---举例说明:

? ? the us has?imposed tariffs on $250bn of chinese goods.---美国已对2500亿美元的中国商品征收关税。


3/ trade war---贸易战



? ? two or more?countries raising or creating tariffs or other trade barriers on each other.---两个或两个以上的国家互相提高或制造关税或其他贸易壁垒。

for example:---举例说明:

? ? china blames the us for starting the largest?trade war?in economic history.---中国指责美国挑起了经济史上规模最大的贸易战。


4/ trade talks---贸易和谈



? ? discussions on the arrangements for international trade---关于国际贸易协议的讨论

for example:---举例说明:

? ? trump’s comments could sink the?trade talks?between china and the us.---特朗普的言论可能会破坏中美之间的贸易谈判。


5/ trade deficit---贸易逆差,贸易赤字



? ? the value of what a country buys from abroad is more than the value of what it sells.---一个国家从国外购买的东西的价值大于它所出售的东西的价值。

for example:---举例说明:

? ? trump?attempts to cut america’s?trade deficit?with china.---特朗普试图削减美国对中国的贸易逆差。?


6/ raise---上升,提高



? ? to increase---增加

for example:---举例说明:

? ? mr. trump’s latest move will?raise?duties on more than 5000 products made by chinese producers.---特朗普的最新举措将提高中国生产商5000多种产品的关税。


7/ plummet---暴跌



? ? decreases quickly by a large amount---迅速而大量的减少

for example:---举例说明:

? ? stocks in asia?plummet?after trump’s move.---特朗普此举造成亚洲股市暴跌。


8/ concessions---让步



? ? if you make a?concession?to?someone, you agree to let them do or have something, especially in order to end an argument or conflict.---如果你对某人做出让步,你同意让他们做某事或拥有某物,尤其是为了结束争吵或冲突。?

for example:---举例说明:

? ? trump tries to force?our?

concessions?on issues such as intellectual property rights.---特朗普试图迫使我们在知识产权等问题上做出让步。


9/?additional goods---附加商品(有形及无形)



? ? things under the purchase agreement, including data, documents, training and services.---采购协议项下的内容,包括数据、文件、培训和服务。

for example:---举例说明:

? ? $325bn of?additional goods?sent to us by china remain untaxed.---中国向美国出口的3250亿美元附加商品仍未征税。?


10/ negotiations---谈判,磋商



? ? negotiations?are formal discussions between people who have different aims or intentions, especially in business or politics, during which they try to reach an agreement.---谈判是有不同目的或意图的人之间的正式讨论,尤其是在商业或政治领域,他们试图达成协议。?

for example:---举例说明:

? ? trump complains that?negotiations?between the two countries were proceeding too slow.---特朗普抱怨说,两国之间的谈判进展的太慢了。



? ? these 10 trading words could help you understand more of the international business news, it could even benefit you on business reports and meetings.?enjoy your new reading!---这10个贸易词汇可以帮助你了解更多的国际商业新闻,甚至可以让你在商务报告和会议上受益。享受你的新阅阅读吧!

