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2023-01-15 21:15:22 | 人围观 | 评论:

阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分)

A duck is sitting on five eggs. Then the eggs break and five baby ducks come out. The mother duck looks ___1___ her babies. She has four beautiful baby ducks. ___2___ one is different. It is big and brown. Its legs are very long. She doesn’t like this baby duck.

“Go ___3___ ,” she says to the different duck. “You are not my baby.”

The different duck says ___4___ to its brothers and sisters and goes away. It is very sad.

Then it sees a pig with its baby pigs. “Are you my mother?” It ___5___ . “No,” says the pig. “You

are not my baby. Go away.”

So the different duck goes away. ___6___ it sees a fox. “Mother, am I your baby?” the different duck asks the fox. “No, I am not your mother,” says the fox. “But I like you. I can eat you for dinner.”

The different duck ___7___ away. It is very sad. It misses its mother.

Then one day it hears another animal. It is talking to the different duck. “You are very beautiful,” it says, “I am ___8___ mother.”

The different dock looks at the animal. It is a big white bird. It has a long neck.

“Yes,” says the white bird, “I am a swan. And you are a baby swan.” The different duck is very ___9___ to hear this.

“And ____10____ are your brothers and sisters. Welcome to the family!” says the swan.












第一节 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选山最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题, 每小题-2分)


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer and pianist. Many people think he was one of the best composers of music of all time. Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. He was educated by his father, a very good violinist. His father started to give him piano lessons when he was 4 years old. When he was 6, he went on his first musical tour of Europe. Mozart also wrote music. When he was only about 5 years old, he started to compose music. At the age of 8, he composed his first real song. He grew up to write some of his most beautiful music ever heard. However, he died when he was only 35 years old.

11.What was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

A.composer.B.A dancer.C.A doctor.D.A teacher.

12.How old was Mozart when he started to write music?

A.4 years old.B.5 years old.C.6 years old.D.8 years old.

13.How old was Mozart when he wrote his first real song?

A.6 years old.B.8 years old.C.35 years old.D.56 years old.

14.As he grew up, Mozart ________.

A.wrote some beautiful musicB.wrote some beautiful stories

C.made some beautiful pianosD.made some beautiful violins

15.It seems that the writer ________.

A.didn’t like Mozart’s music at allB.liked Mozart’s music very much

C.thought Mozart could die earlierD.wished Mozart could live longer


Here are two popular night safaris(夜间动物园) in the world.

Chiang Mai Night Safari. Thailand

It is a very big zoo in Thailand. The best time to visit is from November to February. It is about 15 kilometers from the city center. You can watch animals and their shows there. It takes you about an hour to take a tram(电车) to see animals in the zoo.

Opening hours: 11 a.m.—10 p.m.

Price: 175 yuan for adults (成年人)

85 yuan for kids

Night Safari Singapore

It is the first night safari in the world. There are about 900 animals in the zoo. When you get to the zoo. you can visit it on foot or take a tram. You can also watch the Creatures of the Night Show. It’s about 20 minutes.

Opening hours: 7:30 pm.—12 a.m.

Price: 285 yuan for adults

195 yuan for kids

It’s fun for people to ________ so these zoos are very popular. If you want to visit a night safari in China, you can go to Shanghai Wild Animal Park. The project(项目)in the zoo started on August 8 2019.

16.When is the best time to visit Chiang Mai Night Safari?

A.In January.B.In March.

C.in May.D.In September.

17.The Creatures of the Night Show is about________.

A.an hourB.half an hour

C.20 minutesD.15 minutes

18.If Mr. Brown takes his two kids to the Night Safari in Singapore they should pay ________.

A.260 yuanB.345 yuanC.480 yuanD.675 yuan

19.Which can be the best for ________?

A.feed animals thereB.see the animals at night

C.go to summer campD.take photos of the animals

20.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Wild animal zoos are very popular in China

B.People built Shanghai Wild Animal-Park in 2019.

C.There are about 900 animals in the Singapore Night Safari

D.People can’t visit Shanghai Wild Animal Park by train.


(Mrs Jones, the head master, is giving the students some information about the trip.)

Now, here’s some information about our school trip. As usual we will spend the first four days in Paris. We’ll have a sightseeing tour of the city and we’ll also visit some of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. From Paris we’ll travel down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat. We’ll spend five days there.

Last year we went by bus, but we found that the journey was too long and we didn’t have enough time to do everything. So this year we will go by train. I will provide more information about the schedule (日程安排) later. There will be 80 students on the trip. We will travel in three groups and there will be three teachers with each group. I will go with Group One.

I hope that everyone on the trip will have a good time, but please remember that it is an educational (有关教育的) visit, not a holiday. There will be some time for swimming and other sports, but we are going to France to study French culture and use the French language as much as possible.

21.What are the students going to France for?

A.To do some sports.B.To learn something.

C.To spend their holiday.D.Only to go sightseeing.

22.How long will they stay there?

A.Three days.B.Four days.C.Five days.D.Nine days.

23.Why don’t they want to go by bus? Because ________.

A.there are too many studentsB.it will take too much time

C.they don’t know how long it will takeD.they cannot have a sightseeing on the way

24.Which team will Mrs Jones go with?

A.Group One.B.Group Two.C.Group Three.D.Group One and Group Three.

25.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Nine teachers will go with the students.B.They’ll have a sightseeing tour of the city first.

C.Mrs Jones and the students are on holiday.D.Last year they didn’t have enough time to do everything.

第二节 短文填空


Two friends were walking together when they found a wallet (钱包) on the road. ____26____ He saw a lot of money in it.

“Oh, what a lucky day for me,” he said. “____27____” “Don’t say ‘I’ found a wallet,” said his friend. “But say ‘we’ found a wallet. Friends should share the good luck and bad luck.”

“No, no.” the man said. “____28____ So I should keep it for myself.”

When they were talking about it, someone shouted. “Stop, thief(小偷)! Catch the thief.” Then they saw a group of people coming down the road.

____29____ “We will be in trouble (困境) if they find the wallet with us,” he said.

“No, no.” said his friend. “You did not say ‘we’ before when you had to share your good luck, so now you should say ‘____30____ ’ Don’t try to share your bad luck now when you were. Don’t ready to share your good luck earlier.”

A.I am in trouble.

B.But I can share it with you.

C.I picked up the wallet first.

D.I found a wallet with lots of money.

E.The man with the wallet looked very worried.

F.One of them picked up the wallet and opened it.

第三节 信息匹配


第二部分 非选择题(25分)



Only Mother love is true love. When you are still a baby, Mother always tries her best to take good care of you. In your walking hours she always holds you in ____36____ (she) arms. When you are ill, she looks after you day and night and forgets about herself. When you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough ____37____ (go) to school, she still tries to look after you all ____38____ time. On cold winter ____39____ (day), she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind to wait ____40____ you to come back from school. When you hurry to school with little breakfast in the morning, she always feels ____41____ (worry) about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you have trouble with your study, she always helps you and encourages you not to give up ____42____ (learn). When you do ____43____ (good) at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face and you feel you are the ____44____ (happy) child in the world.

____45____ great is the Mother love! We’ll remember Mother love forever!


46.写作题目:My family


1. 你的家庭成员;

2. 家庭成员的职业和爱好;

3. 你喜欢的家庭活动;

4. 你可以根据具体情况适当补充。


1. 作文中不能出现真实的人名,学校名。

2. 请将作文写在答题卡的方框内。

