“An?Internet celebrity, blogebrity, cyberstar, online celebrity, or Internet personality?is someone who has become famous by means of the Internet. Internet allows people to reach a narrow audience across the world and so become famous within one or more Internet communities.”
上述表达中,Internet celebrity 和 Web celebrity 是较为正式的表达,可以用来指各种类型的“网红”,甚至可以指动物。
Cyberstar和Internet superstar通常指那些光彩靓丽、具有明星特质的“网红”。这些人经常在社交媒体上秀照片、秀视频。他们通常具有如下特征:长着锥子脸或尖下巴(sharp chin);有着巴掌小脸(tiny face);眼睛超级大(extraordinarily big eyes);戴美瞳和假睫毛(cosmetic contact lenses and fake eyelashes);喜欢嘟嘟嘴(duck face);经常秀恩爱(public display of affection);有整容(plastic surgery)嫌疑;通常是草根(grassroot)身份;走红后成为模特或者淘宝店主(model or online shop owner)。下面这段报道中的15岁女孩就是这类“网红”的典型代表。
15 year-old-girl underwent extensive plastic surgery, became an Internet celebrityAccording to Phoenix (编注:凤凰网), stunned at the new appearance of the 1
5-year-old girl,
several Chinese people commented that her pointed chin and snow-white skin had made her a “snake spirit,” a reference to one of the most popular folk legends in China.
The Brightest Stars in CyberspaceThey are blogebrities—writers, thinkers and?gossipers?(八卦写手) who have branded themselves by taking over the Web, and have thousands of people awaiting their next postings.
“This furious Persian has become an Internet sensation after pictures of him with this cone over his head went viral.”
“The Viral Internet Sensations That Blew up Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram This Year.”
Viral stars
此,以这种方式走红的“网红”也被称作viral stars,迅速传播开来的事件和录像则叫viral events and videos或者events and videos that go viral。
美国著名艺术家安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)曾将这种倏忽即逝的名气称为15 minutes of fame,即只有15分钟的成名时间。最近,这一说法又有了新的延伸:“On the Web, everyone will be famous to 15 people.”(在网上,只要有15个粉丝,人人都可以成名。)