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2023-01-19 16:15:20 | 人围观 | 评论:

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

(79)John had bought a packet of cigarettes just before we caught the train and he offered me one as we settled ourselves in our compartment. We were on our way back from a camping holiday;we had lived rough for over a fortnight and even a cigarette was a luxury at that moment.

I felt in my pocket for a box of matches,but could

not find any.

“I haven't got any either,” said John.

Sitting opposite to us was a man whose face was hidden by a newspaper.

“Excuse me,sir,”said John,leaning across. “Could you give me a light,please?”

The newspaper was lowered to reveal a rather elderly man with a stern face.

“This is a no smoking compartment,”the man said. He indicated the notice near the window. We apologized and put away our unlit cigarettes.

(80)The man went on,in a rather more kindly way,to warn us against the dangers of smoking.

“I speak as a doctor,”he concluded,and after that he went back to reading his newspaper.

When he got out a few stations later,he left his newspaper behind him. We picked it up,eager to find out what had happened while we were on holiday.

“Just look at this,”remarked John,pointing to a photograph. “it's the man who was sitting opposite us.” Underneath the photograph was an account of a lunatic (精神病者)who had recently escaped. It appeared that he liked to pretend to be a doctor.

11.The friends had spent their holiday ______.

A. on a boat B. in a tent C. on a farm D. with an aunt

12. Their holiday had lasted ______.

A. more than two weeks B. just two weeks

C. less than two weeks D. a week or two

13. The man ______.

A. threw his newspaper away

B. offered them his newspaper

C. dropped his newspaper

D. did not take his newspaper with him

14. The two friends read the newspaper ______.

A. in a hurry B. with great interest

C. to pass the time D. to look at the pictures

15. The man's photograph was in the newspaper because he was ______.

A. a doctor B. a spaceman C. a madman D. an actor




11、B 此题考查的是考生对文章信息的搜索。We were on our way back from a camping holiday.说明作者刚刚结束露营回来,而露营一般都会联想到tent“帐篷”。A项on a boat“在船上”,C项on a farm“在农场上”,D项 with an aunt“与阿姨一起”,这三项在文章中都没有体现。

12、A 本题考查的是对词义的理解。We had lived rough for over a fortnight.Fortnight意思是两周。Over,“超过”,超过两周,所以应选A, more than two weeks.

13、D.倒数第二行说:He left his newspaper behind him…… A. threw his newspaper away,“扔掉报纸”;B. offered them his newspaper “将报纸给了作者和他的朋友”;C. dropped his newspaper,“扔掉报纸”。

14、D.最后一段第一行说:“Just look at this”,remarked John,pointing to a photograph. “pointing to a photograph”,“指着报纸上的照片”。

A. in a hurry,“匆忙地”;B. with great interest,“带着很大的兴趣”;C. to pass the time,“为了消磨时间”。这三项都与文章的意思不符,所以应选A。

15、C.此题旨在测试考生对单词的理解。最后一段第二行说:“Underneath the photograph was an account of a lunatic who had recently escaped.” Lunatic意为“精神病患者”。所以应选C.a madman。


1、John had bought a packet of cigarettes just before we caught the train and he offered me one as we settled ourselves in our compartment. 就在我们赶上火车之前约翰买了一包烟,等我们在车厢安顿好之后他递给我一支。Catch the train,赶上火车。Settle sb. in some places,在某处坐好,安顿好。

2、The man went on,in a rather more kindly way,to warn us against the dangers of smoking. 这个男人以一种更和善的口吻坚持让我们警惕吸烟的危害。In a more kindly way,为插入语,修饰这个人说话的语气、态度。To warn us against the dangers of smoking是宾语成分。


Settle sb. in some places,坐好、安顿好;live rough艰苦地度过;be opposite to在对面;lean across倾斜身体; no smoking compartment无烟车厢;warn against告捷、警告;eager to急于

做某事;an account of,…的说明;pretend to假装



