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2023-02-03 11:15:12 | 人围观 | 评论:

原标题:faith英语每天学 “in terms of”的活用

“in terms of”的活用

等待来到高兴的faith口语课堂-每天学,我是你们的faith教师,i think i’m a happy woman in terms of 上海成人英语口语 my 上海成人英语口语 simple 上海成人英语口语 life. 我觉得就我简略的日子而言,我是个高兴的女人。那么,“in terms of”在这句话中充当啥人物呢?请学习本课。。。

term: n.任期; 期限;措词; 术语, 专门用语;(学校的)学期;条件, 条款;联络, 友谊

an american president’s term of office is four years. 美国总统的任期是四年。

the summer term runs from april to july. 夏日学期从四月份到七月份。

i have kept terms with tom for many years. 我和汤姆交兄弟已有许多年了。

we’re working

together for a long-term business relationship. 咱们是为了长时刻的生意联络而协作的.

terms: n. 条款, 方法

payment terms: 付款方法

price terms: 价格条款

it’s rather difficult for us to agree to your payment terms: payment upon receipt of goods is too risky for us. 咱们很难附和你方的付款方法: 收到货后付款对咱们来说风险太大.

what are your price terms? we prefer fob tianjin. 你方的价格条款是啥? 咱们喜爱天津离岸价。

in terms of: 就…而言, 从…方面说来,用…字眼,以…的遣词;从…视点来讲

he referred to your work in terms of high praise. 他对你的作业大加赞扬。

he thought of everything in terms of money. 他是从钱的视点来看每一件事。

in terms 上海成人英语口语 of 上海成人英语口语 money, he’s quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很赋有,但就夸姣来说就否则了。

it was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality. 本年的影片不管从数量上仍是质量上都说不上好。

why not think of it in terms of an investment? 为啥不从出资的视点来思考那件事呢?

my husband often talks about me in terms of love. he’s a

nice man in terms of responsibility and generosity; i think i’m rich in terms of love. (我丈夫常常用充溢爱意的言语谈论我。就责任心和宽恕而言,他的确是个好男人,我觉得自个有爱而赋有。)

课后等待登入大耳朵英语网站faithradio播客:http://oral.ebigear.com/mypodcastlist-3065994-1.html, 与其它听众一同互动学习本课内容,把你从某个视点来分析的疑问与咱们共享,我也会亲自参加我们的学习和谈论,并供给协助。

让咱们一同学好英语吧!这儿是faith口语课堂-每天学,我是faith教师,freek’n you, jodeci演唱, 明日有约.回来搜狐,查看更多
