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2023-02-06 16:15:33 | 人围观 | 评论:

chase 追逐 feel 觉得
mice (mouse的复数)老鼠 bad 凶暴的;坏的
hurt (使)受伤 angry 生气的
ill 有病;不舒畅 afraid 惧怕;害怕
sad 哀痛的 worried 忧虑的,忧愁的
happy 高兴的
a police officer 差人 chase the mice 追逐老鼠
cool! 酷! why? 为啥?
( b )1.a、mouse b、animal c、cat
( c )2.a、great b、bad c、quietly
( c )3.a、angry b、happy c、interesting
( b )4.a、pencil b、box 流利说少儿英语官网 c、eraser
( a )5.a、schoolbag b、textbook c、dictionary
( c )6.a、plane b、ship c、traffic
( c )7.a、eye b、nose c、face
( b )1.a、sad b、banana c、happy
( b )2.a、eighty b、mice c、holiday
( a )3.a、glove b、those c、close
( c )4.a、football b、bedroom c、toothache
( a )5.a、short b、from c、soft
( a )6.a、great b、clean c、beach
( a )7.a、blue b、july c、push
1、它们惧怕它。 ther’re afraid of him.
the cat

is angry with them.
maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now.
i was angry at his carelessness.
5、— why? (为啥?)
— because the mice are bad. (因为老鼠很坏。)
1、my sister is afraid c that big dog.
a、at b、in c、of
2、— why is he studying now?
— b he will have a exam tomorrow.
a、thus b、because c、so
3、my mother is angry b my father.
a、in b、with c、at
4、i was angry c his carelessness.
a、to 流利说少儿英语官网 b、with c、at
5、he is afraid of a .
a、making mistakesb、make mistakes c、made mistakes

wrong 有缺陷 should 大约
feel 觉得;感到 call 打电话
well 安康;身体好 deep 深的
suggestion主张,定见 breath 呼吸
wear 穿 more 更多的
deep 深的 breath 呼吸
count 数数 sit 坐
grass 草坪 ant 蚂蚁
hear 听见 fill 填满
worry 忧虑;担忧 won’t将不,不会(是will not的缩写方法)
stuck 堕入;无法移动 mud 泥
pull 拉,拽 retell 复述
everyone每人 number 标号
blank 空白处
see a doctor 看病 this

morning 今日早上
go to the zoo 去动物园 next time 下次
go to the hospital 去医院 a sunny morning 一个阳光亮丽的早上
one day 有一天 sit on the grass 坐在草坪上
a little ant 一只蚂蚁 in the park 在公园里
the next day 第二天 in the mud 在泥里
all of his friends 他一切的兄弟 pull out of 从……拉出来
come here, please . 请到这来。 don’t worry. 别忧虑。
everyone is happy. 我们都很高兴。
( c )1.a、should b、can c、do
( a )2.a、usually b、well c、deep
( b )3.a、hospital b、kite c、zoo
(流利说少儿英语官网 a )4.a、book b、count c、jump
( c )5.a、ant b、bee c、insect
( a )6.a、number b、two c、ten
( c )7.a、hear b、see c、walk
( b )1.a、should b、touch c、could
( b )2.a、breath b、great c、head
( c )3.a、hear b、pear c、year
( a )4.a、pull b、ruler c、june
( a )5.a、mine b、film c、kilo
( b )6.a、question b、expensive c、lesson
( c )7.a、what b、watch c、watermelon
he should see a doctor this morning, so we can’t go to the zoo today.
2、别哀痛。don’t be sad.
one day i can help you.
4、他陷在泥里。 he is stuck in the mud.
they pull robin out of the mud.
6、— what’s wrong?
— your father is ill.
7、— how does dad feel now?
— not well.
1、— b
—i failed the exam.
a、what do you do? b、what’s wrong?c、how do you go there?
2、don’t c . it will pass soon.
a、sad b、sadly c、be sad
3、—how is mike?
—he is very a .
a、well b、better c、good
4、i am c the radio.
a、listen b、listening c、listening to
5、can you pull him c the mud?
a、out b、of c、out of

popcorn 爆米花 check 查看
plant 栽培 seed 种子
grow 生长
tv show 电视节目 lots of 许多
a little 一点儿 make popcorn 做爆米花
count to ten 数到十 take a deep breath 深深吸一口气
take a long time 花费很长时刻
( a )1.a、popcorn b、grape c、peach
( c )2.a、grow b、play c、seed
( b )3.a、checking b、say c、calling
( a )4.a、today b、morning c、afternoon
( b )5.a、warm b、weather c、cool
( a )6.a、beautiful b、finally c、usually
( a )7.a、feel b、afraid c、worried
( c )1.a、plant b、dance c、panda
( c )2.a、grow b、yellow c、flower
( a )3.a、excited b、chinese c、piece
( b )4.a、doll b、horse c、doctor
( a )5.a、moon b、wood c、goody
( b )6.a、umbrella b、sure c、supper
( b )7.a、really b、great c、theatre
1、everyone b an apple.
2、one day i c a teacher.
c、will become
3、can you c me?
4. —why are you late for school?
— c
c、because i got up late.
1.— b let’s watch it. do you have any popcorn?
—i’ll go and make some.
2.— c i love popcorn. i’m so happy!
3. f yum!
4.where is he?i’m a little worried now. d
5.—oh! zoom, what are you doing here?
— a
6.—oh, don’t be angry! count to ten and take a deep breath. well, i planted the popcorn seeds. e i’m still waiting.
—oooooh noooo!

一、1. c 2. b3. a4. a5. a
二、1. c2. b3. a4. c5. a
三、1. afraid2. worried3. breath4. angry5. happy
四、1.in(of)2.do(does)3.are (is)
4.under(in) 流利说少儿英语官网5.listen(hear)
五、1.because the mice are bad. (因为老鼠很坏。)
2.one day i can help you. (有一天我能协助你。)
3.they pull robin out of the mud. (他们把罗宾从泥里拉出来。)
4.maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now! (或许咱们的猫如今正在追逐个只老鼠!)
5.they are afraid of him. (它们惧怕它。)
六、1. happy2.afraid3. wear4.count5. angry
七、1. c
2. a指点:everyone是不定代词,后跟be动词奇数方法。
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. b
8、1. c2. a3. b4. e5. d
九、1. f2. f3. f4. f5. t