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2023-02-18 06:17:33 | 人围观 | 评论:

??跟着四六级考试的变革,四六级口语也变得越来也重要,许多小火伴愁于自个没有备考的干货。今日修改为我们带来英语六级口语通关绝技。一同来看看吧 ~





留心:时长 20s,够我们说 30~50 个词,包括以下要害就行:

名字 / 学校

专业 / 大几

家乡 / 喜爱

性格 / 愿望


留心超出 20s 的内容录音失利。主张我们考行进行 20S 倒计时练习。



Hi! My name is ( 名字 ) . I come from ( 学校 ) , majoring in ( 专业 ) . I like English very much and have made great progress, but I do think there ’ s still a long way to go. So I won ’ t give up my English study, and I ’ ll keep improving

my listening and speaking skills. Thank you!


Hello, my name is ( 名字 ) . I ’ m ( 年纪 ) years old. Now I study in ( 学校 ) as a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior, and my major is ( 专业 ) . In

my free time, I love taking exercise. Though becoming an athlete is not my dream, I believe that a healthy body is the key to a happy life. Thank you.


Hi, My name is ( 名字 ) . I ’ m ( 年纪 ) years old, a freshman /sophomore /junior /senior from ( 学校 ) . My major is ( 专业 ) . As to my hobbies, I love traveling and photography best. I believe that the best scenery is on the road and the best way to keep it alive is photos. Thank you.


Good morning/afternoon. I am ( 名字 ) , a freshman /sophomore /junior /senior from ( 学校 ) . I ’ m majoring in ( 专业 ) , which looks at the field of ( 学科领域 ) . As ( 抱负的作业 ) is the ideal job for me, I am working

extremely hard to realize it. When I get tired, I usually take a walk to relax. Thank you.



这个疑问一般分为 2 有些,先问一个具体的疑问(答复 yes or no),再让你打开答复。

样题如下↓ ??(留心从这儿 5 选 1)

Where do you usually have your meals? How do you like the food there? Which dishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables? Why? Do you find the food in your canteen expensive? Why do you say so? What snacks and drinks do you usually have? Why? Which do you prefer, Chinese dishes or Western dishes? Why?

答复思路:一句话答复 + 拓宽(说明具体缘由,进行具体论说)。这块难度不大,留心 30S 时刻倒计时操练。


每位考生看到 1 张卡片 / 图像,预备 1 分钟,答题时刻:1 分 30 秒。大

概能说 120~180 词,考试时留心倒计不时刻发展条。




1. 寻找标题中要害词

2. 罗列不一样视点

3. 断定陈述规划进行打开(总分,总分总,分总规划)


From the picture/chart/table, we can see/it can be seen …

It discloses/indicates a social phenomenon that …

Such a phenomenon is not rare in our daily life...

Many causes account for …

It is necessary for us to take some actions/measures to...

4. 打开时,尽量运用具体的景象、举比方或讲故事,来支撑观念

不管啥论题都可以从以下 3 个方面打开:

1. Phenomenon —— 表象 ( what/when/where ) ;

the issue of ( 卡片标题 ) has been brought into public focus;

the issue of ( 卡片标题 ) has aroused wide concern from the whole city.

2. Reasons —— 缘由 ( why)

选 3 个视点组织内容:对个别、环境和社会打开的影响;每个视点都可以用 1 个主题句 +1 个比方打开;假定想不出比方,则可以正反证明。

3. Conclusions —— 结论 (how)提出处置办法。

示例模板:Topic:The important of food safety 对自个身体安康的影响:

正面证明:-keep body strong and fit, young people, children

不和证明:-increase weights/chance of getting an illness

对环境的影响:-chemicals, pollution, food, and water

对社会的影响:-affect/harmful to social harmony

接下来,进入 2 人谈论环节(3 分钟),环绕屏幕上给出的疑问,进行深化谈论。

没有预备时刻。要留心这题对两人对话奉献度也有查询和打分。但 partner 都是随机分配的,如果水平间隔过大,无法顺畅将对话进行,就比照简略失分了。




What's your opinion...

What do you think...

Do you agree that...

Do you think it's right to ...


That's exactly what I'm thinking about.

I agree with you...

Exactly! /Absolutely!/Alright!


I have something different to say...

I may not agree with you...

I'm afraid I can't agree.

I'm not sure about that


In my opinion,

What I want to say it that...

I'd like to point out that...

As far as I am concerned, ...

From my point of view/perspective,

当然了 ... 对方一向讲,不给你机缘讲的时分 ...

Sorry for interrupting, but...

Excuse me, but...

I'd like to add something here.

If I've understood correctly, do you mean ...?


最终一个问答只需 45 秒,尽管环绕同一个论题讲了 5~6 分钟后,有的人可以有点词穷,不晓得说啥了。不过,在阅历了对同一个论题的陈述和交流后,你对这个论题大约现已非常了解了。最终一个疑问,也有可以在之前的谈论中触及到过。

假定 partner 有说到更多的定见可参阅,可以归纳总结在自个的答复中,进行总述总结,对这个论题进行收尾点睛。留心逻辑性。



① 提出自个的观念(1 句)

② 说明缘由(1 句)

③ 进行具体论说(1~2 句)

12 个问答打开的模板句式:

1. 提出观念:

In my


From my point of view

As far as I am concerned, I prefer

2. 罗列要害

on the one hand, on the other hand

First, Second , Third

For one thing... for another

3. 举比方

For example,

such as

Let's take ... as an example

4. 提出主张

What we/... need to do is

In short, we should...It is high time that we did sth to ...
