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2023-03-01 11:17:13 | 人围观 | 评论:

1, a la carte menu ?点菜菜单
2, a run of ?一段(旅程),一连串
3, ab (able-bodied seaman) ?熟练之水手,一水
4, abandon ?v.扔掉,离弃
5, absorbent ?a.能吸收的,n.吸收剂
6, accessible ?a.可以进入的,易接近的
7, accommodation ?n.住处
8, accommodation ladder ?舷梯
9, acetylene ?n.乙炔
10, acknowledge ?v.奉告已收到
11, activate ?v.起动,触发,使初步作用
12, adhere to ?遵从,依托,坚持?
13, adjust ?v.习气,校准(机械等)
14, advance ?n.进距
15, advance distance ?进距
16, agent ?n.署理人,药剂
17, aground ?a.阻滞的,在地上上的 ad.阻滞
18, aid ?n.&v.救助,协助 ?
19, aircraft ?n.飞机,航空器
20, aloft ?ad.在空中,在高处
21, alter ?v.改动,更改 ? ?
22, alter course ?转向
23, ambulance ?n.救助车
24, amidships ?ad.在船中
25, anchorage ?n.锚地
26, ankle ?n.踝,踝关节,脚脖子
27, announcement ?n.布告,布告
28, answer slow ?(船对舵)反应慢
29, application ?n.适用,使用,请求
30, approach ?v.接近,接近
31, approval ?n.附和,附和,附和
32, arm ?n.武器
33, arrangement ?n.组织,摆放
34, artificial ?a.人工的,人工的
35, ascertain ?v.弄清,断定,查明
36, ashore ?ad.在岸上,在陆上
37, assemble ?v.集结,搜集,设备,组合
38, assembly station ?n.集结点
39, assessment ?n.评价,评价,评价
40, assign ?v.分配,分配
41, astronomical ?a.地舆学的
42, atmospheric ?a.大气的
43, attach ?v.贴上,系,附上
44, audit ?v.审阅
45, automatic ?a.主动的 n.主动化机器或设备
46, automatic pilot ?主动舵
47, availability ?n.可得到的东西
48, aweigh ?a.(指锚)脱离海底
49, axial ?a.轴的,成轴的
50, backing ?v.风向逆时针旋转
51, ballast ?n.压载水
52, ballast tank ?压载舱
53, barge ?n.驳船
54, barometric ?a.气压的,气压计的
55, be alert for ?警惕,留心
56, be liable to ?易于... ,有...倾向的
57, be obliged to ?有必要
58, beam ?n.梁,(电波的)波束
59, beaufort scale ?n.蒲福风级
60, berth ?n.(船)泊位
61, berthing ?n.靠泊
62, bight ?n.绳圈
63, bilge ?n.舱底
64, bilge pump ?船底排水泵
65, bitt ?n.缆柱
66, bitumastic solution ?水罗松
67, blackout ?n.灯火暂停,断电
68, blade ?n.刀片,叶片,桨叶
69, bleed ?v.使出血,流血
70, blind sector ?盲区
71, block ?n.块,街区 v.阻挡,堵塞
72, board ?n.板 v.上船
73, bollard ?n.系缆柱
74, bombay ?n.孟买(印度西部的一个邦,首府为孟买城)
75, bonded ?a.保税的
76, bonded store ?保税物料
77, boom ?v.快速打开 n.围油栏 ?
78, boottopping strake ?水线间列板
79, bosun ?n.商船甲板长,水手长
80, bottom shell plate ?船底板
81, bow stopper ?制链器
82, bow thruster ?船首侧推器
83, brake lining ?刹车带
84, break apart ?分类,溃散
85, break down ?分化
86, break out ?俄然发生,迸发
87, breakwater ?n.防波堤
88, breast ?n.乳房
89, breast line ?横缆
90, breathing apparatus ?氧气呼吸器
91, breezy ?a.有和风的
92, bring up ?抓牢,锚抓底
93, broken space ?亏铺位
94, brought up ?锚已抓牢
95, bruise ?v.使损伤,碰伤,擦伤 n.瘀伤,青肿
96, buckle ?v.变形
97, bulkhead ?n.阻近邻,防水壁
98, bulkhead plate ?舱壁板
99, bulwark ?n.舷墙
100, bump into ?撞上,偶尔碰见
101, bunker ?n.燃料 v.把(油)写入燃料舱
102, buoy ?n.浮标,航标
103, burst ?v.&n.爆裂,炸破,俄然迸发
104, cabbage ?n.甘蓝(洋白菜、卷心菜)
105, cable ?n.电缆,电报
106, cadet ?n.实习生
107, cafeteria ?n.自助餐厅
108, calibration ?n.校准,标准化,刻度,标度
109, canal ?n.运河,水沟
110, capacity ?n.容量,功能
111, cape town ?开普敦(南非城市)
112, capsize ?v.倾覆
113, cardinal ?a.根柢的,最重要的,大赤色的,深赤色的 ?
114, cardinal buoy ?方位标
115, carelessness ?n.粗心粗心
116, cargo ?n.货品
117, cargo hold ?货舱
118, cargo plan ?船舶积载图
119, cargo runner ?吊货索
120, cargo wire ?吊货索
121, carpenter ?n.木匠
122, carrot ?n.胡萝卜
123, cast off ?脱下,解下
124, casualty ?n.伤亡(人数),死伤者?
125, catalogue ?n.目录
126, centigrade ?a.&n.摄氏(的)
127, chandler ?n.船用杂货船
128, channel ?n.频道,航道
129, characteristic ?n.特性,特征
130, charterer ?n.租船人
131, check...line ?停留缆绳
132, chip ?v.敲铲
133, chisel ?n.凿子v. 凿,雕
134, classification society ?船级社
135, clear ?v.让清
136, clearance ?n.净空,空位,放行证
137, clerk ?n.店员,职工
138, climatic ?a.气候的
139, close coupled towing ?紧密耦合拖带
140, coaming ?n.舱口围板
141, coating ?n.涂层
142, cold spell ?春寒期
143, collapse ?v.&n.倒塌,溃散,(身体的)虚弱?
144, collide ?v.相撞,磕碰,冲突,冲突
145, collision mat ?磕碰垫
146, combine ?v.使联系
147, combustion ?n.燃烧,氧化
148, commencement ?n.初步,初步
149, comminuter ?n.损坏器,捣碎器
150, communicate ?v.通讯,交流
151, communication ?n.通讯,交流
152, compactor ?n.压土机,夯土机,夯具
153, compensate ?v.抵偿,抵偿
154, compensation ?n.抵偿,抵偿
155, competency ?n.资历,才能
156, competent ?a.能担任的,胜任的,有抉择权的
157, complete ?v.结束,使完满,结束或结束
158, compulsory ?a.强行性的
159, confirm ?v.招认,附和,证明
160, confirmation of collision occurrence ?磕碰事端招认书
161, conformity ?n.契合,共同,遵循,依照
162, consistent ?a.共同的,接连的
163, consumption ?n.花费,吃,喝
164, contact ?n.&v.触摸,联络
165, contact point ?着陆点
166, container ?n.容器,集装箱
167, contaminate ?v.污染
168, continuous ?a.接连的,延伸的
169, controllable pitch propeller ?可变螺距螺旋桨
170, converge ?v.会于一点,集合,集合
171, convoy ?v.护航 n.护航队
172, cooperation ?n.协作,协作
173, coordination ?n.调和
174, coordinator ?n.调和员
175, corridor ?n.走廊,通道
176, corrosion ?n.腐蚀,腐蚀,锈蚀,受腐蚀的部位,式微
177, corrosive ?a.腐蚀

性的 腐蚀性物品
178, countermand ?v.撤消(指令),撤回 ?
179, countermeasure ?n.对策,反办法
180, cover cleating ?舱盖锁闭设备
181, cpa ?迩来会遇点
182, crack ?v.&n.决裂,开裂,折断
183, crane ?n.起重机
184, crash-stop ?n.紧迫泊车
185, crop ?v.割除
186, crosswise ?a.&ad.穿插的(地)
187, crush ?v.压破,压碎
188, cubic meter ?立方米
189, customs ?n.海关
190, customs hall ?海关大厅
191, cylinder ?n.圆柱,圆筒,圆柱体,气缸
192, damage control ?抢险,堵漏
193, datum ?n.数据,材料,[测]基点,基线,基面
194, dead slow ahead / astern ?微速行进/撤离
195, deck ?n.甲板
196, declaration ?n.誓词,声明
197, declare ?v.宣告,声明,申报
198, defect ?n.瑕疵,缺陷
199, deficiency ?n.缺陷
200, definite ?a.清楚的,必定,有掌控
201, deformation ?n.变形
202, demolish ?v.摧毁,拆毁,损坏,损坏
203, departure ?n.离去,违背,东西距
204, derelict ?a.被扔掉的,扔掉的 n.遗弃物
205, derrick ?n.吊杆式起货设备
206, derust ?v.除锈
207, designate ?v.指明,指派 a.指定而没有就任的
208, destination ?n.意图,意图地

detention ?n.拘留,扣押,阻留,(不合法)占有
210, detergent ?n.洗刷剂,去垢剂
211, deteriorate ?v.恶化,变坏
212, deterioration ?n.损坏
213, determine ?v.(使)下决计,(使)做出抉择
214, diameter ?n.直径
215, diesel ?n.柴油机
216, diminution ?n.减薄
217, disabled ?a.残废的,失掉操作才能的
218, discharge ?v.下(客),卸船
219, disconnect ?v.堵截,断开
220, disembark ?v.下船
221, dismantle ?v.拆开
222, dispense ?v.分配,清除,豁免
223, dispute ?v.&n.争辩,争论
224, disregard ?v.&n.不管,不睬睬,无视
225, dissolve ?v.溶解
226, distribution ?n.分配,分布
227, dive ?v.潜水,跳水,急剧降低
228, diver ?n.潜水员
229, diverge ?v.分隔,叉开,违背,违背
230, dolphin ?n.(码头的)系缆桩
231, dman ?n.辅佐建议机打点工
232, double bottom ?双底
233, double bottom tank ?双层底舱
234, dovetail deck foundation ?燕尾式底座
235, drag ?v.走锚,拉
236, dragging ?n.走锚
237, drainage ?n.排水,放水,排水体系,排水区域
238, dredge ?v.拖(锚)
239, drift ?n.&v.漂流,漂移 ?
240, drift angle ?偏航角

241, dry-dock ?n.干船坞
242, dunnage ?n.垫舱,垫舱材料
243, dunnage mat ?垫舱物料
244, duplicate ?v.仿制,重复
245, duty-free allowance ?免税定额
246, ease ?v.减轻,推迟,松出
247, eccentric roller ?偏疼滚轮
248, echo sounder ?回声勘探仪
249, electrician ?n.电工,电气技师
250, embankment ?n.路堤,筑堤
251, embark ?v.上船,登船
252, embarkation ?n.登船
253, emergency ?a.紧迫的,应急的
254, emit ?v.宣告,发射
255, emphasize ?v.偏重,偏重,加强口气
256, endanger ?v.危及,使遭受风险
257, endorse ?v.签署,附和
258, endorsement ?n.背书,担保
259, engine ?n.建议机
260, ensure ?v.保证,使(或人)获得,使平安
261, enter in 记入
262, epidemic ?n.盛行病 a.盛行性的
263, escort ?n.护卫者,护航舰 v.护卫,护卫
264, establish ?v.树立,断定
265, evacuate ?v.撤离,分散
266, evaporator ?n.蒸腾器,脱水器
267, exceed ?v.跨越
268, excellent ?a.杰出的,优良的
269, execute ?v.实施,实施
270, exemption ?n.清除
271, exercise ?n.&v.练习,演习
272, expense ?n.费用,花费的钱

explanation ?n.说明,阐明
274, explosion ?n.爆破
275, explosive ?a.爆破的,易爆破的
276, extend ?v.延伸,扩展
277, extended ?a.延伸的,扩展的
278, extinguish ?v.暂停(火)
279, extinguisher ?n.救活器
280, extra ?a.额定的
281, extreme ?a.极点的 n.极点
282, facilitate ?v.推进,协助
283, facility ?n.设备,简略,才能,活络
284, fairlead ?n.导缆孔,导缆器
285, fairway ?n.航路,航道
286, fan ?n.电扇
287, fender ?n.碰垫
288, fire blanker ?救活毯
289, fire-fighting team ?救活队
290, fire flag ?挡火闸
291, fire main ?消防总管
292, fire patrol ?消防巡查
293, firearm ?n.火器,轻武器,武器,枪械
294, fireman’s outfit ?消防员配备,消防服
295, first-aid kit ?急救箱
296, fishing net ?渔网
297, fix the position ?定位
298, fixed foam system ?固定泡沫体系
299, fixed gas system ?固定气体系统
300, fixed pitch propeller ?固定螺距螺旋桨
301, flammable ?a.易燃的,可燃的
302, floating crane ?浮吊
303, flooding ?n.许多,船进水
304, fog bank ?雾堤
305, forbid ?v.阻止,阻挡
306, forecastle ?n.前甲板,艏楼
307, foreign exchange ?外汇
308, forepeak ?n.艏尖舱
309, formality ?n.正式手续
310, foul ?a.绞缠的
311, fracture ?v.&n.折断,开裂,骨折
312, fragile ?a.易碎的
313, fray ?v.磨损
314, fresh water ?淡水
315, frying pan ?煎锅,长柄平锅
316, fuel ?n.燃料 v.给...加燃料
317, full ahead/ astern ?全速行进/撤离
318, full-course dinner ?全套正餐
319, fume ?n.烟气,烟雾
320, fumigation ?n.熏蒸,熏舱
321, galley ?n.(船舰,飞机上的)厨房
322, gangway ?n.舷梯
323, get in touch with ?和...触摸,获得联络
324, goggle ?n.护目镜
325, guard ?n.看守,防护设备
326, gunnery ?n.重炮,炮术,射击,射击学
327, guy rope ?支锁
328, gyro error ?陀螺罗经过失
329, half ahead/ astern ?半速行进/撤离
330, halyard ?n.升降索,帆绳,旗绳
331, hand over ?移送,接班
332, harbour ?n.海港,港湾
333, hard a port/ starboard ?左/右满舵
334, hatch ?n.舱口
335, hatch coaming ?舱口围
336, hatch cover ?装货口盖,舱盖
337, hawser ?n.缆索
338, hawse pipe ?锚链筒
339, head rope ?艏缆
340, heave ?v.绞
341, heave to ?中止,停航,停船
342, heave up ?起锚
343, heaving line ?撇缆
344, heavy derrick ?重型吊杆
345, heavy lift ?重货,重吊
346, hectopascal ?n.百帕
347, heeling ?n.横倾(外力致使)
348, helicopter ?n.直升机
349, helm ?n.舵
350, helmsman ?n.舵工
351, hogging ?n.中拱
352, hoist ?v.升起,提起
353, hydrant ?n.消火栓
354, hydraulic ?a.液压的,水力学的
355, hydraulic release unit ?静水压力开释设备
356, hydrographic ?a.与水道测量有关的
357, iceberg ?n.冰山
358, ice-breaker ?n.破冰船
359, identification ?n.判定,辨认,验明,身份证明
360, identification signal ?辨认信号
361, identify ?v.辨认
362, immersion suit ?浸水服
363, immigration ?n.移居,移民
364, imminent ?a.即将发生的,急迫的
365, import ?n.进口,进口产品
366, improper ?a.不适合的,非正常的,不正确的
367, in combination with ?与...相联系
368, in critical condition ?情况危殆
369, in distress ?遇险
370, in every respect ?各方面
371, in gear ?合上聚散器
372, in the vicinity ?在邻近
373, incinerator ?n.(废物的)焚化炉
374, inconsistency ?n.纷歧致,不好谐,前后敌对
375, indentation ?n.凹进,缺口
376, infect ?v.感染,感染,侵染
377, inflate ?v.使充气,胀大
378, injure ?v.损害,损坏,损伤
379, inoculate ?v.给...做避免打针
380, inspection ?n.查看,查验
381, instruct ?v.指示,指令
382, instruction ?n.指令,指令
383, intention ?n.意图,意图,意向
384, interlock ?n.互锁设备
385, international shore connection ?世界通岸接头
386, intimate ?v.暗示,提示,宣告,告诉
387, issue ?n.疑问,发行物
388, istanbul ?n.伊斯坦布尔(土耳其西北部港市)
389, jakarta ?n.雅加达(印度尼西亚首都)
390, jettison ?v.扔掉
391, jetty ?n.码头
392, keep clear of ?远离,让清
393, keep sb. informed of ?随时奉告或人
394, knot ?n.节(船速)
395, kraft paper ?牛皮纸
396, lamb ?n.羔羊,羔羊肉
397, lapse ?n.小缺陷
398, lashing rod ?绑扎杆
399, latitude ?n.纬度
400, launch ?v.发射,开释(小艇)
401, laundry ?n.洗衣房,待洗的衣裳
402, layer ?n.层 v.把...分层堆积
403, leading forward/ aft/ round/ the bow ?(锚链)向前/后/过船头
404, leaflet ?n.传单,散页打印品,小叶
405, lee side ?背风面,下风舷
406, leeward ?a.&ad.背风的(地),下风的(地) n.下风
407, legal ?a.法令的,合法的,法定的
408, let go anchor ?抛锚
409, let’s say ?比方说
410, liaise ?v.坚持联络
411, life-saving appliance ?救生设备
412, lifeboat ?n.救生艇
413, liferaft ?n.救生筏
414, lift ?v.举起,抬起 n.起重机
415, lifting capacity ?升举才能
416, light load line ?轻载水线
417, light signal ?灯标信号
418, lighter ?n.打火机,驳船
419, line-throwing apparatus ?抛绳器
420, line-handler ?n.系缆工
421, linesman ?n.带缆工
422, lisbon ?n.里斯本(葡萄牙首都)
423, list ?n.清单,横倾
424, listing ?n.横倾(船舶内力致使)
425, litter ?n.担架
426, load test ?负载实验
427, loading rate ?装货率
428, locate ?v.位于,查找...的地址,定位
429, longitude ?n.经度
430, lost-and-found office ?失物认领处
431, magnetron ?n.磁控管
432, main engine ?主机
433, maintain ?v.坚持,维护
434, make fast ?挽牢
435, make rendezvous ?会遇
436, make water ?进水
437, maneuver ?v.操作
438, manifest ?n.货单
439, manifold ?n.多支管,歧管
440, manrope ?n.舷梯扶索,扶手绳,平安索
441, marital ?a.婚姻的
442, meridian ?n.子午圈,子午线
443, messroom ?n.餐室
444, messenger ?n.引缆
445, meter ?n.计量器,计量仪
446, midships ?ad.在船身中部,船中部
447, military ?a.军事的,军用的 戎行,配备力气
448, millibar ?n.毫巴
449, moisture ?n.水分,湿气
450, mooring ?n.系泊
451, mooring winch ?绞缆机
452, motor man ?(帆海)机工
453, mrcc ( maritime rescue co-ordination centre ) ?海上搜救调和中心
454, mushroom ventilator ?蘑菇形通风筒
455, muster ?n.&v.集结
456, muster station ?集结地址
457, nationality ?n.国籍,国家
458, nautical ?a.海上的,帆海的
459, nautical mile ?海里
460, negative ?a.低沉的,否定的
461, no answer ?(船对舵)无反应
462, notch ?n.槽口
463, object ?n.物体,方针
464, obligation ?n.责任,责任
465, obstruct ?v.阻止,堵塞
466, obstruction ?n.妨碍物
467, occupational ?a.作业的
468, offshore ?a.&ad.向海(的),离岸(的)
469, on-scene coordinator ?现场调和员
470, onshore ?a.在近岸处的,朝着岸的
471, operational ?a.可用的
472, ordnance ?n.大炮,军器
473, original ?a.开始的,初始的
474, osc (on-scene coordinator) ?现场调和船
475, out of use ?扔掉的,不必的
476, outboard ?a.船外的,向舷外
477, overboard ?ad.向船外
478, overflow ?v.&n.溢出,溢出物
479, overhaul ?v.&n.翻修,修补,完全修补,大修
480, overloading ?n.超载
481, overtime ?n.超出的时刻,加班
482, oxidize ?v.使氧化,使生锈
483, pack ice ?浮冰块,积冰
484, packing groove ?盘根槽
485, page ?v.(在公共传呼体系上)呼叫
486, painkiller ?n.止痛药
487, parachute ?n.降低伞 跳伞
488, particular ?n.特征,特征,细节,标准 ??
489, passport ?n.护照,通行证
490, pat out ?送出,带缆
491, permanently ?ad.耐久地,长时刻不变地
492, permission ?n.答应,附和
493, pick up ?救起
494, pick up the slack ?收紧缆绳
495, pier ?n.码头
496, pillar ?n.柱
497, pilot ?n.引航员 v.引航
498, piracy ?n.海上掠取,海岛突击
499, pirate ?n.海盗,匪徒,盗版者
500, pitch ?n.螺距
501, plague ?n.瘟疫
502, plank ?n.木板
503, plimsoll marks ?载重线标志
504, plug ?n.塞子 v.以(塞子)塞住
505, pneumatic hammer ?气榔头
506, poisoned ?a.有毒的,中过毒的
507, poisonous ?a.有毒的,有害的
508, port/ starboard five ?左/右舵五 ?
509, portable extinguisher ?手提式救活器,便携式救活器
510, portugal ?n.葡萄牙
511, postpone ?v.使延期,推迟
512, pox ?n.发疹的疾病,瘟疫
513, pratique ?n.入港答应
514, precaution ?n.避免办法,防备
515, predominant ?a.首要的,占主导方位的
516, preparation ?n.预备,预备
517, primer paint ?底漆
518, procedure ?n.程序,进程,进程
519, propelled ?n.螺旋桨
520, proposed ?a.所举荐的
521, protective clothing ?防护衣,防护服
522, provision ?n.条款,日子物质
523, pump ?n.泵 v.抽吸,用泵运送
524, pump room ?泵房
525, put out ?暂停,救活 ?
526, quality ?v.(使)具有资历
527, quarantine ?n.&v.检疫
528, quartermaster ?n.舵工
529, quay ?n.码头
530, quota ?n.(正式限制的)定量,定额,配额,方针
531, radioactive ?a.放射性的
532, radius ?n.半径
533, range ?v.排放
534, rat guard ?鼠挡
535, rating ?n.一般船员,(水兵)水兵
536, receipt ?n.收据
537, recover ?v.恢复,从头获得,找回
538, recreation ?n.消遣(方法),重建,重现
539, rectify ?v.改正,校正
540, reef ?n.暗礁,礁
541, refloat ?v.(使)再浮起,从头浮起来
542, registry ?n.记载,挂号处,记载簿,船舶的国籍
543, re-ignition ?n.复燃
544, relative ?a.相对的,彼此有关的
545, relieving officer ?接班驾御员
546, remote control ?遥控,遥控设备 ??
547, remove ?v.移除
548, replenish ?v.弥补,从头装满
549, reply ?v.复诵,答复
550, require ?v.需求,需要,规则
551, rescue team ?救援小组
552, respective ?a.各自的,别离的
553, respiration ?n.呼吸
554, responsibility ?n.责任,责任
555, resume ?v.从头初步,持续
556, retreat signal ?撤离信号
557, revolution ?n.旋转
558, rig ?v.配备,设备帆?骶?
559, rigging ?n.索具
560, right/ left-handing propeller ?右旋/ 左旋螺旋桨
561, rinse ?v.漂洗,冲刷,漂净,冲掉
562, roadstead ?n.港外锚地
563, robbery ?n.掠取案,明抢,敲竹杠
564, roger ?int.(无线电通讯答语)已收到
565, rope clip ?绳子,绳夹
566, rope off ?用绳子离隔,圈开
567, routine ?a.例行的,常规的,往常的
568, rpm (revolutions per minute) ?(主机)每分钟转数
569, rubber packing ?橡皮填料
570, rudder ?n.船舵
581, scrape ?v.乱铲
582, scupper ?n.甲板上的排水孔,排水口
583, scupper pipe ?排水管
584, sea value ?海底阀
585, seamanship ?n.船艺,帆海驾御术
586, seamark ?n.帆海标志,海标
587, searchlight ?n.探照灯
588, secure ?a.平安的 v.使平安
589, security ?n.平安,防护 a.平安的,保密的
590, segregate ?v.阻隔,脱离
591, seismic ?a.地震的,由地震致使的
592, seize ?v.卡住
593, separation ?n.别离,间隔
594, sequence ?n.次序
595, set dinner ?套餐
596, sewage ?n.(下水道里的)污物,污水
597, shackle ?n.(锚链)节,卸扣
598, shelter ?v.躲避 流亡
599, shift ?v.&n.改动,移动
600, ship’s stores declaration ?船用物品申报单
601, ship-borne ?n.船载的
602, shipper ?n.邮递人
603, shopping sea ?上浪
604, shoal ?n.浅滩
605, shut-down ?n.关闭
606, side shell plate ?舷侧板
607, signaling lamp ?信号灯
608, single up ?单绑
609, single-screw ?n.单螺旋桨
610, sketch ?n.草图
611, slack ?n.(绳子等)松懈有些
612, slack away ?松出
613, slick ?n.一层浮油
614, sling ?n.吊索
615, slip ?v.&n.滑,滑脱颠仆,失足
616, slow ahead/ astern ?慢速行进/撤离
617, sludge ?n.泥浆,烂泥,堆积物,泥状雪 v.铲除污泥
618, sluggish ?a.行为缓慢的,反应慢的
619, smoke helmet ?防烟面罩 ?
620, smoke signal ?烟幕信号,发烟信号
621, smother ?v.使窒息,使抑制
622, smuggle ?v.偷运,走私,偷带
623, snatch block ?开口滑车,有盖滑车
624, sopep ?船上防油污应急安设方案?
625, ( shipboard oil pollution prevention emergency plan ) ?船上防油污应急安设方案
626, sound signal ?听觉[音响]信号
627, sounding pipe ?测量管
628, souvenir ?n.留念品,礼物
629, specification ?n.标准
630, speck ?n.污点,微粒 v.使有班驳
631, spill ?v.溢出,涌出 n.洒出(量),溢出(量)
632, spin ?v.快速旋转,甩干
633, spontaneous ?a.自觉的 ?
634, spreader ?n.防扭杠
635, spring ?n.倒缆
636, sprinkler ?n.洒水器,喷淋器
637, squeak ?v.时刻短地尖叫,吱吱叫 n.时刻短的尖叫声,吱吱的叫声
638, stability ?n.平稳(性)
639, stadium ?n.运动场,体育场
640, stain ?v.弄脏,污染
641, stand by engine ?备车
642, stand clear of ?驶离,让清
643, start-up ?n.建议
644, steady ?a.平稳的 ?v.把定
645, steel pipe ?钢管
646, steerageway ?n.舵效航速
647, steering gear ?舵机
648, step by step ?逐步地,缓慢
649, stevedore ?n.装卸工人 v.装卸货品
650, steveodring company ?装卸公司
651, steward ?n.乘务员,效能员
652, storeroom ?n.贮藏室,物料间
653, storm value ?防浪阀
654, stowage ?n.推装物,配载货品
655, stowaway ?n.偷搭船[飞机]者
656, strain ?n.受力
657, stud ?n.撑挡
658, submarine ?n.潜艇
659, submerge ?v.浸没,吞没
660, submerged ?a.水下的
661, submit ?v.提交,呈送
662, sufficient ?a.满足的,足够的
663, superintendent ?n.监督人,打点人,主管
664, superstructure ?n.上层建筑
665, supervision ?n.监督,打点
666, supplier ?n.供给商
667, support team ?协助组,后备组
668, surface mail ?水陆路函件
669, survey ?v.&n.查询,勘测
670, surveyor ?n.查看员,查询员
671, survivor ?n.幸存者,残存者,生还者
672, suspend ?v.暂停,推迟
673, swing ?v.&n.摇晃,摇晃
674, switch off ?关闭,堵截
675, sydney ?n.悉尼(澳大利亚一城市)
676, synchronize ?v.使同步,一起发生
677, synopsis ?n.摘要,梗概,大纲
678, take over ?接收,接任
679, take the command of ?指挥
680, tallyman ?n.理货员
681, tank ?n.油[水]箱,贮水池
682, tank top plate ?舱底板
683, tarpaulin ?n.防水帆布
684, technician ?n.技能人员
685, telegraph ?n.车钟,电报
686, tension ?n.拉力 v.使严峻
687, terrorism ?n.惊骇主义,威吓,钳制
688, terrorist ?n.惊骇主义者 a.惊骇主义的
689, the parties concerned ?有关各方
690, thruster ?n.推进器,侧推器
691, tighten ?v.系紧
692, topside ?n.轻载水线以上有些
693, toxic ?a.有毒的 n.毒剂
694, transfer ?v.使转移 n.横距
695, transfer distance ?横移间隔
696, transistor ?n.晶体管,半导体收音机
697, transit ?v.经过,横越
698, trawler ?n.拖网渔船
699, trim ?n.纵倾,吃水差
700, trimming ?n.纵倾
701, troublesome ?a.令人厌烦的,令人烦恼的
702, tug ?v.用拖船拖曳 n.拖船
703, tug skipper ?拖船船长
704, turbine ?n.涡轮机
705, turkey ?n.土耳其
706, turnbuckle ?n.花篮螺丝
707, turning circle ?旋回圈
708, tween deck ?甲板之间的堆货空间
709, twistlock ?n.扭锁
710, typical ?a.典型的,代表性的
711, unconscious ?a.失掉感觉的,无知道的
712, under control ?在控制下,被控制住
713, underway ?a.进行中,在航的
714, unfasten ?v.解开,松开
715, unlit ?a.未点着的,无灯火的
716, unload ?n.&v.卸载
717, unpredictably ?ad.不可以预知地
718, unseaworthy ?a.经不住海优势波的,不适航的
719, unusable ?a.不能用的
720, up and down ?锚链笔直
721, upkeep ?n.维护,修补
722, utc (universal time coordinated) ?调度世界时
723, utmost ?a.极度的,最大的,最远的
724, vacant ?n.空闲的,空缺的
725, vaccinate ?v.给......接种疫苗
726, valid ?a.有用的
727, validity ?n.有用,合法性,效能,正确,合理,正确性
728, value ?n.阀
729, variable ?a.改变的,可变的,(风向)不定的
730, variable/ controllable pitch propeller ?可变螺距螺旋桨
731, veering ?v.风向顺时针转
732, ventilation ?n.通风,通风设备
733, ventilator ?n.通风设备,通风机
734, via ?prep.经过,经过
735, victual ?n.食物,粮食 v.补发粮食
736, violate ?v.违背
737, visa ?n.签证 v.签发签证
738, viscosity ?n.黏性,黏质
739, visibility ?n.能见度,可见性
740, visual ?a.视觉的,看得见的
741, walk back anchor ?锚机送链放锚
742, walk out ?松出
743, walk out anchor ?松锚
744, warp ?v.使曲折,使曲折,用绞船索牵引
745, warping drum ?卷缆筒
746, water blast ?高压水冲刷
747, waterline ?n.水线
748, waypoint ?n.航路点,转向点
749, weld ?v.焊接
750, wharf ?n.码头 v.靠码头
751, widower ?n.鳏夫
752, winch ?n.绞车 v.用绞车拉
753, winchman ?n.绞车手
754, windlass ?n.锚机
755, windwark ?a.&ad.顶风的(地),优势的(地)
756, with regard to ?就,关于
757, wound ?n.伤口,伤口,损伤
758, wreck ?v.使(船舶)失事,使罹难 n.沉船
759, x-ray ?n.x光相片
760, yacht ?n.游艇
761, yellow fever ?黄热??病
762, zinc plate ?锌板
