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2023-03-16 06:19:37 | 人围观 | 评论:



Jack and Ana. they are live in different places. Jack lives in city. Ana lives in small town.Jack wears coat. Ana wears…


I want to go to shanghai

里边是三个外国小兄弟的对话,指着地图说 我国有哪些值得去的当地,有上海,昆明,桂林。

词汇就是beautiful place Mountain lake 啥的 还有个good idea

语法就是where are you want to go?

I want to go to shanghai



chant是square and circle~ say hello~ square and circle here we go 要点在发音

句型 I like...和I don't like...

we had a picnic last Sunday


this is amy she is reading a book

this is maomao he is taking a picture

this is jake he is playing a toy train

this is tina she is dancing



dog egg fish goat

首字母在单词中读音和单独字母读音,给了一个chant,让学生感知字母的不一样读音 全英授课,要有歌唱

听和读,I have lunch at 1这样的一段对话 传闻课

i cant see 片段 helped,helps

dogs are very useful

the man is blind

this dog helps him

this girl is deaf

she cant hear

the dog helps her

last week,there was fire

this dog helped the firefighters

i have a cat. she`s cute. where is she?

is she in theliving room? no, she isnt.

is she in the study?no, she isnt.


sheis in the kitchen. 传闻课。杰出要点句型和单词。



标题tv shows图像展示comedy news sports game show nature show cartoon.word bank:funny interesting scary exciting.what kinds of tv showd do you like?i like comedy becuese they are funny.1全英试讲非常钟2要点词汇和句胁叫锈3创设景象训练学生的口语才能。辩论1你的教育要点2你怎么杰出要点 lily and sunny what kinds of tv showd do you like


It's got four wheels.

when doese daming's father go to work

My father goes to work at eight o'clock

what does he do?

he is worker in a factory 让同学仿照对话

talk about your English teachers对话课,里边包括单词:tall friendly funny old、

can I help you?

what do you wear on sunny days Iwear my t-shirt shorts cap and sunglasses 的词汇教育 需求:全英,有游戏环节协作恰当简笔画,教师朗读演示,创设景象操练口语才能

语音课程lets spell,教单词拼写和磁带播映,上面有几个单词dog box orange body 延伸的有on mom 所以此时我晓得找到共通性,教o的发音,

chant:Farmer, farmer,dig, dig, dig.Farmer, farmer, water the ground.Farmer, farmer, the plants are out.Farmer, farmer, jump and shout.

what do u wear on sunny days?的词汇说明(是一个小对话 女:what do u wear on sunny days? 男:I wear T-shirt shorts cap and sunglasses )

my hobby

my hobby is collecting stamps,my sisters hobby is collecting stickers,my father's hobby is cooking,my mother's hobby is painting,because she feels it is very interesting,my grandpa's hobby is collecting stamps ,my grandma's hobby is dancing,my uncle's hobby is taking pictures. 全英式讲,师生范领读,训练学生口语表达才能,使用要害词句引导学生了解文章,复述文章。

Where did you go?下面有两个长对话 需求是让你联系问句教育 问句还有how did they go?Did lingling like the...?以及使用要害词去协助学生重复这篇文章。

what do you wear on sunny days Iwear my t-shirt shorts cap and sunglasses 的词汇教育 全英,有游戏环节协作恰当简笔画,教师朗读演示,创设景象操练口语才能

it's more than six kilometers long 四幅图像,别离是华山,长江,西湖,长城 需求杰出要点词汇句型,引导学生用英语描绘图像

What time do you get up?

she's in the kitchen

let's talk 大学人教版 where is my cat? Is she in the living room no is she in the study no Is she in the kicten. Yes.

what kind of TV show do you like

nice to meet you

listen and chant farmer

health habits

take my bath,wash my hands,drink my juice,eat good food,this is the way i exercise,exercise,exercise,this is the way i exercise

the five senses


i'm going to 一组对话写的关于外出活动的,fly a kite ,row a boat …… 做查询,并教会学生运用将来时态

对话,触及到量词a glass of lemonade

听力材料 关于长大今后想去哪个城市 英语试讲 辩论:板书方案的作用 教师如何打开有用的教育活动

阅览课,Lily&Sandy,What kind of TV shows do you like best.

需求:朗读,创设情境,游戏互动,板书。辩论:What're your new sentence patterns? which is the most important one?


单词温习soccer. Baseball. Cousin. Difficult. Boring. Enjoy. Strawberrys. Practice. 等 需求朗读单词 全英文试讲非常钟

词汇题,predic 念一遍标题,然后全英文说明词汇

口语课:A:can i use your computer? b:sorry,i”m going to work on it。 A:could i watch tv?b:yes ,of course,but first you have to clean your room。

语法题be going to的说明 what are you going to be when you grow up?

口语课A:where is your pen pal from?B:he is from France A:where does she live?B:she lives in pairs



mobile phone,划线词But, firstly,secondly, thirdly. 需求朗读文章,写作课。

写作教育。试题是一篇短文,大约讲的是主人公Old Henry有一条很心爱的狗,有一条他和小狗出去漫步,他很开心,他的狗和一条黑猫在玩,后来他发现他的狗不见了,他非常哀痛。 1、朗读这篇短文。2、恰当板书。3、引导同学给Old Henry写回信。

what is it like in winter cold cold lts cold december january and febuary wear your warm coat lets skate on the lake

词汇课 I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful. 是第一句,讲stand,enjoy 和 mind 三个划下划线的单词。

口语课 you are never too young to do things 举了3个比方 Tiger Woods Mozart Ronaldo

A:where is your pen pal from?B:he is from France A:where does she live?B:she lives in pairs

阅览课,school trip 依照时刻次序讲

口语课 how much is the tshirt? How much are the socks.

lead-in(放一首歌或许vedio问晓得啥信息,选的要和你讲的有相关)Pre(1:group discuss 2:写你觉得的新单词让跟着读再一同读给的材料)while(1:draft 2:彼此批改spelling and grammar 3再次批改)post(1:让写的好的同学念写的作文2:做个击鼓传花的游戏说一下自个作文的亮光点)review/homework

听力题 Mr. James: welcome back everyone. We are going to talk about good ways to learn English. Who has some advice. Liling: we must speak English in class. Mr. James: that is a good idea. We should speak English as much as possible. Daiming:we can write our mistakes in our notebook. And write down answers next to our mistakes. Liming:we should spell and pronunce new word aloud about everyday. Mr. James: thanks, liming, you are helping a lot. 朗读一遍,板书方案,方案听力教育。

词汇,林肯总统,famous popular project character

大学英语7点半场次:辩论:1 班会上 家长说 把学生的悉数都让教师打点就可以 你怎么看 2 有同学吸烟 你怎么看 试讲:听力材料 关于长大今后想去哪个城市 英语试讲 辩论:板书方案的作用 教师如何打开有用的教育活动

大学英语7点半场次:辩论:1 班会上 家长说 把学生的悉数都让教师打点就可以 你怎么看 2 有同学吸烟 你怎么看 试讲:听力材料 关于长大今后想去哪个城市 英语试讲 辩论:板书方案的作用 教师如何打开有用的教育活动

大学英语7点半场次:辩论:1 班会上 家长说 把学生的悉数都让教师打点就可以 你怎么看 2 有同学吸烟 你怎么看 试讲:听力材料 关于长大今后想去哪个城市 英语试讲 辩论:板书方案的作用 教师如何打开有用的教育活动

will do 一般将来式 :l will be a repoter l will live in shanghai的期间

语法教育 So in ten years,I'll have many different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week ,I'll look smartand probably will wear a suit. On the weekends,I'll be able to dress more casually. I think I'll go to Hong Kong on vacationand one day, I might even visit Australia. 1.朗读原文 2.就划线有些方案有关语法活动(就那几个will语句) 3.全英试讲10分钟

Tony和TonyDad的dialogue,划线let's go shopping.How about some orange juice?朗读对话,方案标明寻求主张的口语操练

词汇温习课(期末考前) interesting relaxing peaceful trilling tiring educational ...

阅览:lao she 's teahouse

听力材料 关于长大今后想去哪个城市 英语试讲

听力(passageabout morning schedule ) 朗读一遍 板书 以及其他常规需求

一篇短文讲的是长大后想要变成一位reporter和大约如何完成它 What are you doing to be and How are you going to do it?

大学英语+听力(passageabout morning schedule )+需求 朗读一遍 板书 以及其他常规需求+ 辩论...我试讲才讲完导入跟听力播映第一遍 画了个图表板书 考官就打断我了……她很和蔼的说 sorry to interrupt you, would you read the passage for us? Blabla读完 她又说请我擦黑板 then结束



博物馆词汇题ground floor, first floor ,floor plan

中西方文明差异(饭后谁付钱) pay for everyone &share the cost

full-day countryside


词汇、interest communicate 要点讲,朗读课文,关于去看电脑的展览22. 语法课:讲语段中的may 和should,神态动词model verb

写作题how to describe a person


词汇课,划出了三个词 traveller cheaque humour 根据英式英语和美式英语的差异来方案教育活动


Global warming 口语课 greenhouse gases

写作课 给的内容是chemicals benefitsand

difficulties why do you want to be a teacher

The beatles were one of the bands which

听力课 minibus padicap

曩昔结束时 语法 内容是莫扎特

听力课, 对话关于pop exhibition



词汇well -known twentieth-century famous 讲枸词

You are never too young to start dong things that you don ’

t know how to do before.For example ......(原题:大学英语真题5)


词汇课,给一篇短文需求讲其间的组成词overseas background birthplace



听力课,关于sea animal ,需求方案听后环节

大学英语:写前活动,中澳饮食差异。有材料,微波炉,热食物,然后garden ,barbecue,beef等肉类 回来搜狐,查看更多

