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数词是方针明数目多少或次序先后的词。标明数目多少的数词叫基数词,如 one, five, ten, thirty, sixty-five 等;标明次序先后的数词叫序数词,如 first, sixth, tenth, twenty-first 等。数词用法恰当于名词和描述词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语等。




1. 基数词的写法或读法。






201two hundred and one 642six hundred and forty-two


68,343 sixty-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-three

13, 526, 300 thirteen million, five hundred and twenty-six thousand, three hundred

留心:英语中没有“万”和“亿”这两个单位,只需“百万(million)”和“十亿(billion)”;因而“一万”是用10个千,也就是“ten thousand”来标明的,“一亿”是用“one hundred million”来标明的。

2. 基数词的用法


例如:five hundred 五百 three thousand 三千

hundreds of 成百上千的 thousands of 不计其数的 millions of 数百万的


7:30 seven thirty / half past seven

6:45 six forty-five / a quarter to seven

8:00 eight o’clock


1980年,读作nineteen eighty

2005年,读作two thousand and five


209房间Room 209

第三有些→ Section 3/Part 3

南京路308号→ 308 Nanjing Road


3+2=5Three and two is five(三加二等于五)

10-5=5 Ten minus five is five。(十减五等于五)


She is five years old. 她五岁了。

in his twenties 在他二十几岁时


1. 基数词变序数词的办法。

(1)序数词是由基数词在词尾加-th构成,标明次序的数词。它的前面一般要用定冠词the。例如:the sixth 第六。








(6) 第一百、第一千、第一百万别离在相对应的基数词的后边直接加-th。即:



序数词的缩写方法由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最终两个字母构成。前三个数字是特别情况,别离是:first→1st second→2nd third→3rd


例如:forth→4th twenty-first→21st ninety-fifth→95th

2. 序数词的用法。


You are the second one to know the way. 你是第二个晓得办法的人。

(2)标明编号的时分,常常把基数词放在名词的前面标明次序,恰当于the+序数词+名词,也可以用“名词+基数词”。例如:Lesson Five=the fifth lesson 第五课。

(3)标明分数的时分,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1的时分,分母用复数方法。例如:2/5 two fifths。



This is my third question. 这是我的第三个疑问。


March 18th, 1978 1978318




1. December is the t______ month of the year.

2. We have nineteen students here. The new comer is the t_______.

3. When is Lily’s birthday p______?

4. M_______ is the third month of the year.

5. The n_______ month of the year is September.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的恰当方法填空。

1. Today we will learn the ___________ (twelve) lesson.

2. I sit in the _________ (two) row in the class.

3. It’s August ____________ (twenty-one) today.

4. We have ____________ (45) sheep on the farm.

5. I think the __________ (eight) lesson is difficult.

III. 用英语写出恰当的数词或数词词组。

1.There are ________ days in a week.

2. There are usually __________or _________days in one month except ________, and there are usually __________or _________ days in one year

3. New Year’s Day is the _________ day of each year.

4. Thursday is the _________ day of week.

5. __________ is our National Day.

6. The ________ month of the year is February.

7. There are __________ seconds in minute.

8. December ____________ is Christmas inAmerica.

9. 2/3 and 1/4 is _______________.

10. August is the _______

__ month of a year.

Ⅳ. 单项选择。

1. Now children, turn to page _______ and look at the _____ picture in Lesson Two.

A. twentieth; one   

B. twenty; one   

C. twentieth; first  

D. twenty; first

2. There are four people in front of him, so he is the ______ one.

A. five B. fifth C. first D. number

3. The _____ Sunday in May is Mother’s Day.

A. first B. second C. one D. two

4. —When is your mother’s birthday?

— It’s ________.

A. February eighths

B. July thirty-third

C. February 7th

D. March nineth

5. The ______ month of a year is April.

A. third B. forth C. fourth D. fifth

6. The girl is _____, today is her _____ birthday.

A. twelfth; twelfth

B. twelve; twelfth

C. twelfth; twelve

D. twelve; twelve

7. —When is the school trip?

—______ March 13th.

A. At B. On C. In D. It’s

8. —Tom is a middle school student. How old is he?

— ______.

A. The thirteen

B. Thirteenth

C. Thirty

D. Thirteen

9. There are usually _____ days in February.

A. twenty-eight

B. twenty-nine

C. thirty

D. thirty-one

10. Sunday is the _____ day of a week.

A. one B. two C. first D. second


1.Basketball is so exciting that ______ people play it for fun.

A. million

B. two millions

C. million of

D. millions of

2.—How many friends will come to your birthday?


A. fifteen; fifteen

B. fifteenth; fifteenth

C. fifteen; fifteenth

D. fifteenth; fifteen

3. Helen loves reading. She has read ____ books this month.

A. five B. fifth C. five of D. fifth of



1. twelfth 2. twentieth

3. party 4. March 5. ninth

Ⅱ. 用所给词的恰当方法填空。

1. twelfth 2. second

3. the twenty-first

4. forty-five 5. eighth

III. 用英语写出恰当的数词或数词词组。

1. seven

2. thirty, thirty-one, February, three hundred and sixty-five, three hundred and sixty-six

3. first 4. fifth 5. October1st

6. second 7. sixty 8. the twenty-fifth

9. eleven twelfths 10. eighth

Ⅳ. 单项选择。

1. D。本语句的第一个空是用“名词+ 基数词”的办法标明编号,page twenty意思是“第二十页”;第二个空前面呈现了定冠词the,名词在数词后边,所以用序数词来标明“第一幅”的意思。

2. B。从语句的意思了解,他的前面现已有四自个,所以他是第五个。在定冠词the的后边用序数词,选项C也是序数词,但不契合语句的意思。

3. B。在定冠词the的后边用序数词标明第几的意思,一起还要晓得一些文明常识即母亲节是每年五月第二个星期天,所以用序数词second。

4. C。月日的表达。日要用序数词,序数词方法正确的有B,C项;一个月最多只需31天,因而B项差错。所以正确答案是C。

5. C。四月是一年中的第四个月,4的序数词是fourth,所以选C。

6. B。句意:“这个女孩十二岁了,今日是她的第十二个生日。”由此可知,第一个空用基数词,第二个空用序数词。故选B。

7. B。在几月几号,大约用介词on。

8. D。几岁大约用基数词,因为Tom只是个大学生,所以不可以能是30岁,因而选D。

9. A。二月一般有28天。

10. C。星期天是一周的第一天,所以选C。


1. D。 标明数字的hundred,thousand和million,前面有具体数字润饰时,不加-s,与of连用标明一个概数时,要加-s。





