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2023-04-04 06:17:10 | 人围观 | 评论:

新年最全的100个英文表达, 背完英语棒棒哒!

.绣花 embroidery

5.剪纸 paper-cut

6.我国结 Chinese knot

7.年画 New Year painting

8.吹糖人 sugar-figure blowing

9.舞龙 dragon dance

10.舞狮 lion dance

11.秧歌 Yongko dance;rural folk dance

1.戏曲 traditional opera

2.折子戏 opera highlights

3.相声 comic dialogue;cross talk

4.小品 skits;sketch

5.口技 vocal imitations;ventriloquism

6.杂技 acrobatic performance

7.马戏 circus performance

8.京韵大鼓 drum song of Peking

9.踩高跷 walk on stilts

10.杂要 variety show;vaudeville

1.打麻将 playing mahjong

2.庙会 Temple Fair

3.新年联欢晚会 Spring Festival gala

4.灯会 exhibit of lanterns


sending New Year's greeting cards

6.理发 have a haircut

7.放烟火 set off fireworks

8.放鞭炮 set off firecrackers

9.灯迷 riddles written on lanterns

1.门神 the God of Door

2.灶神 the God of Kitchen

3.财神 the God of Wealth

4.土地爷 the God of Land

5.火神 the God of Fire

6.喜神 the God of Happiness

7.8仙 the Eight Immortals

8.福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune. prosperity and longevity

1.With best wishes for the happy New Year!


2.A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!


3.May you have the best New Year ever.


4.I hope you have a most happy and

prosperous New Year.


5.To wish you joy at this holy season.Wishing every happiness will always be with you.


6.Good health,good luck and much happiness throughout the year.


7.A beautiful wish to you and your family.---live a happy life and everything goes well.


8.Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.


9.In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May this New Year outshine all the rest.

