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2023-04-12 06:21:43 | 人围观 | 评论:



1. breakfast 早餐;

语句:Did you have breakfast yet? 你吃早餐了吗?

2. milk 牛奶;

3. oatmeal 燕麦片;

语句:Is there any oatmeal left? 还有燕麦片吗?

4. yoghurt 酸奶;

5. fruit 生果;

6. juice 果汁;

语句:Which kind of juice would you like?你想要哪种果汁?

7. bread 面包;

语句:Do you have any whole-wheat bread? 你有全麦面包吗?

8. cake 蛋糕;

9. pancake 薄煎饼;

10. waffle 华夫饼;

语句:Let's make waffles today. 今日咱们做华夫饼干吧。

11. egg 鸡蛋;


:Would you like an egg? 你想要一只鸡蛋吗?

12. fried egg 煎蛋;

13. ham 火腿;

14. bacon 熏肉;


sausage 腊肠;

语句:I'm going to buy some sausages.我要去买一些腊肠。

16. cheese 奶酪;

语句:I'd like a slice of cheese.我想要一块奶酪。

17. butter 黄油;

语句:Pass me the butter please.请把黄油递给我。

18. peanut butter 花生酱;

语句:Would you like peanut butter on your toast?你喜爱在你的面包上涂花生酱吗?

19. jam 果酱;

20. appetizer 开胃菜;

21. soup 汤;

语句:This soup is so delicious. 这汤真甘旨。

22. salad 沙拉;

23. salad dressing 沙拉酱;

语句:I need some more salad dressing.我需要再来一些沙拉酱。

24. ketchup 西红柿酱;

25. pork 猪肉;

26. chicken


27. lamb 羊肉;

28. beef 牛肉;

语句:I'm making a beef casserole. 我正在做牛肉砂锅。

29. steak 牛排;

30. fish 鱼肉;

31. pie 焰饼;

语句:Is the pie finished cooking? 馅饼做好了吗?

32. pasta 意大利面食;

33. rice 米饭;

语句:Would you like rice or potatoes? 你想要米饭仍是马铃薯?

34. sandwich 三明治;

语句:Is the chicken sandwich any good? 鸡肉三明治怎么样?

35. dessert 甜点;

语句:I made chocolate cake for dessert. 我做了巧克力蛋糕当为甜点。

36. wine 酒;

语句:Would you like red or white wine? 你想要红葡萄酒仍是白葡萄酒?

37. coffee 咖啡;

语句:Should I put milk in your coffee? 您的咖啡要加奶吗?

38. tea 茶;

语句:I like herbal tea in the evening. 晚上我喜爱喝凉茶。