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2023-05-08 11:21:17 | 人围观 | 评论:


下面我特地再列出两篇我用 TDC 方式写作的作文供读者参考,加深读者对这种写作方式的印象:


A Misunderstanding I Will Never Forget(我永远忘不了的一次误会)


本篇为记叙文,采用 TDC 的写作方式。


发展句:why(为什么有此经验)及 how(交代经过)

1. 与朋友约好去钓鱼,我却忘了这件事。

2. 朋友等不到我,所以非常生气,不再跟我说话,令我非常难过。


It can be a very painful experience to be misunderstood by your friends. Unfortunately, such an experience is not new to me. It happened about half a year ago. My friend John and I decided one Saturday to go fishing together. He wanted me to pick him up at the train station that particular morning, but somehow I forgot. Not until noontime did I remember our appointment. Of course, you can guess how angry John was. Ever since then, he has never been on speaking terms with me, thinking that I deliberately stood him up. I tried several times to explain and

beg his forgiveness, but he just wouldn't listen.

I know I may forever lose a good friend because of my forgetfulness, but what really worries me is John's misunderstanding about me will never go away. I feel sad, but I have thus learned a lesson — from now on, I will always keep a notebook with me and jot down what I promise my other friends I will do lest I should forget it and cause misunderstandings again.

* 本文句首及句尾划底线的部分分别为主题句和结论句。



