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2023-05-15 16:19:35 | 人围观 | 评论:



2.写作句法,我会涉及到万能句式,「马哲」时不时拿出来用用,比如“线上教育是好是坏呢?”,我们肯定说“有利也有弊,辩证看待”,“ It has both merits and demerits. We are supposed to regard its merits and shortcomings dialectiaclly”,闪瞎阅卷老师双眼。




possible title one:the relationship

between loneliness and wisdom

possible title two:wisdom can better moderate/regulate loneliness

possible paragraph one<Chinese version>

根据Dr. Philip Jeste教授的一份调查,我们得知“孤独是主观的,我们每个人都有孤独感,一些时期孤独感会达到顶峰。但幸运的是,智慧的人不会感到孤独”。我欣赏作者的观点。我认为“明智的人可以更好地调节/适应孤独”,有几个方面可以解释我独特的观点。

possible paragraph one<English version>

According to a research published by Dr. Philip Jeste, who is a famous professor of psychiatry and neuroscience, the professor found some valuable discoveries. Loneliness is subjective and everyone is more or less in isolation. A considerable number of people have to face the severe lonliness at different particular ages. Lucky for us, wisdom can protect against loneliness. I appreciate the author’s viewpoints. I certainly think wisdom can better moderate loneliness and isolation and there

are several aspects can account for my especial perspective. (approximate eighty words)

讲解一下:我数了数,这刚起步就80 words+了,大家压缩着写吧!

1.“根据研究发现”“According to…+主句”,论述文写作必备,务必要掌握了,要形成自己的作文模板,大家也写成“结果发现/研究表明”“It turns out that+从句”。


用“according to…句型”可以水字数,在分句中说“根据一份调查研究,(published in)发布在XXX杂志上,(by)被XXX发布,who is 身份地位学位”,懂吧?!大家看我写的,

“According to a research published (in the journal International Psychogeriatrics) by Dr. Philip Jeste, who is a famous professor of psychiatry and neuroscience(at the University of California, San Diego),+主句”


而“It turns out that”翻译为“结果表明/研究发现”,直接开门见山,研究发现孤独是主观的。it代指的是实验,研究,现象,情况等。<这个知识点我在2017年考研英语一完形填空中说过,大家抽时间可以去看看(空降到3:13)>


连用and不好把握,懂吧?!比如,“It turns out that 孤独是客观的and每个人或多或少感到孤独but明智可以反孤独”,这样表达确实不太好。这里有个技巧,先「搭个架子」说“研究发现了一些大大的surprises”/“根据调查研究, 调查者得出了一些结论”。然后再把各个研究结果说出来。


3.“people in increasing number”、“more and more people”表示“越来越多的人”;“a considerable number of people”、“many people”、“a lot of people”表示“很多人”。people作主语谓语动词常用复数。

4.在此“especial、special、particular”都能表示“特别的、独特的”,可以同义替换。但我还是建议大家主动去查查这些单词,因为「马哲」说,矛盾有普遍性和特殊性,事物是共性与个性的统一- -!虽说这些词都可以表示“特别的、独特的”,这些词语还有其他特定的含义。

5.“view、viewpoint、point of view、perspective”都能表示“观点”,“观点”是可数名词。

6.我认为“I think (that)”,我相信“I am convinced that”,都可以。



possible paragraph two<Chinese version>


possible paragraph two<English version>

Initially, we should learn the basic concepts of loneliness and wisdom. Lonliness is a common state of human being, which is subjective. Someone is lonely but not alone, while alone one maybe not lonely. Wisdom means that one is capable, prudent and experienced. And wise one is not only enthusiastic about reading beneficial books, but also good at interacting with others. (approximate sixty words)


1.“initially”表示“开始,起初”,我感觉是表示“入门级别的那种开始”、“文章开始要安排一些事宜须知的那种开始”。表示“首先地”开头还有“First and foremost”、“First”。这里我没用“first and foremost”/“first”,是因为我感觉“首先然后此外最后”这种句式结构适合「三段式写作」。而我写得这篇作文是「四段式」,且后面要用到「正反对比」“一方面,另一方面”,所以不太适合用“first”。



4.“be enthusiastic about热衷于”。类似表达“喜爱”的句式是写作必备,very very常见的表达。类似的还有“be fond of”。可表示好或不太好的那种“沉迷、痴迷、上瘾”的表达有“be crazy about”、“be addicted to sth”、“be attracted to sth=be attracted by sth

5.擅长于“be good at”。类似的表达我暂时还没有想到,欢迎评论区补充。

6.“社交/互动”=“social connection/interaction”,我其实是想写“get on well with sb”/“engage with sb”=“与人相处融洽”


possible paragraph three<Chinese version>


possible paragraph three<English version>

For one thing, wise one choose to read when (wise one feels) lonely because it is just like a window opening a new world though which you can better understand the loneliness. Provident people are able to better deal with the interpersonal relationship. For another thing, someone isn’t good at making quality social relationship, even fear about social engagement, which can give rise to anxiety, even depression and autism.(approximate sixty words)


1.“For one thing, …; for another thing, …”、“On the one hand, …. On the another hand, …”=“一方面,另一方面”。

这个结构我称之为「对立统一」结构。经常会用到,如,“如何看待线上教育?”,那就说“一方面,它好;另一方面,它又不好”。“如何看待游戏”,那就是“我们要适度游戏。一方面,玩多了不好;另一方面,适度有益于身心健康。”,一开口就老马哲了- -

2.“it(代指前面的事物,或者理解为形式主语也行) is just like a window opening a new world though which you can better understand the XXX.”,这个句式我忘了是跟学的,挺有文学底蕴的,我感觉也比较常用到。“it”可以代指“中国画”、“(绚烂的,富有科技感的)霓虹灯”、“城市的变化/时代变迁”等,“XXX”可以为“中国传统文化”、“艺术”、“感情/爱”、“科学技术”、“国家发展”等。

3.“fear about=worry about”表示“担心害怕于”.

4.“give rise to + sth.”=“引起(不好的事情),导致(不好的事情)



possible paragraph four


In a word, we are supposed to grasp the relationship between loneliness and wisdom correctly; and we are expected to master wisdom to regulate loneliness.(approximate twenty words)


1.“in a word=in summary”=“总而言之,综上所述”

2.“be expected to=be supposed to”=“被期望做某事/应该做某事”





送大家一句话:If you are doing your best, don’t worry about the failure. 如果你竭尽全力,不要担心失败!

