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用背英语小作文的什么技巧 来提高写作质量升分数

2023-05-21 06:33:27 | 人围观 | 评论:








I regard it right of doing a nucleic-acid test which is showing whether

it can prove negative for Omicron virus passed on to people out of whom risk is to get and stopped accurately from infecting here and there.

When needing to be tested, they had to put masks on to show they would make doctors and volunteers respected and themselves done throughout virus-preventing battle. This brings people to prevent infection from spreading everywhere and to have physical health.

It takes courage for the doctors and volunteers to do so potentially at risk or in danger, without fear actually, at the test-doing time.

As this time sees, naturally, people had to wear masks and are asked to keep reasonably-safe distance for two meters between them, standing in line to await a test to be done for COVID-19.

So did they protect people from the virus to be in good health. This the people held responsible for controlling the disease in return for doctors and volunteers

who work hard at winning battle against virus day and night, by their obligation arising from their responsibilities.

Their and our dream is expected to come true, depending on going through all the sweat, for their developing well healthily.

So perfectly efficiently does people’s health-enjoying mission remain the greatly original aspiration, setting in mind sincerely.

I look straight in their brilliant or bright eyes without seeing their lovely gentle faces. As is known to me, combining with this, doctors and volunteers are watched to remain busy with doing the test, in good order, for Omicron virus so adequately that they could not be seen to smile sweetly.

This enables me to find it right of them to be regarded as being guardians in charge of people’s health.

That helps me feel proud of the medical action that can be taken by the at-all-level government’s making the

in-effective-organization system stronger at present than in the past, especially in fighting against COVID-19 virus to arrange for people properly to be at work and in life, to need returning normal step by step as soon as possible, happily and conveniently.


Dear editor,

I LI Hua as one of readers write you a letter sending you a article on such a“how to understand Chinese-tradition culture”topic as you asked for comments reader would make. So greatly does it turn people favorable for protecting a variety of Chinese culture traditionally, I feel, that as one of readers I will become one of its inheritors generation by generation.

This brings me to tell more Chinese people or foreign friends possibly about working hard at developing wide culture, according to the well-established tradition in China.

Following the Chinese tradition, the friendly relation has been set up between people and nature harmoniously, and between them on communication equally, having been got so developed at present that it will be done in future at home and abroad.

Above-mentioned viewpoint I would make known to you as well as all-China people or some foreigners. By that I am benefiting a lot, in the belief that they shall work hard at doing everything they could, in making China great again throughout a little more than 5000-year history and helping China grow stronger days to come in future.

Most people will often have revelation acquired from above culture, which would be love of Chinese lives. They, whose great spirit together with its mission is set in mind, remain true with the original aspiration.

That inspires them to join a highly-cultured activity in protecting traditional culture of China to develop culturally or mentally or intellectually.

Yours, Li Hua


Dear editor,

I'm writing to you to talk about my opinions about traditional Chinese culture. I think it's necessary for us to protect and inherit it. Here are some reasons.

Firstly, as one of the ancient civilizations in the world, the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation of the development of our country, and it can provide spiritual motivation for Chinese economy.

Secondly, it includes many inspiring and shocking events, through which we can learn some useful things to make our country develop more quickly.

Last but not least, it is an important part of Chinese history, and inheriting it may make us stronger and benefit our growth. I hope Chinese government and citizens join in the campaign of protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. We should make contributions and efforts to carry it forward.

Yours, Li Hua







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