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2023-05-26 16:18:17 | 人围观 | 评论:

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【第1天】Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health 高级语音技巧:1、Eat(t)可以略2、meat(t)可以略3、better (t~d)浊化4、health(th)咬舌 5、fish(sh)短促 6、your(r)不要忘记 【第2天】Please?have a seat, please?make yourself at home! At home 这里有两个高级语音技巧(浊化+击穿) 【第3天】Seeing?is believing. I don’t believe?what I hear. I only believe?what I see. 【第4天】I’m proud to be Chinese, I’m proud to be an international Chinese. 【第5天】Feel free?to call me?if you need?my help. You have my phone number. 【第6天】Sweet dreams,

see?you tomorrow 【第7天】I believe?you can speak?good English. I believe?you have the talent. 【第八天】I’m afraid I disagree?with you, I have a different opinion. 这句话有的高级语音技巧:1.I’m afraid (这里可以连读)2、Ihave a (这里可以连读)3、with需要咬舌哈 【第9天】I totally agree?with you. I enjoyed meeting?you very much. We can do great things together 注意:with (咬舌) great (t)可以略读 things (咬舌)together(咬舌) 注意:with (咬舌) great (t)可以略读???一拍 Enjoyed (d)可以略读空一拍 meeting (t浊化d)things (咬舌)together(咬舌) much(短促有力收小腹)姐妹们这个much可以多练练哈,可以瘦身[阴险][阴险] 【第十天】If you want to speak?good English, you need to repeat, repeat?and repeat. This is the only secret. 高级语音技巧:1、want(t)略 2、speak(k)略 3、good English(d略+连)4、need(d)略 5、repeat(t)略 6、and(d)略 7、this(th)咬舌 8、the(th)咬舌 9、to轻读 Instead of making dozen excuses why you can not realize your dreams, take action immediately, just hold to your

dream and never give up. 与其找借口解释梦想为什么不能实现,不如马上行动,坚持你的梦想,永不放弃。
