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2023-06-06 16:15:18 | 人围观 | 评论:

原标题:nauer | 来看看南农最帅的英语外教!

jason downs, 中文名唐杰胜,来自美国德克萨斯州,是美国西北大学( northwestern university )本科生、伦敦大学学院( university college london )硕士生。2015年头步在南农外国语学院担任外教,当前教授的课有英语系本科一大学的“英语口语ⅰ”、“英语语音”、“英语口语ⅱ”,二大学的“西方文明概论”。


提起jason, 英语系的学生都会怅然一笑。记住开始大一初度上他的课,当他走进教室时,修改一眼就被这个典型的美国帅哥冷傲到了(花痴脸)。咳咳,言归正传。jason为人诙谐诙谐,在他的课上,我们常常被逗得哈哈大笑。

不只如此,jason也是个很热心的教师哦,不管是在课堂上仍是课下,关于学生都是有求必应。所以英语系的小火伴们平常有啥疑问或许要做presentations, 假定需需求助外教,我们都喜爱找他。





jason, when did you come to


i came to china in may 2013.

however, my first time in china was in the summer of 2010

when i did a summer chinese languager program in beijing.

do you enjoy chinese dishes?

yes, i enjoy many kinds of

chinese food very much.

how do you like nanjing?

nanjing is a very interesting city. i like many things about nanjing, especially the various historcial sites.

why did you choose to teach in


well, because they offered me a

job.i had been teaching at

a private school called ef for two

years before i took this current


what do you think of njau?

i think njau has a lot of

talented students. i don't have

enough experience at other chinese universities to make a comparison to njau, but i like my job here.

have you ever experienced

something interesting in njau?

haha, well every day is

interesting. i think perhaps the most interesting thing i've experienced has been working with the debate students in the university. they are very talented and interesting students.

what's your teaching style in class?

haha, well it depends on the class i guess. in a class like oral english i try to have the students practice their speaking as much as possible. in a class like western civilization that they will find both interesting and useful, that they can

use to be a better and more knowledgeable person.

finally, could you give some

suggestions for our english study?

read as much as possible! read everything you can. i think this is really one of the secrets that the best language students do. find something interesting and read all you can about it in

english! this will actually improve your other skills of listening, writing and speaking as well. i think everyone should develop the habit of reading for pleasure in a foreign language.

okay, thank you!

you're welcome!



文字:全媒体中心新媒体部 尹梦洁

图像:全媒体中心新媒体部 尹梦洁

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