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2023-06-07 06:13:55 | 人围观 | 评论:

chinese company ehang holdings, a leading autonomous aerial vehicle (aav) technology platform company, and abu dhabi-based manufacturer monarch holding, have joined efforts to establish the first facility in the middle east and north africa to manufacture and operate sustainable electric-powered

aircraft and drones for passengers and cargo transportation in abu dhabi.
抢先的自立飞翔器 (aav) 技能平台公司我国公司亿航控股和总部位于阿布扎比的制造商 monarch holding 联手在中东和北非树立了第一家制造和运营可持续电动飞机的工厂阿布扎比的客运和货运无人机。

the united states strongly encourages the world health organization to invite taiwan to participate as an observer at its annual meeting in geneva from may 21-30, secretary of state antony blinken said on tuesday.
美国国务卿安东尼布林肯周二标明,美国激烈鼓舞世界清洁组织聘请台湾以调查员身份参加 5 月 21 日至 30 日在日内瓦举办的年度会议。

asia’s brutally hot weather is expected to hit china this summer, threatening a new round of power shortages that last year disrupted global supply chains of everything from

cars to solar panels.

alibaba group holding has eliminated its chief technology officer (cto) position as part of a sweeping business restructure that would see the sprawling conglomerate being broken up into nimbler and relatively independent units, according to sources and several chinese media reports.
据消息人士和几家我国媒体报导,作为全部事务重组的一有些,阿里巴巴集团控股已撤消其公司的首席技能官 (cto) 职位,该重组将把这个巨大的公司集团拆分为更活络、相对独立的部分。

ukraines military said on wednesday its forces had seriously damaged though not destroyed russias main target.
乌克兰军方周三标明,尽管没有摧毁位于巴赫穆特邻近的俄罗斯第 72 独立机动步枪旅,但其部队已严峻受损,东部城市仍然是莫斯科的首要方针。

gaza militants launched dozens of rockets into israel on wednesday afternoon, the first sign of promised retaliation for israeli airstrikes that have killed more than a dozen people over the last two days.

twitter inc chief executive elon musk on tuesday revealed details about new features including adding calls and encrypted messaging coming to the platform.
twitter inc 首席实施官埃隆马斯克周二泄露了有关新功用的具体信息,包括向平台添加呼叫和加密消息。

samsung has been speeding up the cadence of its android version updates, and this week the first firm evidence of the company’s android 14 update showed up, quite a bit ahead of schedule. android 14 is, of course, not nearly finalized. 谷歌 has issued one beta of the new system version, with another due basically any time now. the update doesn’t seem to be major by any means, but it brings some neat new features as we’ve previously covered.
