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2023-06-17 11:27:17 | 人围观 | 评论:

参阅例句:a storage compartment一个库房a missile silo导弹库房rack fork stocker高架叉车库房ex seller's godown卖方库房交货价格missile technology;a missile silo.导弹技能;导弹库房is this your subsistence depot?这是你们的粮食库房吗?ex quay(warehouse;godown)price意图地码头(库房)交货价he has transferred from the warehouse, to the accounts office.他已从库房调到会计室作业。a prepared position,such as a mounting or silo,for

a military weapon.武器架,武器库一个放武器的方位,例如底架或库房there is a potential time bomb ticking away on the shelves of the stellar evolutionists在星球演化论者的理论库房中埋藏着一枚正在滴答作响的守时炸弹。depot是啥意思:n. 库房,泊车场,车库,车站,贮藏所
a. (一剂药或药物)药性耐久的
v.[t] 把…存放在贮藏处(或库房里)a match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot要使木材堆积处或石油储存库燃烧,一根火柴就够了。it seems that not all fat is simply a depot for the accumulation of surplus energy并非一切脂肪都是剩下能量的积储。it seems that not all fat is simply a depot for the accumulation of surplus energy.并非一切脂肪都是剩下能量的积储。storehouse是啥意思:n. 库房,贮藏所,瑰宝there was no ammunition laid up in the storehouses.库房里没有储存军械。after the explosion of the storehouse the storekeeper was dazed."库房爆破后,库房保管员感到昏昏然。"he was the torch who had lit the storehouse.他就是点着库房的那个放火犯。warehouse是啥意思:n. 库房;大型零售店a warehouse club批发店 to place or store in a warehouse, especially in a

bonded or government warehouse.存库把…放入或存入库房,特别是有担保的或政府的库房 scalable to a full data warehouse·可晋级到无缺的数据库房 到沪江小d查看库房的英文翻译>>



