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2023-08-28 06:16:41 | 人围观 | 评论:


1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。

2. How are you? 你好吗?

3. I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。

4. What is your name? 你叫什么名字?

5. My name is… 我的名字是…

6. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

7. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

8. I'm from… 我来自…

9. What do you do? 你做什么工作?

10. I'm a… 我是一个…

11. Could you help me? 你能帮我吗?

12. Where is the nearest restroom? 最近的洗手间在哪里?

13. Excuse me, where is the entrance? 对不起,入口在哪里?

14. How much is it? 多少钱?

15. Can I have a discount? 能打个折吗?

16. I'd like to book a room. 我想预订一个房间。

17. What time is check-in/check-out? 入住/退房时间是什么时候?

18. Do you have any available rooms? 有没有空房间?

19. Is breakfast included? 早餐包括在内吗?

20. I'd like to order some food. 我想点一些食物。

21. Could you recommend a local dish? 你可以推荐当地的一道菜吗?

22. This is delicious! 这个很好吃!

23. Can I have the bill/check? 我可以结账吗?

24. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? 对不起,我在哪里可以拦到出租车?

25. How much does it cost to go to…? 去…需要多少钱?

26. How long does it take to get to…? 去…需要多长时间?

27. Is there a bus/metro station nearby? 附近有公交车/地铁站吗?

28. Where is the nearest ATM? 最近的ATM在哪里?

29. I'd like to buy a souvenir. 我想买一个纪念品。

30. Can you recommend a good place to shop? 你可以推荐一个好的购物地点吗?

31. Can you recommend a good restaurant? 你可以推荐一个好的餐厅吗?

32. Can you take a photo for me? 你可以为我拍张照片吗?

33. I'd like to rent a car/bike. 我想租一辆车/自行车。

34. What is the speed limit? 限速是多少?

35. Where can I park my car/bike? 我可以在哪里停放我的车/自行车?

36. I'm lost. Can you help me find my way? 我迷路了,你能帮我找到路吗?

37. How do I get to the airport/train station? 我怎么去机场/火车站?

38. Is there a direct flight/train to…? 有没有直达的航班/火车到…?

39. I need a doctor. 我需要看个医生。

40. Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的医院在哪里?

41. I have a headache/stomachache. 我头疼/肚子疼。

42. Can I have some medicine? 我可以要一些药吗?

43. Where can I find a pharmacy? 我在哪里可以找到药店?

44. Can you speak slower, please? 你能说慢一点吗?

45. Can you repeat that, please? 你能重复一遍吗?

46. I don't understand. 我不明白。

47. Could you write it down, please? 你能写下来吗?

48. What is the best time to visit…? 什么时候是去…的最佳时间?

49. I'd like to visit some tourist attractions. 我想参观一些旅游景点。

50. Is there a tour guide available? 有没有导游?

51. What should I wear for this activity? 我应该穿什么去参加这个活动?

52. Do I need to bring anything? 我需要带什么?

53. Is it safe to do this activity? 这个活动安全吗?

54. Can I cancel my reservation? 我可以取消我的预订吗?

55. What is the cancellation policy? 取消政策是什么?

56. What is the weather like

today/tomorrow? 今天/明天天气怎么样?

57. Can you give me a map? 你能给我一张地图吗?

58. Can you show me where I am on the map? 你能在地图上给我指出我现在所在的位置吗?

59. What is the best way to travel around the city? 最好的方式是怎样走遍这个城市?

60. How much time do I need to visit…? 参观…需要多少时间?

61. Do you have any recommendations for things to do/eat here? 你有什么在这里推荐的事情/美食吗?

62. What are the opening hours for…? …的开放时间是什么?

63. What is the dress code for this event/place? 这个活动/地方的着装要求是什么?

64. Can you give me some travel tips? 你能给我一些旅行建议吗?

65. What is the best way to get around on a budget? 在预算内最好的方式是怎样走遍这个城市?

66. Can you recommend a good place to stay? 你可以推荐一个好的住宿地点吗?

67. What is the local currency? 当地的货币是什么?

68. Can I exchange money here? 我可以在这里兑换货币吗?

69. How much does it cost to use public transportation? 使用公共交通需要多少钱?

70. Is it safe to walk around at night? 晚上走路安


71. What is the emergency number? 紧急电话是什么?

72. Can you recommend a good place to take photos? 你可以推荐一个好的拍照地点吗?

73. What is the local language? 当地语言是什么?

74. Can you teach me some basic phrases in the local language? 你能教我一些当地语言的基本短语吗?

75. Is there free Wi-Fi here? 这里有免费的Wi-Fi吗?

76. Can I use my credit card here? 我可以在这里使用我的信用卡吗?

77. What is the time difference between here and my home country? 这里和我的祖国之间的时差是多少?

78. Can you recommend a good place to watch the sunset? 你可以推荐一个好的欣赏日落的地点吗?

79. What is the best way to travel between cities in this country? 在这个国家的城市间旅行最好的方式是什么?

80. Can you recommend a good local beer/wine? 你可以推荐一个好的当地啤酒/葡萄酒吗?

81. Is there a dress code for this restaurant/event? 这个餐厅/活动有着装要求吗?

82. How do I get to the nearest tourist information center? 我怎样可以到达最近的旅游信息中心?

83. Can you recommend a good place

to relax? 你


84. What is the history behind this monument/building? 这个纪念碑/建筑的历史是什么?

85. How do I get a local SIM card? 我怎样可以买到当地的SIM卡?

86. Is it easy to hail a taxi here? 在这里拦出租车容易吗?

87. Can you recommend a good local market? 你可以推荐一个好的当地市场吗?

88. What is the best way to get to the airport/train station from here? 从这里去机场/火车站最好的方式是什么?

89. Can you recommend a good place to watch the sunrise? 你可以推荐一个好的欣赏日出的地点吗?

90. What is the most popular local dish/snack? 最受欢迎的当地美食/小吃是什么?

91. Is it safe to drink the tap water here? 在这里喝自来水安全吗?

92. Can you recommend a good place to go for a hike? 你可以推荐一个好的徒步旅行地点吗?

93. What is the best way to get to the nearest beach? 去最近的海滩最好的方式是什么?

94. Can you recommend a good place to see wildlife? 你可以推荐一个好的欣赏野生动物的地点吗?

95. What is the best way to get a view of the city? 在这里观看城市的最佳方式是什么?

96. Is there any local festival going on right now? 现在有什么当地节日正在进行吗?

97. Can you recommend a good place to go shopping for souvenirs? 你可以推荐一个好的纪念品购物地点吗?

98. Can you recommend a good place to experience the local culture? 你可以推荐一个好的体验当地文化的地点吗?

99. What is the best way to explore the city? 探索这个城市最好的方式是什么?

100. Can you recommend a good place to go for a romantic dinner? 你可以推荐一个好的浪漫晚餐地点吗?
