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2023-08-28 21:23:34 | 人围观 | 评论:



1. Hello! 你好!
2. Hi! 嗨!
3. Good morning/afternoon/evening! 早上/下午/晚上好!
4. How are you? 你好吗?
5. I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
6. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
7. My name is… 我的名字是……
8. Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!
9. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?
10. Yes, a little. 是的,一点点。
11. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?
12. I’m from…

13. What language do you speak? 你说什么语言?
14. I speak Chinese. 我说中文。
15. Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?
16. Yes, please. 是的,请。
17. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
18. You’re welcome. 不用谢。
19. Excuse me. 打扰一下。
20. Sorry. 抱歉。
21. Where is the restroom? 厕所在哪里?
22. Can you show me on the map? 你能在地图上指示给我吗?
23. How much is this? 这个多少钱?
24. Can you give me a discount? 你能给我打折吗?
25. May I have a receipt? 能给我开一张收据吗?
26. Where can

I buy souvenirs? 哪里可以买纪念品?
27. Is there a pharmacy nearby? 附近有药店吗?
28. Can you recommend a good restaurant? 你能推荐一个好的餐厅吗?
29. What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?
30. I’m a vegetarian. 我是素食主义者。
31. What’s in this dish? 这道菜里面有什么?
32. Can I have the bill, please? 能给我结账单吗?
33. It was delicious. 非常好吃。
34. Where can I catch a taxi? 我在哪里可以打出租车?
35. How long does it take to get to the airport? 到机场需要多长时间?
36. What time is the last bus/train? 最后一班公共汽车/火车是几点?
37. Can you call a taxi for me? 你能替我叫出租车吗?
38. How much does it cost to get to the airport? 到机场需要多少钱?
39. Is there a shuttle bus to the hotel? 有往返酒店的班车吗?
40. Can you take me to the airport? 你能送我去机场吗?
41. What activities do you recommend? 你推荐什么活动?
42. How much does it cost for the tour? 旅游需要多少费用?
43. What time does the tour start? 旅游什么时候开始?
44. How long does the tour last? 旅游多长时间?
45. Can I cancel the tour? 我能取消旅游吗?
46. Where is the nearest ATM? 最近的ATM在哪里?
47. Can I exchange money here? 我可以在这里换钱吗?
48. What’s the exchange rate? 汇率是多少?
49. How much money can I take out at a time? 每次可以取多少钱?
50. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
51. Is it going to rain? 会下雨吗?
52. What’s the temperature today? 今天气温多少度?
53. Do I need to bring an umbrella? 我需要带伞吗?
54. What’s the dress code? 穿着要求怎样?
55. Can I wear shorts to the restaurant? 我可以在餐厅穿短裤吗?
56. Is there a dress code for the tour? 参加旅游需要穿什么样的衣服?
57. Can I smoke here? 可以在这里吸烟吗?
58. Do I need a visa to enter the country? 进入这个国家需要签证吗?
59. What documents do I need to bring? 我需要携带哪些文件?
60. Can I use my phone here? 我可以在这里使用手机吗?
61. How much does it cost for international roaming? 国际漫游需要多少费用?
62. Is there free Wi-Fi here? 这里有免费的Wi-Fi吗?
63. Can you recommend a good hotel? 你能推荐一个好的酒店吗?
64. What’s the check-in time? 入住时间是什么时候?
65. Can I use my credit card to pay for the room? 我可以用信用卡支付房费吗?
66. Is breakfast included? 早餐包含在内吗?
67. Can I have a late check-out? 我能够延迟退房吗?
68. Is there a swimming pool? 有游泳池吗?
69. Is there a gym? 有健身房吗?
70. Can you recommend a good spa? 你能推荐一个好的spa吗?
71. What’s the best time of year to visit? 什么时候最适合来游玩?
72. What’s the busiest time of year? 什么时候人最多?
73. Is it safe to travel here? 在这里旅行安全吗?
74. Are there any special

customs I should be aware of? 有什么特殊的习俗我应该知道的吗?
75. Can you recommend a good tour guide? 你能推荐一个好的导游吗?
76. Is tipping customary? 给小费是传统习惯吗?
77. How much should I tip? 小费给多少钱?
78. Is it okay to bargain? 讨价还价可以吗?
79. How much should I pay? 我应该支付多少钱?
80. Can you take a picture for us? 你能为我们拍张照片吗?
81. Can you recommend a good photo spot? 你能推荐一个好的拍摄地点吗?
82. Can I take a picture here? 我可以在这里拍照吗?
83. Can you hold onto my camera while I take a picture? 我拍照时你能帮我拿相机吗?
84. Can you help me with my luggage? 你能帮我拿行李吗?
85. Is there an elevator? 这里有电梯吗?
86. Can I have extra towels? 我能要求多几条毛巾吗?
87. Can I have a wake-up call? 我能要求订一次叫醒服务吗?
88. Is there a 24-hour front desk? 有24小时前台服务吗?
89. Can you help me with the air-conditioning? 你能帮我调节空调吗?
90. Can you fix the TV? 你能修理电视吗?
91. Can I have a different room? 我能换一个房间吗?
92. Can I have a non-smoking

room? 我能要求一个无烟房间吗?
93. Can I have a room with a view? 我能要求一个风景好的房间吗?
94. Is it okay if I check-in early? 我提前入住可以吗?
95. Is it okay if I check-out late? 我推迟退房可以吗?
96. Can I store my luggage here? 我可以在这里存放行李吗?
97. Can I use the hotel’s facilities after I check-out? 我退房后可以使用酒店的设施吗?
98. Do you have a business center? 你们有商务中心吗?
99. Can I use the printer? 我可以使用打印机吗?
100. Can you recommend a good local tour? 你能推荐一个好的本地旅游吗?
