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2023-09-07 21:25:28 | 人围观 | 评论:


1. 哪一天都可以?/ 啥都可以。any day will do? / anything will do.

2. 你没有疑问吧? all right with you? are you ok?

3. 你在跟我开玩笑吧? are you kidding me?

4.马上回来! back in a moment / minute!

5. 信不信由你! believe it or not!

6. 祝你下次好运/ 期望你下次会成功! better luck next time!

7. 有话直说! come to the point!

8. 别盼望我! don't count on me!

9. 不要上当! don't fall for it!

10. 别误解我! don't get me wrong!

11. 少来这套! don't give me that!

12. 别让我绝望! don't let me down!

13. 不要慌/别乐昏了头。don't lose your head!

14. 别做过头了。don't overdo it!

15. 别拘谨/不必谦让。dont stand on ceremony.

16. 先到先得! first come first served.

17. 不要烦我! get off my back!

18. 帮我一个忙。give me a hand/ do me a favour.

19. 英豪所见略同。great minds think alike.

20. 我担负不起! i cant afford that!

21. 我不理解你说的。i cant follow you!.

22. 我不由自立! i can't help it!

23. 我不是成心的! i don't mean it!

24. 我别无选择了! i have no choice!

25. 我带你四处逛逛。i’ll show you around.

26. 没传闻过! never heard of it!

27. 勿庸置疑! no doubt about it!

28. 离我远一点!stay away from me!

29. 她今日很郁闷!she looks blue today.

30. 请必定要告诉我。please keep me informed!

31. 当前中止,悉数都极好。so far, so good.

32. 说曹操,曹操到!speaking of the devil!

33. 不都相同吗? that makes no difference.

34. 说得对! 这才像话.now you are talking! / thats more like that!

35. 自始自终!the same as usual!

36. 你又来了! there you go again!

37. 你有何定见?what would you recommend? / what do you say?

38. 就当在自个家相同。make yourself at home.

39. 你吓了我一跳! you did give me a jump!

40. 很高兴和你谈天! nice talking to you!????