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2023-09-11 21:16:42 | 人围观 | 评论:


母亲look at your hands! they're dirty. 看看你的手,真脏!
go wash your hands. quickly! 去洗手,快!
when you come home, you should wash your hands. 回到家今后,你大约洗手。
scrub your hands with soap. 用番笕搓你的手。
孩子it won't come off. mommy. 洗不掉啊,母亲。
can you roll up my sleeves? 你能帮我卷起袖子吗?
母亲wash off all the soap. 把番笕都洗掉。
there's still foam on your hands. 你的手上还有泡沫。
there are a lot of germs on your hands. 你的手上有许多细菌。
孩子i can't see the germs. 我看不见细菌啊。
母亲you can't see the germs. 你没办法看见细菌。
can you wash yourself alone? 你能自个洗吗?
孩子no. can you help me? 不,你能帮我吗?
母亲don't be careless. wash them thoroughly. 不要这样随意,要完全地洗洁净。
scrub between your fingers. 手指间也要搓一下。
wash your wrist, too. 也洗一下手腕
don't leave the water on. 不要一向放水
wash until your hands are visibly clean. 要洗到你的手显着变洁净
孩子i washed them before you told me to. 我在你说之前就洗完了
i'm done washing! 我洗完了
