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2023-09-14 16:21:50 | 人围观 | 评论:

常见情况处置 若考官问其他的,没有听理解,可以说(记住,必定要浅笑): could you please make the question simpler? 您能把这个疑问说得简略些吗? could you please express in a different way? 您能用另外话来表达您的意思吗? could you please speak louder? sorry i cannot hear clearly. 您说话声响能大一点好吗?我听不理解。 could you please change a question? i dons difficult for me to answer it. 教师,您能换个疑问吗?这个我真实听不理解,也不好答复。1. 毛遂自荐tell me about yourself in english.
2. 介绍学校(1)介绍一下你的学校tell me something about your university.
my undergraduate college is northwestern polytechnical university. located in xi not only laid a solid professional foundation for me and passed on knowledge to me, but also taught me to hold a proper attitude towards the academic. 几年来,西工大给了我许多,不只让我从一个懵懂无知的学生生长为一个有清楚作业方案的学生,更坚决了我奉献社会的决心;不只为我打下了厚实的专业基础,为我教授常识,更教会了我对学术的正确情绪。) (2)你对咱们学校晓得吗?/ 你能简略说说对咱们学校的形象吗?do you know our school? / can you briefly talk about your impression of our school?
your university enjoys a rich faculty, full of professionally competent and high-caliber teachers. there is no doubt that i will learn a lot here. it is always my dream school, now i have a chance to apply for it, i want to seize this chance. 您的大学具有丰厚的师资力气,充溢专业才能和高本质的教师。毫无疑问,我会在这儿学到许多东西。它一向是我愿望的学校,如今我有机缘请求它,我想捉住这个机缘。 3. 关于专业(1)介绍专业tell me something about your major.
my major is software engineering. it is a discipline based on computer science and technology which studies the use of engineering methods to construct and maintain effective, practical and high-quality software. it involves programming language, data structure, operating system and so on. generally speaking, software engineering is a major related to software development. 我的专业是软件工程。它是一门以核算机科学和技能为基础,研讨运用工程办法来构建和维护有用、有用和高质量的软件等的学科。它触及编程言语、数据规划、操作体系等。一般来说,软件工程是与软件开发有关的专业。 (注:software是一个比照特别的单词,有些类似于water,paper等,归于不可以数名词。它的复数方法照常是software,即:复数不必做任何改变,也无需在词尾添加s。在运用时,需留心a software这样的说法是不正确的。假定要表达“一款软件”,你可以说a piece of software,或许用program来替代software,因为program是个可数名词。) (2)为啥报考这个专业? why apply for this major? there are two reasons. on the one hand, i love this major very much. its interesting and useful. we can do many things on the computer if we learn it well. on the other hand, the computer direction has a broad development prospect in today’s society and studying this major can make me a better job in the future. 有两个缘由。一方面,我非常喜爱这个专业。这很风趣也很有用。假定咱们学得好,咱们可以在核算机上做许多作业。另一方面,核算机方向在当今社会有着广大的打开前景,学习这个专业可以让我今后的作业非常好。 4. 为啥读研?why do you want to become a postgraduate?
because of my personality. i enjoy the life on campus. learning from teachers and students can teach me a lot of stuff that i think the society wont teach me. i’m not fond of the competitive atmosphere in the job market. on the contrary, i prefer focusing on research and studying painstakingly. 因为我的性格。我很享受学校日子。向教师和学生学习可以教会我许多我认为社会不会教会我的东西。我不喜爱作业商场的竞赛空气。相反,我更喜爱专心于研讨和吃苦学习。 5. 为啥你选择咱们的学校,持续学习?/为啥报考咱们学校?why do you choose to study at our school? / why do you choose our university?
your univers

ity enjoys a rich faculty, full of professionally competent and high-caliber teachers. there is no doubt that i will learn a lot here. it is always my dream school, now i have a chance to apply for it, i want to seize this chance. 您的大学具有丰厚的师资力气,充溢专业才能和高本质的教师。毫无疑问,我会在这儿学到许多东西。它一向是我愿望的学校,如今我有机缘请求它,我想捉住这个机缘。 6. 假定你被咱们学校选择了,你期望在这儿收成啥?what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?
if i am lucky enough to be a postgraduate student in your school, i hope to read more frontier academic literature and accumulate more practical experience, so i can become an excellent student in the computer field. in addition, i hope to get some opportunities of intercultural communication and to broaden my horizons. 假定我有幸变成贵校的研讨生,我期望能阅览更多的前沿学术文献,堆集更多的实习经历,变成核算机领域的优良学生。此外,我期望获得一些跨文明交流的机缘,开阔我的视界。 7. 关于接下来研讨生学习的方案?what is your (research) plan in the postgraduate study?
i want to improve myself in three aspects. first of all, in terms of professional skills, i want to conduct more research under the guidance of my tutor and improve my ability of doing research. secondly, i want to improve my english skills by reading more english papers and writing english essays. thirdly, i also want to become more self-reliant, strengthen the critical thinking ability, learn to discover and solve challenges independently. 我想在三个方面前进自个。 首要,在专业技能方面,我想在导师的辅导下进行更多的研讨,前进自个的研讨才能。 其次,我想经过阅览更多的英语论文和写英语论文来前进我的英语技能。 第三,我也想变得愈加自给自足,加强批判性思维才能,学会独立发现和处置应战。 8. 读研后作业方案do you have a career plan in 5 years?
after graduation, i want to develop in first-tier cities, engage in a related job in the computer field in an internet company, and apply the theoretical knowledge i have learned to practice. if there is a chance, i want to take an on-the-job ph.d. 结业后,我期望可以去一线城市打开,在互联网公司从事一份核算机领域的有关作业,将所学的理论常识使用于实习之中。假定有机缘的话,我期望可以考个在职博士。 9. 请介绍一下你的科研阅历(scientific research)introduce your research experience. / could you say something about your experience of scientific research?
i have participated in the national undergraduate training programs for innovation and entrepreneurship. the theme of the project is tourist flow forecast based on feature fusion and residual error analysis. in this project, i am mainly responsible for pca dimensionality reduction of baidu index, construction of svr prediction model, and visualization of prediction results. in addition, i actively participated in various mathematical modeling competitions, many of which ended up with a good prize. 我曾参加国家大学生立异创业练习项目。项意图主题是“根据特征交融和残差分析的旅行客流猜测”。 在这个项目中,我首要担任baidu指数的pca降维,svr猜测模型的构建,猜测成果的可视化。此外,我还活泼参加了各种数学建模竞赛,其间许多都获得了不错的奖项。 10. 在大学,你迄今中止最有作用感的一件事 / 大学里最难忘的一件事 / 大学里最成功的一件事what has been your greatest success/accomplishment in campus life? / what is the most memorable/successful thing you have in college?
in my freshman year, my grades in mathematics were unsatisfactory. i know its importance well, so in the sophomore year, i worked hard and got full marks in the final exam of the complex function and integral transformation. this is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation for me, and it also supports me to continue to study hard. 在大一时,我的数学成果不是很抱负。我深知它的重要性,在大二学年,我不断尽力,在复变函数与积分改换课程的期末考试中拿到了满分,这无疑是对我最大的必定,也支撑着我持续尽力学习。 11. 你在科研/竞赛阅历大学到了啥?what have you learned from your research experience/competition experience?
from the research experience, i found myself making improvements in many ways. firstly, by reading lots of frontier academic literature, i got deeper understanding of machine learning. secondly, i learned more skills in the framework design and data analysis. in addition, my ability of communication was also improved in this research. 从研讨经历来看,我发现自个在许多方面都在改进。首要,经过阅览许多前沿学术文献,对机器学习有了更深化的晓得。其次,我在规划方案和数据分析方面学到了更多的技能。此外,我的交流才能也在这次研讨中得到了前进。 12. 请介绍一本你迩来看过/最喜爱的专业书本what professional books have you read before? whats the main idea of this text?
i recently read by professor yan weimin. the first half of this book discusses various basic types of data structures and their applications, and the second half mainly discusses various implementation methods of searching and sorting and their comprehensive analysis and comparison. through reading this book, my understanding of c programming language’s data structure has been further deepened. 我迩来读了严蔚敏教授的《数据规划》。这本书的前半有些从笼统数据类型的视点谈论了各种根柢类型的数据规划及其使用,后半有些首要谈论了查找和排序的各种完成办法及其归纳分析比照。经过阅览这本书,我对c言语数据规划的了解进一步加深。 13. 曩昔的5年里,在你的专业领域里你认为最重要的改变是啥?what do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years? (可以从研讨范式、研讨视角、研讨办法、研讨内容、研讨领域等方面答复)
in my humble view, the dramatic change in my major lies in the research content. in recent years, the scholars pay more attention to the study of artificial intelligence. its rapid development has brought great convenience to all aspects of our lives. 以我的拙见,我专业的无量改变在于研讨内容。这些年,专家们更多地重视人工智能的研讨。人工智能的打开日新月异,给咱们日子的方方面面带来了极大的便当。 14. 介绍家乡where are you from? / tell something about your hometown. / would you like to tell some stories about your hometown?
my hometown is liaocheng, located in the westernmost part of shandong province. the whole city is a plain, mainly agriculture. liaocheng has a long history of more than 5,000 years. it has four distinct seasons and pleasant scenery and it’s a national livable city. liaochengs specialties include dong-e e-jiao, gaotang d, jingyanggang wine and so on. 我的家乡聊城位于山东省最西部,全市皆为平原,以农业为主。聊城至今已有5000多年的前史。聊城四季清楚,风光诱人,是国家宜居城市。聊城的特产有东阿阿胶、高唐驴肉、景阳冈酒等。 15. 在你家乡气候怎么样?how would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities?
my hometown is liaocheng, located in the westernmost part of shandong province. its climatic characteristics are mainly manifested as dry and windy in spring, hot and rainy in summer, clear and fresh in autumn, and cold and dry in winter. therefore, the climatic conditions in liaocheng are very suitable for planting a variety of crops. 我的家乡聊城位于山东省最西部。其气候特征首要体现为春季干旱多风,夏日高温多雨,秋季天高气爽,冬天严寒单调。因而聊城的气候条件非常合适栽培多种农作物。 16. 你家乡的人怎么样?what are the people like in your hometown?
it’s well known that people in shandong province are very hospitable. the people in liaocheng are very righteous, loyal and honest, open-minded, upright and strong in character, practical, and love their hometown. they are all proud of this city and welcome you to travel here. 众所周知山东人非常的热心好客。聊城的公民非常仗义,忠厚朴素,胸襟坦荡,耿直刚烈,干事结壮,酷爱自个的故乡。他们都为这个城市感到骄傲,等待你来这儿旅行。 17. 最喜爱的城市是?为啥?which city do you like best and why?
my favorite city is shanghai which is an international city. it’s beautiful and unique. people living in shanghai come from all over the world, everyone can live together peacefully and find their own sense of belonging in this city. in addition, shanghai has a developed economy and convenient transportation. there are more opportunities for development here. 我最喜爱的城市是上海,它是一座世界化的城市,它秀丽而特别。日子在上海的人来自世界各地,我们都能平缓同处,在这座城市中找到归于自个的归属感。另外,上海经济兴隆,交通便当,在这儿打开可以有更多的机缘。 18. 介绍家庭(1)介绍家庭tell something about your family.
there are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and me. my parents are both farmers. my sister is already married. although im the youngest child in my family, my parents never spoil me. on the contrary, they ask me to work steadily and be an honest person, which is not only their request for me, but also their own golden rule. 我家有四口人:父亲、母亲、姐姐和我。我的父母是农人,我姐姐已婚。尽管我是家里最小的孩子,但父母从不宠我。相反,他们需求我踏结壮实干事,做一个诚笃的人,这不只是他们对我的需求,也是他们自个的金科玉律。 (2)描绘一下你的父亲/母亲describe your father/ mother.
my father is a hardworking and simple farmer. he is not good at talking and always pays for me silently. he is well aware of the importance of study and has always taught me to study hard and use knowledge to change my destiny. 我的父亲是一位勤劳朴素的农人。他不善言谈,老是静静的为我付出。他深知学习的重要性,一向教训我要好好学习,用常识改动命运。 my mother is a kind and hardworking woman who likes growing flowers and online shopping. she has always respected my ideas and never forced me to do things i dont like. her cooking skill is very good, and i often miss her meals when i was in school. 我的母亲是一个仁慈且勤勉的女人,喜爱莳花和网上购物。她一向非常尊敬我的主意,从不强逼我去做不喜爱的作业。她的厨艺非常棒,我在学校时常常牵挂她做的饭菜。 19. 自个快乐喜爱喜爱 / 业余活动 / 你空闲时刻喜爱做些啥?could you tell me about a hobby or an interest that you have? / what do you like to do in your spare time? / how do you arrange your spare time?
(as the old saying goes,.) in my spare time, i like playing table tennis and growing green plants to relax. during my three years in university, i planted a lot of succulents on the balcony of the dormitory. whenever seeing them, i always feel very fulfilled. (俗?担爸蛔饕挡煌嫠#芸司褪歉鑫奕さ哪泻ⅰ薄#┛障兄啵蚁舶蚱古仪蚝驮耘嗦躺参锢捶潘伞T谠诖笱У娜昀铮以谒奚岬难籼ㄉ现至诵矶喽嗳庵参铩C看慰吹剿牵叶季醯煤艹浞帧?20. 性格特征what kind of character do you think you have?
first of all, i am a determined and diligent person. i always take effort to pursue my dreams and never give up easily. secondly, i always stay calm, which helps me make right decisions in my personal and professional life. whats more, i am a warm-hearted person. when someone needs help, i will always give a hand. 首要,我是一个坚决而勤勉的人。我老是尽力寻求我的愿望,从不简略扔掉。其次,我老是坚持镇定,这有助于我在自个和作业日子中做出正确的抉择。更重要的是,我是个热心肠的人。当有人需要协助时,我总会伸出援手。 有关词汇
outgoing = extroverted 外向的 introverted 内向的
considerate = thoughtful 关心的,周全的 devoted = dedicated 奉献的
hospitable 热心好客的 open-minded 思维翻开的
humorous 有诙谐感的 a sense of humor 诙谐感
responsible 担任任的 confident 自傲的
courageous = brave 英勇的 dependable = reliable 可靠
approachable = easygoing 和蔼可亲的 humble = modest 谦善的
patient 有耐性的 passionate 热心的
hardworking = diligent 勤勉的
21. 你的优缺陷your strengths and weaknesses.
my strongest strength is the conscientiousness and commitment in work and learning which promotes me to develop unceasingly and devote myself to my study and do a good job. my greatest weakness is that i often work on one task to its completion before starting on another. perfectionism prevents me from working on many tasks at the same time. this weakness makes me sad sometimes, and i am trying my best to overcome it. 我最大的优势是在作业和学习中的脚结壮地,这促进我不断打开,全身心肠投入学习,做好作业。 我最大的缺陷是我常常把一件作业做完,然后再初步另一件作业。完满主义使我无法一起处置多项使命。这种缺陷有时让我感到哀痛,我正在尽力战胜它。 22. 你投递了多少学校?假定咱们选择你,你会来吗?how many programs did you apply for? if we give offer to you, will you accept?
i also applied for nankai university and huazhong university of science and technology. however, if i am lucky enough to be a young student here, i will definitely come. because the academic environment here is rather attractive. your university enjoys a rich faculty, full of professionally competent and high-caliber teachers. there is no doubt that i will learn a lot here. 我也请求了南开大学和华中科技大学。不过,假定我有幸变成这儿的年青学生,我必定会来的。因为这儿的学术环境恰当招引人。您的大学具有丰厚的师资力气,充溢专业才能和高本质的教师。毫无疑问,我会在这儿学到许多东西。 23. 你觉得英语重要么?为啥?do you think english is important for your future plans?
of course. english plays an indispensable role both in my academic study and future career. when looking for some learning material online for my research, the chinese information is usually not enough, therefore the english information works as an essential compensation. furthermore, when i command english, work efficiency will be greatly improved because the time of the between languages is shortened. 当然。英语在我的学术学习和将来的作业生计中都扮演着不可以或缺的人物。当我在网上寻找一些学习材料进行研讨时,中文信息一般是不可的,因而英文信息是必不可以少的抵偿。此外,当我掌控英语时,因为缩短了言语之间的时刻,作业功率将大大前进。 24. 你有啥特长?what’s your specialty? / what are good at?
i have strong writing ability and essay translation ability. i have been responsible for the writing and typesetting of documents in the group of many experimental classes for many times, and i have also helped a graduate student to translate papers. 我有较强的写作才能和论文翻译才能。我早年在多次实验课中担任小组中文档的撰写与排版作业,也曾协助过一位研讨生学长翻译过论文。 25. 介绍你们学校的一栽培物introduce a plant from your school.
there are many ginkgo trees in our school. every fall, their leaves will turn golden yellow, looking from a distance, as if they are shining. many students will take pictures under the ginkgo trees, and some students will pick up the fallen leaves and make them into bookmarks. 咱们学校栽培了许多的银杏树。每到秋天,它们的叶子就会变成金黄色,远远望去,似乎在闪闪发光。许多同学在银杏树下拍摄留念,也有一些同学会捡走掉落的银杏叶把它们做成书签。 26. 你的偶像是谁?who is your idol?
my idol is hawking. he has suffered from als since he was young and can only sit in the wheelchair. although suffering from illness, hawking never thought of giving up his life. he was physically disabled and strong, and while fighting against the illness, he also made a lot of contributions to physics. i admire his perseverance in life. 我的偶像是霍金。他从年青时就患有als,只能坐在轮椅上。尽管饱尝病痛的浪费,但霍金从没有想过扔掉生命。他身残志坚,与病魔敌对的一起也为物理学做了许多奉献。我非常敬仰他对生命的坚定不移。 27. 英语方面(1)你的英文水平怎么样 / 请讲一下你的英语成果。how is your english level / please tell me your english score.
english plays an indispensable role both in my academic study and future career. during the three years in university, i have been studying english and have passed cet-4 and cet-6 with decent scores. 英语在我的学术学习和将来的作业生计中都扮演着不可以或缺的人物。在大学的三年里,我一向在学习英语,并以不错的成果经过了cet-4和cet-6。 (2)平常怎么操练英语?how do you practice english?
first of all, i persist in reciting english words and try to improve my vocabulary. secondly, in my spare time, i like watching some us tv series, such as . 首要,我会坚持背诵英语单词,尽力前进自个的词汇量。其次,在课余时刻我会看一些美剧,比方《破产姐妹》《丧命女人》等。 (3)你最喜爱的一部英文影片是啥?what is your favorite english movie?
my favorite movie is forrest gump. forrest gump is unfortunately to be born with a low iq and muscle problem. although he was not smart, he knew how to keep life hopeful and dynamic. i think that must be his charm of personality. 我最喜爱的影片是阿甘正传。意外的是,阿甘出世时智商低,肌肉疑问。尽管他并不聪明,但他晓得如何让日子充溢期望和活力。我想那必定是他的品质魅力。 28. 你本科的导师是谁?who is your undergraduate tutor?
my undergraduate tutor is associate professor yin ming who is also my head teacher. she is very kind and has brought a great help to my scientific research. i am very grateful to her. 我本科的导师是殷茗副教授,她是一位非常和蔼的教师,对我的科研有很大的协助,我非常感谢她。 29. 你怎么看待996?what do you think of 996 work schedule?(work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week)
i think that efficiency is not reflected by overtime, but by our own work level. if one thing needs to be done for an extended period of time, the cost will increase greatly, and the gain will not be worth the loss. so, i think that how to complete our job faster and better is what we should consider. 我认为功率不是靠加班时刻体现的,而是咱们本身的作业水平。假定一件作业还需要延伸时刻来做,其本钱大大添加,反而因小失大。所以我认为,如何更快、非常好地结束本职作业,才是咱们该好好思考的。 30. 时局抢手类疑问——新冠(1)你怎样看待西方国家应对新冠病毒的行动?what do you think of the response to the new coronavirus of the western?
the western countries did not pay enough attention to the novel coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak. they did little to prevent the spread of the virus. western countries are very passive in dealing with the new coronavirus, which is not only irresponsible to their own people but also irresponsible to the people of the world. our country faces severe risk of imported cases. 西方国家在疫情迸发前期并没有满足的注重。他们几乎没有采纳防控办法。西方国家应对新冠病毒非常低沉,既是对本国民众不担任任,也是对世界公民不担任任。我国面临严肃的输入型病例风险。 (2)你怎样看待这次疫情的影响?what do you think of this epidemics?
pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus is a serious global public health event. our government has strict quarantine measures to keep people isolated at home. those who go out need to wear masks. many doctors and nurses fight the epidemics on the front line. people donate supplies to the hospital. the whole society has made a great contribution to controlling the spread of the new coronavirus. 新冠肺炎是严肃的公共清洁作业。我国采纳了严肃的阻隔办法,出行的人需要佩戴口罩。许多医护人员在一线抗击疫情。我们向医院捐赠物资。全社会都为控制疫情做了很大奉献。 31. 介绍一下你参加的大创项目introduce the innovation training program for college students you participated in.
aiming at the problem of forecasting daily tourist flow in mountainous scenic spots with multiple features, we propose the svr-lstm combined model based on residual analysis approach: first, we train svr with historical passenger flow and dimensionality-reduced baidu index as features. then, we use weather conditions and holidays as features to train the lstm model to predict the residuals generated by the svr model. finally, the passenger flow predicted by svr is combined with the residual error predicted by lstm to obtain the final predicted tourist flow. 关于富含多个特征的山岳型景区日客流量猜测疑问,咱们提出了一种根据残差分析办法的svr-lstm组合模型:首要,咱们将前史客流与降维后的baidu查找指数作为特征练习 svr 模型。然后,咱们将气候情况和节假期作为特征练习 lstm 模型,对 svr 模型发生的残差进行猜测。 32. 介绍项目顶用到的一些办法 \ 简述一下xx的进程 \ 最喜爱的机器学?惴╥ntroduce some approaches used in the project.
(1)主成分分析pca (principal component analysis) pca is the most commonly used approach of linear dimensionality reduction. its goal is to map high-dimensional data to a low-dimensional space through a certain linear projection and expect to maximize the variance of the sample points after projection. in this way, fewer data dimensions are used while retaining the characteristics of more original data points. 主成分分析(pca)是最常用的线性降维办法。它的方针是经过某种线性投影,将高维的数据映射到低维的空间中标明,并期望投影后样本点的方差最大化,以此运用较少的数据维度,一起保存住较多的原数据点的特性。 (2)撑持向量回归svr (support vector regression) the full name of svr is support vector regression, which is an application of svm to regression problems. svr establishes a on both sides of the linear function. for all samples that fall into the interval band, no loss is counted. only samples outside the interval band are included in the loss function. (then optimize the model by minimizing the interval width (ε) and the total loss.) svr全称是support vector regression,是svm对回归疑问的一种运用。svr在线性函数两边树立了一个“间隔带”。关于一切落入到间隔带内的样本,都不计丢掉。只需处于间隔带之外的样本才计入丢掉函数。(之后经过最小化间隔带宽度(ε)和总丢掉来优化模型。) (3)长短期回想神经网络lstm (long short-term memory) lstm is a special kind of rnn, mainly to solve the problem of gradient disappearance and gradient explosion in the training process of long sequences. lstm controls the cell state through gates. there are three different gates to regulate the information flow in the lstm unit: input gate, output gate, and forget gate. there are three main stages inside lstm: forget stage, select memory stage and output stage. lstm是一种特别的rnn,首要是为晓得决长序列练习进程中的梯度不见和梯度爆破疑问。lstm经过门来控制细胞状况。有三个不一样的门来调度lstm单元中的信息流:输入门、输出门和忘掉门。在lstm内部首要有三个期间:忘掉期间、选择回想期间和输出期间。 33. 在这个项目中,你们遇到的困难/应战是啥?怎么处置的?what’s the biggest challenge / problem in this project? how did you solve it?
in this project, it’s difficult to obtain the experimental data set. in order to solve this problem, web crawler technology is used to obtain the data set which includes baidu index, weather conditions, tourist flow, etc. 在这个项目中,很难获得实验数据集。为晓得决这个疑问,咱们运用网络爬虫技能获取包括baidu指数、气候情况、客流等数据集。 we did not find an exact basis when adjusting the model parameters. in order to solve this problem, we use the grid search method. the possible values of each parameter are combined and arranged, and the optimal parameters are determined through exhaustive search. 在调整模型参数时咱们没有找到切当的根据。为晓得决这个疑问,咱们运用了网格查找法。将各个参数可以的取值进行组合摆放,经过穷举查找来断定最优参数。 34. 这个项目研讨的缺乏之处有哪些?/ 实验方案的缝隙 / 有待深化的研讨what are the shortcomings of this project research?
(1) in terms of feature fusion, we perform pca dimensionality reduction on baidu index. however, this does not completely eliminate the redundant information, so it is necessary to explore more effective and more suitable dimensionality reduction methods for baidu index. (2) in terms of model construction, it is difficult for us to determine the characteristics of residuals. it is also necessary to further explore the root causes of passenger flow residuals, extract effective features, and further improve the prediction accuracy of residuals. (3) in terms of model testing, due to the difficulty of data acquisition, the model only predicts the passenger flow of jiuzhaigou, lacking the support of data from other scenic spots, and cannot prove its effectiveness for other scenic spots. (1)在特征交融方面,咱们对baidu指数进行了pca降维。可是,这并不能完全消除冗余信息,因而需要根究更为有用且更适用于baidu指数的降维办法。 (2)在模型构建方面,咱们难以断定残差的特征。还应进一步根究构成客流残差的根柢缘由,获取出有用的特征,然后进一步前进对残差的猜测精度。 (3)在模型查验方面,因为数据获取比照困难,该模型只是对九寨沟的客流进行了猜测,短少其他景区数据的支撑,无法证明它对其他景区的有用性。 35. 研讨生期间你要做啥(master硕士)/ 你感快乐喜爱的研讨方向是啥?what’s the research direction you are interested in? / what research direction do you want to pursue in postgraduate?
my research interests are big data analysis, data mining and data visualization. since i participated in a project on tourist flow forecast in scenic spots during my undergraduate period, i am more interested in the research direction of data processing. i hope that through my unremitting efforts at the graduate level, i can make achievements in one of the above research fields and promote the progress of science and technology. 我感快乐喜爱的研讨方向是大数据分析、数据发掘以及数据可视化。因为本科时期我参加过一项关于景区客流猜测的项目,所以我对数据处置方面的研讨方向比照感快乐喜爱。期望经过研讨生期间的不懈尽力,我可以在以上的某一个研讨领域中有所建树,推进科学与技能的前进。 36. 你对人工智能的观点what do you think of artificial intelligence?
in recent years, the scholars pay more attention to the study of artificial intelligence. its rapid development has brought great convenience to all aspects of our lives. 这些年,专家们更多地重视人工智能的研讨。人工智能的打开日新月异,给咱们日子的方方面面带来了极大的便当。 37. 介绍学科数据规划data structure data structure is a professional basic course which includes linear structure, tree structure, etc. it’s of great importance to program design. when we need to design an algorithm, it will be efficient if we choose a suitable data structure. 数据规划是一门专业基础课,包括线性规划、树规划等。它关于程序方案非常重要。当咱们需要计合算法时,假定咱们选择适合的数据规划,这个算法将是有用的。 核算机操作体系computer operating system computer operating system is a professional basic course. its main functions include processor management, memory management, equipment management and file management. it’s of great importance to program design. if we know the computer operating system, we can make the program more efficient and robust. 核算机操作体系是一门专业基础课。操作体系的首要功用包括处置器打点、内存打点、设备打点和文件打点。核算机操作体系对程序方案具有重要意义。假定咱们晓得核算机操作体系,咱们可以使程序作业愈加高效和健旺。 编译原理compilation principle compilation principle is a professional basic course. it’s the foundation of programming and it’s of great importance to program design. if we know the compilation principle, we can make the program more efficient and robust. 编译原理是一门专业基础课。它是程序方案的基础,对程序方案非常重要。假定咱们晓得编译原理,咱们就可以让咱们的程序作业更高效、更健旺。 核算机网络 computer network computer network is a professional basic course. it’s the foundation of programming and it’s of great importance to program design especially for web projects. if we know the computer network, we can make the web project more efficient and robust. 核算机网络是一门专业基础课。它是编程的基础,关于程序方案特别是关于web项目具有重要意义。假定咱们晓得核算机网络,就可以使咱们的网络项目愈加高效和健旺。 核算机构成原理the principle of computer composition the principle of computer composition is a professional basic course. it’s the foundation of programming and it’s of great importance to program design. if we know the principle of computer composition, we can make the program more efficient and robust. 核算机构成原理是一门专业基础课。它是程序方案的基础,对程序方案具有重要意义。假定咱们晓得核算机构成的原理,就可以使咱们的程序愈加高效和健旺。 核算机视觉computer vision computer vision has been a hot topic in recent years. the current research usually adopts the approach of convolutional neural network. with the developing of the research on it, many efficient neural networks have been produced in recent years. it can be used in picture classification, face recognition and so on. 这些年,核算机视觉一向是一个抢手论题。当前的研讨一般选用卷积神经网络的办法。跟着卷积神经网络研讨的深化,这些年发生了许多高效的神经网络,可用于图像分类、人脸辨认等。 38. 你最喜爱哪门课?为啥呢?what is your favorite course and why?
my favorite course is compilation principle. this course focuses on the production principles and technical issues of the compiler. i have learned some knowledge of compilation, the logic of program operation, and my programming ability has also been improved. learning it helps me understand the underlying implementation and essence of the programming language. 我最喜爱编译原理这门课。这门课程重视的是编译器方面的发生原理和技能疑问。我学习到了编译的一些常识、程序运转的逻辑,而且我的编程才能也有所前进,学?兄谖蚁贸绦蜓杂锏牡撞阃瓿珊捅局省?或:
my favorite course is data structure which is a professional basic course. it includes some basic types of data structures such as linear structure, tree structure and so on. it also discusses some implementation methods of searching and sorting. learning it helps me improve my programming ability. 我最喜爱的课程是数据规划,这是一门专业的基础课程。它包括一些根柢类型的数据规划,如线性规划、树规划等。还谈论了查找和排序的一些完成办法。学?梢孕仪敖业谋喑滩拍堋?39. 你最单薄的类别是啥?(你最不喜爱的类别是啥?)what is your weakest subject?
my weakest subject is the principle of computer composition. because the content of this course is more inclined to describe the hardware part of the computer, it is somewhat difficult to understand. especially the part of instruction system, it is more difficult to understand because i haven’t studied assembly language. 我最单薄的类别是核算机构成原理。因为这门课程的内容更倾向于叙说核算机的硬件有些,有些难以了解。特别是指令体系那一有些,因为我没有学习过汇编言语,了解起来比照费劲。 40. 你认为哪个编程言语最重要?为啥?which programming language do you think is the most important? why?
i think that c programming language is the most important. because its grammatical structure is concise, its portability is great and its program efficiency is higher. many programming languages are derived from it. 我认为c言语最重要。因为它的语法规划简练精粹,可移植性非常好,程序功率高。而且许多编程言语都衍生自它。 或:
c++ is a widely used computer programming language. the advantage of c++ is that, as long as the software developed in c++, its timeliness, stability, and scalability can be well controlled. this is something that no high-level language can achieve. all high-level languages depend on the basic libraries provided by the c series of languages.  c++是一种被广泛运用的核算机程序方案言语。c++的优势在于,但凡是用c++开宣告来的软件,它的时效性、平稳性、可拓宽性都可以得到极好的控制。这是任何高档言语都没有办法抵达的。一切的高档言语都依靠于c系列言语供给的基础库。 41. 介绍某一种算法(快排,堆排等),介绍进程和线程等(1)介绍一下快速排序算法can you introduce the quick sort algorithm?
according to the sentinel element, two pointers are used to point to the beginning and the end of the array to be sorted. the first pointer is moved from front to back to find the element larger than the sentinel element, and the tail pointer is moved from back to front to find the element smaller than the sentinel element. exchange these two elements until the two pointers meet. after this sorting, the elements larger than the sentinel are on the right and the smaller elements are on the left. after multiple passes of sorting, the entire array becomes ordered. 根据岗兵元素,用两个指针指向待排序数组的首尾。首指针早年往后移动找到比岗兵元素大的元素,尾指针从后往前移动找到比岗兵元素小的元素,交流这两个元素,直到两个指针相遇。经过这趟排序后,比岗兵元素大的元素在右边,小的元素在左面。经过多趟排序后,整个数组变得有序。 (2)介绍一下堆排序can you introduce the heapsort algorithm?
take ascending sort as an example. for a heap, the top element of the heap is the largest, so after the heap is built, the top element of the heap is exchanged with the last element, and a downward adjustment is made to the top element of the heap. repeat this until there is only one element in the heap. 以递加排序为例。对一个堆来说,堆顶元素是最大的,因而在建堆结束后,将堆顶元素与堆的最终一个元旧交流,进行一次关于堆顶元素的向下调整。如此重复,直到堆中只需一个元素中止。 (heapsort refers to a sorting algorithm designed by the data structure of the heap. the heap is a complete binary tree structure, and at the same time satisfies the nature of the heap: that is, the key value or index of the child node is always less than (or greater than) its parent node. 堆排序是指根据堆的数据规划方案的一种排序算法。堆是一个完全二叉树的规划,并一起满足堆的性质:即子结点的键值或索引老是小于(或许大于)它的父节点。) (3)啥是进程和线程?what is the process and thread?
an executing instance of a program is called a process. each process provides the resources needed to execute a program. a process has a virtual address space, executable code, open handles to system objects, a security context, a unique process identifier, environment variables, a priority class, minimum and maximum working set sizes, and at least one thread of execution. each process is started with a single thread, often called the primary thread, but can create additional threads from any of its threads. 每个程序实施的实例被称为进程。每个进程供给此程序的所需要的本钱。一个进程有一个虚拟地址空间,实施代码,操作体系的体系接口,一个平安的上线文,一个仅有的进程标识符(pid),环境变量,一个优先级类,设置最大和最小的作业空间巨细,和至少一个线程在运转。每个进程都以单个线程建议,一般称为主线程,可是能创建多个子线程。 a thread is an execution context, which is all the information a cpu needs to execute a stream of instructions. a cpu is giving you the illusion that its registers. threads are different from processes. a thread is a context of execution, while a process is a bunch of resources associated with a computation. a process can have one or many threads. clarification: the resources associated with a process include memory pages (all the threads in a process have the same view of the memory), file descriptors (e.g., open sockets), and security credentials (e.g., the id of the user who started the process). 线程是一个实施上下文,它是 cpu 实施指令流所需的一切信息。cpu 会给你一种幻觉,即它正在一起进行多项核算。它经过在每次核算上花费一些时刻来做到这一点。它可以做到这一点,因为它对每个核算都有一个实施上下文。 在技能层面上,实施上下文(因而是线程)由 cpu 存放器的值构成。 线程不一样于进程。 线程是实施的上下文,而进程是与核算有关的成堆本钱。 一个进程可以有一个或多个线程。 弄清:与进程相关的本钱包括内存页(进程中的一切线程都具有相同的内存视图)、文件描绘符(例如,翻开的套接字)和平安凭证(例如,建议进程的用户的 id)。 (4)你能说一下进程和线程的差异与联络吗?can you talk about the difference and connection between process and thread?
a) threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space. b) threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process. c) threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes. d) new threads are easily created; new processes require duplication(克隆、仿制) of the parent process. e) threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes. f) changes to the main thread (cancellation(撤消), priority change(优先级的改动), etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes. a) 线程是同享内存空间的;进程的内存是独立的。 b) 线程可以直接造访进程中的数据有些;进程有他们独立仿制自个父进程的数据有些,每个进程是独立的。 c) 同一进程的线程之间直接交流(直接交流触及到数据同享,信息传递);两个进程想通讯,有必要经过一个中心署理来完成。 d) 创建一个新的线程很简略;创建新的进程需要对其父进程进行一次克隆。 e) 一个线程可以控制和操作同一进程里的其他线程;可是进程只能操作子进程。 f) 对主线程的批改,可以会影响到进程中其他线程的批改;关于一个父进程的批改不会影响其他子进程(只需不删去父进程即可)。 42. 你还有啥疑问要问咱们的吗?you can ask any questions that you might have?
are there any opportunities to enhance my english when studying as a postgraduate student in your university? 贵校读研时刻英语充电的机缘多吗? ………………………… thanks for you answer, which makes me know more about the major and foreign language study at your university. i will work hard to learn english and professional courses. i hope you can have a nice day. 谢谢教师的热心答复,您的答复让我对贵校专业和外语学习有了更深知道,我会尽力学习英语和专业课的,祝你们作业顺畅。 43. 介绍一下你参加的美赛 during the mathematical contest in modeling this year, we have done research on modeling the decomposition of woody fibers and analyzing the interactions between different species of fungus. in the process of the research, everyone spared no effort to complete the task, and my responsibility was to write code to solve the established models. in order to finish the research, we read and checked many articles, established a decomposition model of a single species of fungus and a competition model of various species of fungus. i named the paper: fungus: who moved my woody fibers. i think it is very attractive to the readers. through this experience, i have broadened my knowledge and enhanced my practical skills. 在本年的建模数学竞赛中,咱们对木质纤维的分化建模和分析不一样品种真菌之间的彼此作用进行了研讨。在研讨的进程中,我们竭尽全力地结束使命,而我的责任是编写代码来处置已树立的模型。 为了结束研讨,咱们查阅了许多文章,树立了单一菌种的分化模型和多种菌种的竞赛模型。我将这篇论文命名为:真菌:谁动了我的木质纤维。我认为它对读者很有招引力。经过这次阅历,我拓宽了我的常识面,前进了我的实习技能。