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2023-09-21 11:22:54 | 人围观 | 评论:




hang out – 闲逛,集会

场景:do you want to hang out after work today? 今日下班后你想一同闲逛吗?

chill – 放松,镇定

场景:i just want to stay home and chill this weekend. 这个周末我只想呆在家里放松一下。

hit the road – 上路,启航

场景:it's time to hit the road and start our trip. 是时分上路初步咱们的旅行了。

take it easy – 放松,别严峻

场景:don't worry too much, just take it easy. 不要太忧虑,放松点。

all set – 已预备好

场景:are you all set for the party tonight? 今晚的集会你预备好了吗?

hangover – 宿醉

场景:i drank too much last night and now i have a terrible hangover. 昨晚我喝了太多酒,如今宿醉了。

break a leg – 祝好运,祝成功

场景:break a leg on your job interview tomorrow! 明日的面试祝你成功!

couch potato – 懒汉,整天窝在家里的人

场景:he is a real couch potato, he never goes out on the weekends. 他是个完全的懒汉,周末从不出门。

piece of cake – 很简略的事,小菜一碟

场景:don't worry, this test will be a piece of cake. 别忧虑,这个查验很简略。

sick and tired – 厌烦,不再有耐性

场景:i'm sick and tired of your excuses. 我对你的托言现已厌烦了。

keep your chin up – 不要悲观,坚持旷达

场景:keep your chin up, things will get better soon. 不要悲观,作业很快会变好的。

a piece of work – 难以抵挡的人,扎手的疑问

场景:that boss is a real piece of work. 那个老板很难抵挡。

throw in the towel – 扔掉,认输

场景:i've been trying to fix this problem all day, but now i think i'm going to have to throw in the towel. 我一整天都在试着处置这个疑问,但如今我认为我不得不扔掉了。

bummer – 糟糕的作业,令人绝望的作业

场景:it's such a bummer that the concert was cancelled. 这个音乐会被撤消了真是太糟糕了。

hang in there – 坚持下去,坚持耐性

场景:i know things are tough right now, but just hang in there and keep going. 我晓得如今情况很困难,可是坚持下去,持续行进。

hit the sack – 去歇息

场景:i'm exhausted, i'm going to hit the sack early tonight. 我太累了,今晚早点去歇息。

cut corners – 走捷径,偷闲

场景:i wouldn't recommend cutting corners when it comes to your studies. 学习方面我不主张走捷径。

hangover – 宿醉,难过

场景:i drank too much last night and now i have a terrible hangover. 昨晚我喝得太多,如今头疼欲裂。

bite the bullet – 忍耐,硬着头皮做

场景:i don't like giving presentations, but i'll have to bite the bullet and do it. 我不喜爱做讲演,可是我得硬着头皮做。

catch some z's – 歇息,打盹

场景:i'm going to catch some z's on the train ride home. 我要在坐火车回家的路上打盹。

beat around the bush – 借题发挥地说话

场景:stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you want to say. 别借题发挥了,直说吧。

couch potato – 懒人,整天窝在家里不动的人

场景:he's such a couch potato, he never leaves the house on the weekends. 他是个懒人,周末从不出门。

butter someone up – 凑趣,阿谀

场景:he's just trying to butter you up so you'll give him a good review. 他只是想凑趣你,好让你给他一个好评。

get over it – 战胜,放下,不再想

场景:you need to get over your ex-boyfriend and move on. 你需要战胜对前男友的豪情,向前看。

cut it out – 中止,别再这样做了

场景:cut it out, you're being annoying. 中止了,你很烦人。

keep your chin up – 坚持,坚持旷达

场景:things will get better, just keep your chin up. 情况会好起来的,坚持旷达向前看。

blow off steam – 发泄,发泄心境

场景:after a long week at work, i like to blow off steam by going for a run. 作业一周后,我喜爱去跑步来发泄心境。回来搜狐,查看更多
