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2023-09-28 21:39:35 | 人围观 | 评论:

原标题:大学英语口语交际 | i have a secret.


1. i have a secret. 我有一个隐秘

can you tell me a secret?你能告诉我一个隐秘吗?

2. as a matter of fact,our p. e teacher is my father .


as a matter of fact,i don't want my mother to have a second child .


*p.e 是 physical education 的缩写

*physical 身体的 天然的

*education 教育 练习

3. don't tell anyone. 别告诉任何人。

4.i have a confession. 我有件事要率直。

*confession 率直 自认

5. i will fill you in. 我把悉数告诉你。

6. i will level with you. 我就直说吧。

7. that is about all i know. 我晓得的大约就是这些。

8. this is just between you and me .


9. he can't keep a secret. 他不能保存隐秘。

10. you have got a big mouth. 你的嘴不严。

11. i don't have the guts to say that to my mother .


*guts 勇气(恒用复数)

12. a little bird told me. 听道听途说说。

13. i didn't say anything. 我啥都没说。

14. it was a slip of the tongue. 无意中说露了嘴。

*slip 滑倒 溜走

*tongue 舌头

15.i won't say a word. 我一个字都不说出去。

- end -


标签:英语前进 口语交际


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