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2022-08-22 11:16:30 | 人围观 | 评论:

a) This is abook. (be 动词 )
b) He looks very young. (结合动词 )
c) Iwant asweat like this. (实义动词 )
d) Ican bring some things to school. (情态动词 )
e) There ’sacomputer on my desk. (There be 布局 )

a) These aren ’ttheir books.
b) They don ’tlook nice.
c) Kate doesn ’tgo to No. 4Middle School.
d) Kate can ’tfind her doll.
e) There isn ’tacat here. (=There ’sno cat here.)

2. 祈使句
a) Please go and ask the man.
b) Let ’slearn English!
c) Come in, please.
a) Don ’tbe late.
b) Don ’thurry.

3. 疑难句
1) 一般疑难句
a) Is Jim astudent?
b) Can Ihelp you?
c) Does she like salad?
d) Do they watch TV?
e) Is she

必定答复 :a) Yes, he is. 否认答复 :a) No, he isn ’t.
b) Yes, you can. b) No, you can ’t.
c) Yes, she does. c) No, she doesn ’t.
d) Yes, they do. d) No, they don ’t.
e) Yes, she is. e) No, she isn ’t.

2) 选择疑难句: Is the table big or small? 答复 : It’sbig./ It’ssmall.

3) 特别疑难句
① 问春秋:
How old is Lucy? She is twelve.
② 问种类:

What kind of movies do you like? Ilike action movies and comedies.

③ 问身体状态:
How is your uncle? He is well/fine .
④ 问方法:
How do/can you spell it? L-double O-K.
How do we contact you? My e-mail address is cindyjones@163.com.
⑤ 问缘由:
Why do you want to join the club ?
⑥ 问时候:
What ’sthe time? (=What time is it?) It’saquarter to ten a.m..
What time do you usually get up, Rick? At five o’clock.
When do you want to go? Let ’sgo at 7:00.
⑦ 问处所:
Where ’smy backpack? It’sunder the table.
⑧ 问色彩:
What color are they? They are

light blue.
What ’syour favourite color? It’sblack.
⑨ 问人物:
Who ’sthat? It’smy sister.
Who is the boy in blue? My brother.
Who isn ’tat school? Peter and E妹妹a.
Who /Whom are Lisa and Tim talk ing to?
⑩ 问工具:
What ’sthis/that (in English)? It’sapencil case.
What else can you see in the picture? Ican see some broccoli, strawberries
and hamburgers.
○11 问姓名:
What ’syour aunt ’sname? Her name is Helen. /She ’sHelen.
What ’syour first name? My first name ’sBen.
What ’syour family name? My family name ’sSmith.
○12 问哪个:
Which do you like? Ilike one in the box.
○13 问字母:
What letter is it? It’sbig D/small f.
○14 问代价:
How much are these pants? They ’re 15 dollars.
○15 问德律风号码:
What ’syour phone number? It’s576-8349.
○16 问谓语(动作):
What ’she do ing? He ’swatching TV.
○17 问职业(身份):
What do you do? I’m ateacher.
What ’syour father? He ’sadoctor.
