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米拉外教讲初中英语语法 过去将来时

2022-09-04 11:15:52 | 人围观 | 评论:

A) would + 动词真相e.g. He asked me if I would stay here. 他问我是不是要待在这儿。

B) was/ were going to + 动词真相e.g. No one knew when he was going to finish his homework.没有人晓得他何时会完成功课。

C) was/ were ( about ) to + 动词真相e.g. He said that they were to leave at six.他说他们将于 6点出发。She said that the meeting was about to begin.她说集会就要起头了。

D) come, go, arrive, leave, die 等瞬时动词,用在曩昔举行时态中暗示曩昔未来。e.g. She told us that she was leavingfor Yunnan.她奉告咱们她将要去云南。


1. 暗示从曩昔某一时候看未来要产生的动作或存在的状况。曩昔未来时在宾语从句里最多见。

He said he would come.他说他要来。I thought you would help him.我原觉得你会帮他的。I didn't know how he would deal with thesethings.我不晓得他会怎么处置这些事变。She said that there was going to be a performance in our school tomorrow evening.她说咱们黉舍明晚将要有一场表演勾当。

2. 一些暗示位置转移的词如go,come,leave,arrive等,可用曩昔举行时来暗示在曩昔某时看将要产生的动作或筹算要做的事。

He said he was leaving for Beijing that afternoon.他说他那全国午就要前去北京。I didn't know when they were coming again.我不晓得他们何时再来。

3. 曩昔未来时常常用于暗示曩昔的习气性动作。这时候,不分人称,都用would。

Whatever he did, he would use hisleft hand.他不管做甚么,老是用左手。She would practice playingthe piano whenever she was free.当时,她一有时候,便去操练弹钢琴。

4. 曩昔未来时还可以用was/ were about to do sth.来暗示。The attendant said that the train wasabout to leave.阿谁列车员说火车顿时就要分开了。


1. --- Jack, what did Bill tellyou?--- Oh, he told me that he _____ soccer yesterday afternoon, but his mother didn ’t allow him to come. A. was going to

play B. is going to play C. will play D. played2. We decided that we _______Canada next month.A.flewto B. were flyingtoC. will fly to D. are flying to3. Nobody knew what _______ afterten years.A.willhappen B. arehappening C. would happen D. has happened

