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英语新词 “标签友好”的微博话题(图)

2022-09-08 06:16:14 | 人围观 | 评论:

用微博标签#会商话题十分便利,极简便的“标签友爱”词语也应运而生。你能想象#DTLA 代表“洛杉矶市区”吗?下一次说不定要轮到#DTBJ 了。

A hashtag-friendly word or phrase is short and memorable enough to be converted into a Twitter hashtag, possibly to the point of being dumbed-down or overly simplified。



Shorthand for “downtown Los Angeles,” DTLA has crept into the Angeleno lexicon over the last several years, a hashtag-friendly name that initially gained traction online and then bled

into real life。

作为“洛杉矶市区”(downtown Los Angeles)的简写,DTLA近几年寂静潜入洛杉矶人的辞书,这个“标签友爱”的名字最起头是在网上火了,然后又被用到了实际中。
