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谁说英语不能直译 该从头知道这些英文表达!

2022-09-22 06:17:59 | 人围观 | 评论:

??in black and white 没错,跟你想的相同,是非色,或许非黑即白的意思! 我国有句俗话叫“一竹竿子打死一船人”,用以阐明下结论不可以太决断,凡事皆有破例,并没有必定的好坏和对错,世界也不对错黑即白的,英语中要表达类似意思,跟中文不谋而合的,那就是in black and white For example: The situation is quite complicated, and you should not judge it in black and white! 情况很凌乱,你不大约只是以非黑即白来评判。 black and white除了是评判事物的标准,还可所以白纸黑字,就像中文里拿着欠条追债时说的相同,白纸黑字可写的清理解楚的!其实英语中也可以这么表达; For example: I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page. 我没想到他们会把这白纸黑字地印在头版上。 2 have money to burn 是的,看到burn 了, 燃烧的意思,所以你必定马上想到了“烧钱”这个意思,所以英语顶用来描绘土豪花钱不疼爱的姿势,就用have money to burn来表达了,俗称“钱烧得慌” For example: She always holds the newly released phone every time when I see her, it seems shehas enough money to burn. 每次见到她的时分,她老是拿着最新发布的手机,看上去很烧钱啊! 看来全世界的土豪都是相同的,花钱如流水,如同钱永久花不完。用英语表达也叫Spend money like water~ For example: Miss Sophie would like to pack almost everything she sees in the shop and spend money like water. Sophie 小姐花钱如流水,几乎要把商铺里她看到的一切东西买回去! 3 blood is thicker than water blood血液, thicker浓的,厚的..所以这句话就是“血浓于水”的意思,相同是用在偏重亲情这一枢纽的重要作用。 For example: We believe that blood is thicker than water and Tom will help his sister out of trouble soon. Tom 大约会协助她小妹的,究竟血浓于水! 4 two heads are better than one 听上去很中式,但这句话真的就是“三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮”的英文表达,引申意义相同是指人多力气大,人多好就事等等。 For example: I think we can find a solution to this problem soon if we can do it together, you know,Two heads are better than one! 我觉得我们一同着手的话能很快找到疑问的处置办法,因为人多力气大吗! 5 be engraved on/in ...heart/brain/heart “你存在, 我深深的脑际里,我的梦里,我的心里,我的歌声里…” engrave 是铭刻,印刻的意思,所以这句话就可以直接了解为“深深

铭刻/印在了 我的心里/脑际里/思维里…”等等意思… For example: The date of the accident remainsengraved on my mind. 作业发生的那个日子已铭记在我心上。 6 shut/close one's eyes to ... turn a blind eye to... 显着,这句话就是中文里“视若无睹,对…视若无睹”的英语表达了, shut/close 都有关闭的意思,对某些事闭起双眼,所以有鼓动,不作为等引申意义了,跟中文异曲同工!英文的另外一种表达是: For example: You can't just close your eyes to his violence. 你不能对他的暴力行为视若无睹。 They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution. 他们如同方案对污染疑问视若无睹。 7 I'm able to ...in my sleep 如何用一句话证明自个很凶狠,中文里我们常说:我闭合双眼也能….,假定要用英文表达这个意思,完全可以说:I’m able to …in my sleep. For example: I don’t travel a lot in this city, but I am able to name the main city streets in my sleep. 我对这个城市不是很熟,可是我闭着双眼也能说出城市的骨干道称号! 其实,英语口语仍是以传递信息为主,并没有那么多条条框框的语法规则,所以流利和用词恰当最重要了,假定有必定的语法基础,又有许多的词汇做后台,就不要羞于开口了,在某些情况下,甚至说一两个单词人家都能了解了,所以be confident (自傲)才是更重要的,一起practice makes

perfect(孰能生巧)! Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
