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2022-10-06 21:18:57 | 人围观 | 评论:

For all we know, in most listening tests, the recordings will be played once only. Since most of us have limited short-term memory, we would forget what we’ve just heard in almost no time.


What I usually do is repeating after the recordings. Since we do it silently, we can first minimize the distraction from ourselves while still focusing on the recordings.

At the same time, the subconscious movement of our lips will send the key information back to us again, with a little delay at most. This would reinforce our memory and generate an effect similar to a second time of listening.


This whole process is like interpreting, which means that we should try to synchronize with the recordings and never dwell over a certain word.



While reading the questions, we all know it’s important to underline the keywords in each sentence. But sometimes the options are long and exhausting to read, let alone to understand and even to remember. And the information they convey is likely to be forgotten as we try to locate the answers in the article.


Besides, similar options may also bring some confusion, making it even harder for us to choose. In this case, we can let our imagination run wild, and create vivid images to help us understand. These images can be bold and even ridiculous, as long as they can help us distinguish what each option emphasizes.


By doing so, our understanding and memory of the options will be enhanced and we only need to recall the image in our mind when we return to the article.






Logic is critical in IELTS and any other English academic writing. Constantly asking ourselves “why” can help us form a rigorous logic. We need to question the rationality of every small conclusion we come to in each paragraph.


Suppose we’ve mentioned that A is correlated with B, we need to ask ourselves why instead of fudging it with a simple statement. For instance, are there any other factors involved? Is there a precondition that we fail to take into account? Every idea needs to be explained in an orderly way, with proper conjunctions linking them all together.


Similarly, in-depth answers are preferred when given an open-end question in the speaking test. We can discuss the matter from various perspectives in a bid to demonstrate our critical thinking ability.

一样,在白话测验中,这类“问题思惟”也不成或缺,比方在雅思中,Part 3一般考查对社会征象的见解,问题机动且开放性强,这必要咱们多角度答复,以展示咱们的辩证思惟。


Supporting evidence is needed when an argument is purposed. But be aware not to state the obvious which would make our argument rather tenuous.


It’s undeniable that reading extensively can help us accumulate background knowledge that is useful in our writing. But in the exam, finding concrete examples may not be easy.


However, we can introduce a specific scene based on our life experience and describe it with rich details. By expounding on this scene and how it relates to our argument, our readers

tend to comprehend better and resonate with us.






I easily get nervous when I do the listening part in the exams. What can I do to overcome it?



It’s normal to get nervous, and sitting in the exam room usually magnifies this feeling. However, our nervousness can be relieved if our familiarity with the language grows, and listening daily helps. Besides, do not regret the missing answers. Focus on what’s being played at the moment.


What should I do if there are many new words that I don’t understand in the passage?


In fact, it’s OK to ignore these new words during the exam as long

as we can still get the main idea. Even if they do get in our way of understanding the passage, we can try to guess their parts of speech and meanings based on their roots, affixes, and context. If possible, make notes of these words after reading, and ponder on their usage in example sentences.


How to memorize the new words, especially the complicated ones?


Pay attention to their English definition when you look them up in the dictionary. Try to create your own sentences which can be inspired by anything in your surroundings. Whenever you speak or write, use these words as many times as possible.


What can we do during the week before the exam?


Keep your familiarity through daily input. Check your notes for useful words and expressions. Do one or two model tests to convince yourself that you’ve worked really hard. And stay relaxed!


Seize the day



文 案 |宋依黛 周林祎 申皓文

编 辑 |侯舒玥 戈歆悦 朱婧娴
