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英语学习笔记 - 每日作文 Day66

2022-11-11 06:16:13 | 人围观 | 评论:

Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

No, I don't think so. Actually,I'm not so fond of social media. It's supposed to be relate to my character, but I'm not saying that I don't use social media. We all know that it has become an integral part of our life, it's a convenient and fast communication tool and platform in the modern society. It indeed brings convenience and improves our efficiency, with the assistance of social media, there is much wider and more rapid distribution of news and we can get to know the world better,and also share our views and entertain ourselves,etc.But in the mean time, too much time is wasted, excessive use of social media also distances people's communication, further more, it's filled with vast amounts of negative information and false news, leading many people astray and to set up an incorrect outlook on life.
