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2022-11-15 21:21:40 | 人围观 | 评论:



1. – Hurry up please, or I'll be late. –_________.

A . Sorry sir, but the traffic is heavy now.

B . Well, it's alright, sir.

C . How can you say that, sir?

D . Oh, we are going the right way.


2. – What is she? –_________.

A . She is typist.

B . She is talking to her friend.

C . She is having a holiday.

D . She is my sister.

参考答案:A (回答错误)

3. — Could I use your dictionary for a moment? — ___ __.

A . It's well

B . It doesn't matter

C . I have no idea

D . By all means


4. – Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? –_________.

A . Don't ask that.

B . Sorry, I'm a stranger here.

C . No, I can't say that.

D . No, you're driving too fast.


5. – Hello, could I speak to Mike please? –______.

A . Who are you?

B . Who is speaking?

C . What's wrong?

D . Why?


6. – Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. –_________.

A . No problem.

B . It's a pleasure.

C . I didn't mean it, either.

D . That's quite all right.


7. – Would you mind if I open the window? –_________.

A . Yes, please.

B . Thank you.

C . No, thanks.

D . Of course not.


8. – Would you like to order now? –_________.

A . Thank you.

B . Yes, please.

C . Yes, I'd like fish and salad.

D . I'm full now.


9. – Are you ready to order desert, please? –_________.

A . Yes, please.

B . Please don't order it.

C . No, don't mention it.

D . Yes, I'd like to have some chocolate cake.


10. – Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? –________, and how are you?

A . Don't mention it

B . Hum, not too bad

C . Thanks

D . Pretty fast


11. – Thanks for helping me carry the case. –_________.

A . My pleasure.

B . Never mind .

C . Quite right.

D . Don't thank me.


12. – Can you go out with us for dinner this evening? – ______ .

A . No, I already have plans.

B . Thanks a lot, but I'm busy tonight.

C . No, I really don't like being with you.

D . I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out for dinner.


13. – What a beautiful dress you have on! –________.

A . No, it's no good.

B . Sorry, it's too cheap.

C . Thank you.

D . Don't say that.


14. – Hi, is Mary there, please? –________.

A . Hold on. I'll get her.

B . No, she isn't here.

C . Yes, she lives here.

D . Yes, what do you want?


15. – Hello, may I talk to the manager about the price? –______ _.

A . Sorry, he is out at the moment.

B . No, you can't.

C . Sorry, you can't.

D . I don't know.


16. - How was your trip to Australia? - ________.

A . It was wonderful indeed.

B . I went there alone.

C . Very well.

D . Believe it or not.


17. ---- Thank you very much for your nice present!----_______________.

A . Please don't say so.

B . I doesn't matter.

C . Never mind.

D . I'm glad you like it.


18. - Oh, sorry to bother you. - __________.

A . That's Okay.

B . No, you can't.

C . That's good.

D . Oh, I don't know.


19. — We' re having a party tonight. Would you like to join us? — _________.

A . I'm sorry

B . Of course not

C . No, I can't

D . I'd love to, but I have an appointment


20. ---- I wonder if I could use your computer later this evening?---- _______________. I'm not using it right now.

A . I don't know.

B . Sure, here you are.

C . Who cares?

D . I doesn't matter


21. – Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? –________.

A . Thank you very much

B . No, no, John is not bad

C . Thank you. He is fine

D . Don't say that


22. – Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Smith's office? –_________.

A . You can't ask me

B . Good question

C . Please don't say so

D . Sorry I don't know, but you can ask the man over there


23. - David injured his leg playing football yesterday. - Really? ______?

A . Who did that

B . What's wrong with him

C . How did that happen

D . Why was that


24. — I wish you success in your career.—_________________________

A . You are welcome.

B . I think so.

C . Yes, please.

D . The same to you.


25. —Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble.—________________________________

A . It's no trouble at all.

B . That's all right. I like it.

C . I don't think it's a trouble.

D . That's very kind of you.


26. --- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest garden?--- _____ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Re nmin Avenue. You can't miss it.

A . I beg your pardon?

B . What do you mean?

C . You're welcome.

D . Um, let me think.


27. —Are you feeling better today, Mr. Willis?—__________________________

A . Don't worry about me.

B . Just stay in bed and have a good rest.

C . There must be something wrong.

D . Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy.


28. --- I think she is a good teacher.----_______________

A . So do I.

B . Sorry, it doesn't matter

C . Yes, it's a good idea.

D . I don't mind.


29. ---- How can I get to the cinema?-----__________________.

A . It's very far.

B . Walk along this street and turn right.

C . It's well known.

D . That's right, there is a cinema nearby.


30. --- What's the matter, Jenny?---________________.

A . I failed my math test.

B . It doesn't matter.

C . Nothing is wrong with him.

D . I don't think I can.


31. — So how do you find our city?—_______________________________

A . I came here by plane.

B . Oh, I love it. It's so exciting.

C . It's quite difficult to find your home.

D . What do you think of it?


32. ---- Please help yourself to the seafood.----___________________

A . No, I can't

B . Sorry, I can't help.

C . Well, seafood doesn't suit for me.

D . Thanks, but I don't like seafood.


33. —Let me help you carry the suitcase.—______________________________

A . It's OK, I can manage.

B . It's not very light

C . I can help you with it.

D . Put it down on the ground.


34. --- I'm sorry, Mr. Wang is not in the office.--- ___________________.

A . Are you sure for that?

B . Can you take a message for me?

C . Would you like to leave a message?

D . Can you phone me later?


35. ------ Excuse me, but could I trouble you for some change?------- ___ . Will pennies do?

A . I know

B . Never mind

C . I am sure

D . Let me see


36. — What do you think of my suggestion?—________________________________

A . Yes. It is good.

B . No, not so good.

C . No, it's bad.

D . It's hard to say.


37. —How about going for a bike ride?—_____________________________

A . Sure. Where?

B . What about you?

C . How do you think of it?

D . OK. What is your idea?


38. — Excuse me, Mr. Brown, but can I speak to you for a moment?—_________________________________

A . Sorry, what would you like to speak to me about?

B . Well, I'm afraid we have to find some other time. I'm fully occupied now.

C . Yes, can you wait until the meeting is over?

D . It's a pleasure. Will sit down?


39. —Thank you for your invitation and hospitality.— _______________________________

A . No thanks

B . No thank you

C . Thank you, too

D . My pleasure


40. — Would you like a tea?—______________________________

A . Yes, I would

B . No, I wouldn't

C . Yes, please

D . No, please not


41. — Could I borrow your dictionary?—_____________________________

A . No, I am not available.

B . I'm sorry. It's not at hand now.

C . It's very kind of you.

D . Thank you very much.


42. —How's your business?—________________________

A . It's none of your business.

B . Not bad.

C . You can give me some suggestion.

D . Why do you ask such a question?


43. - Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the supermarket? - _________.

A . Don't ask that

B . Go straight and turn left on the first red light

C . No, I can't say that

D . No, you're driving too fast


44. – This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. –_________.

A . You may ask for help.

B . Let me give you a hand.

C . Please do me a favor.

D . I'd come to help.

