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2023-01-08 11:14:52 | 人围观 | 评论:

to teach your children perfect english!


me teach you how to teach your kids english listening, reading, writing and
speaking from your home without anyone’s help….


have a daughter now she is 3 and a half…. it’s very difficult raising her up
with an english learning environment in china…. for me i want her to have 2
languages in her pocket… the first is mandarin and the other is english. its
2017 and without both these languages it’s very difficult to survive on this
planet. so we need to make sure we give our kids the absolute best from a very
very early age.


made this article because i want to help parents all over china to raise their
kids well using all the resources that i found online, i have made a list of websites
and online resources for you to investigate and check to see. i have ranked
them from lowest to highest score so you guys can have plenty of things to
compare and decide which one you all prefer.


top 5
ways to teach your kid english from home.


5 第五名:use websites?使用网站

websites (esl = english as a second language), these websites have a lot of
free online learning material the only problem with them is that they are all
in 100% english so if you can’t understand english then you will find them very
difficult to use and navigate.?

esl 网站 (esl=把英语作为第二语言)。这些网站有着很多免费的在线学习资料,不过唯一的问题就是他们都是全英文的,所以如果你不懂英文的话,你会发现这样的网站特别地难懂、难用。

go to
your browser and type “free english for kids”, “free esl classes for children”
or “esl for kids”. i recommend you use www.bing.com? because they
have more access to english websites from outside of china.

打开你的浏览器,然后输入“免费儿童英语”,“免费儿童esl课程”或者 “少儿esl”。我推荐各位使用微软的bing搜索:www.bing.com, 因为这个搜索引擎对于中国以外的英文网站有着更多的资源



4 第四名:create the english environment 营造一个英语环境

your kids to see english movies in china, but make sure it’s a movie spoken in
english with chinese subtitles. this will help your kids listening ability to
grow, make sure you take them weekly at least one movie per week, if you don’t
want to go outside to the cinemas then you can just sit at home and open qq
movies or iqiyi and find kids movies from there make sure english speaking and
chinese subtitles.


3 第三名?go travelling 去旅游

can travel to english speaking countries with your kids, travelling abroad
nowadays isn’t as expensive as it used to be in the past, also its getting
easier and easier for chinese citizens to get visas for foreign countries, my
suggestion would be to go to thailand to take a short vacation and then let
your kids enter an english training center while you are there. i have a few
reasons why i chose thailand, 1 is because chinese citizens can enter the
country without the problems of applying for a visa. the second reason is that
its geographically closer than, uk, oz, canada, usa or nz. go go go! don’t
waste time!




number 2 第二名
improve yourself and then improve your kids


great way would be to improve your own english so that your kids will have a
solid english environment, you can join a school, you can self-learn from
home…. don’t be in a hurry because it will only take you 6 months to a year to
improve your own english so your kids won’t be too old by then so don’t worry
be patient.



the top 1 !! 第一名!!!
use the chattykids website ? ??使用chattykids website

for me the best way to teach your kids english
from home and you don’t need to have any english to do it is to use this website
i found online called chattykids…. its bloody amazing! so they have both
chinese and english interface so parents that can’t understand english can
basically use it and navigate through…..


this website is an online learning platform
that basically reads english books to your children there are both pre-recorded
and live classes with english teachers!!! and the great thing is they have tons
and tons of high quality content you can use on here….


they have books from australia, britain, usa. these
books are very difficult to buy in mainland china, but they are available
through this platform, this is one of the reasons i love this website, i always
have to fly abroad to buy my daughter some foreign books. all you have to do is
to start using the website and then the program will guide you and tell you how
to get your kid from zero to high level english.

网站的资源里, 有来自澳大利亚, 美国和英国的图书. 在中国大陆, 这些书都是非常难以买到的,
但是在这个网站里你可以随时使用. 这也是为什么我特别喜欢这个网站的原因之一.之前我总是得飞到国外给我的女儿买很多的国外书籍, 现在好多了. 你所需要做的就是开始使用这个平台,

simply get your kid to watch a video of a real
teacher reading to them every day and you’ll see their english improve quickly.

你只需要让你们的孩子去看视频, 看里面的老师给孩子们每天读英语, 你就会发现你的孩子的英语水平快速提高.

for me, my daughter’s health, happiness and
education is the most important and i always try and get her the best.

就我个人而言, 我姑娘的健康, 幸福和教育是最最重要的, 而我也一直以来努力去给她最好的!

here is a qr code and a link
for you all to see it for your selves






hope this article helped some of you parents, i really hope you guys
can improve your kids englishasap!


love you all!!




