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2023-01-07 16:15:06 | 人围观 | 评论:




?? it’s time to the after school

????? club , sweetie.

????? go to the after school club.


?? mom, i don’t want to go.

?? the bus is already leaving.



??????? monday is art class.

???????? you missed it yesterday,

????????? you need to go today.

????????? arrived at the club 5

????????? minutes early.

????????? you had a long day

?????????? today.

chapter 01--02情景对话


?? dinner’s ready!

?? let’s say grace1 before

??? we eat.

???? leave something to your

???? brother/sister.

???? use your chopsticks/knife

???? /fork right.

?? this chopsticks/knife/fork is

?????? uncomfortable to take.

chapter 01--03情景对话


?? it’s time to brush your teeth,

????? sweetie.

???? brush your teeth 3 minutes.

????? has it been 3 minutes yet?

?? i hate brushing my teeth.

?? if you don’t care of your

????? teeth, you will get cavities2.

?? it’s time to take your bath.

????? wash your all body.

? 课文新字积累

①grace?? n.饭前祷告

②cavity . n.蛀牙


?????? ?? 目录 .????????? . contents??


第一套册 chapter01--10

第二套册 chapter11--38

第三套册 chapter39--46

第四套册 chapter47--60


????? ????
