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2023-01-07 06:15:21 | 人围观 | 评论:

style="position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;">少儿版英语朗读者第四十二期danny 关关
<h3>英语朗读者昆明师专附小月牙塘校区朗读小明星展示(第四十二期)</h3> <h3>阅

读绘本的八大好处:</h3><h3>第七条:</h3><h3> 提高孩子的专注力</h3><h3> 阅读本身就是一件需要高度集中注意力的事情,只有我们专注地去沉浸在书里面才能够读懂书中的含义,虽然绘本对于大人来讲非常简单,但是这种简单也只是字面上的,反而表面上越简单的东西所含的意义就越多、越深远,有如禅意味道很浓的图片一样。对于孩子来讲,去观察图片、解读图片更是需要让小脑袋高速运转起来,对于专注力的提升有特别大的帮助。</h3> <h3>hello, everybody!i am so honored to have this opportunity to introduction myself here. my chinese name is zhangyuhan. my english name is kevin .i am smart but kind of shy.there are six people in my family. they are my parents,grand parents,my little brothe and me . we love eath other very much.i am nine years old. and i am a student in the primary school attached to kunming teachers college.as for my hobbies. i like playing the piano. and i love reading , too. you can describe me as a “book worm”. as long as i have a book. i can forget about my meals. and i am so

obsessed with book that i forget to do my homework. and my mother always blames me for that .and my idols are all from the books that i read. like confucius,and the emperor qinshihuang who unified our nation in history.and for my dream, i want to be a sientist when i grow up. and i will work really hard for my dream.this is me, a boy who likes tthis is me, a boy who likes to think when i am quiet. who is naughty when i am active.thank you all for listening!</h3>
