120本,已读50本.视频:sss,wow,游戏:清华英语1b uint1</p> <p>今天拿酸奶给娃喝,娃说了个英语yoghurt,听了半天没听出来,厚着脸皮问:elsa,what does the yoghurt mean?娃拿起手上的酸奶说,酸奶呀。我带着疑问赶紧查了下,对的,但是我没教过她。最近,娃会主动输出点英语。我赶紧使劲的夸。娃说,妈妈,最近我讲的你怎么都听不懂呀,你该学习了。确实,这两天都加班到12点,感觉自己在拉娃的后退。</p> <p>here
are some cakes and cookies, so fragrant, so delicious, i am full, i am a little tired, i want to take a nap. here are two mice hiding under the table, peek to left, peek to right, the two mice stole cakes and cookies. where