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2023-01-06 11:15:10 | 人围观 | 评论:

style="position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;">大家一起学英语——龙泽双语幼儿园2020亲子英语绘本阅读分享夏绿蒂
<p>亲爱的大朋友、小朋友们:</p><p> 大家晚上好!我们一起期待的大家一起学英语,亲子英语绘本阅读时间又到了,孩子们准备好了吗?那我们就开始吧</p> <p>dad is a singer.爸爸是个歌手</p> <p>he sings all day long.他整天都在唱歌。</p> <p>song,after song,after song,after song!一首,又一首,一首,又一首!</p> <p>he sings to the cat and he sings to the dog.他对着猫唱,他

对着狗唱。</p> <p>he sings in the sun and he sings in the fog.他在阳光下唱,他在雾里唱。</p> <p>he

sings in the shops and he sings in the shed.他在商店里唱,他在工作棚里唱。</p> <p>he sings in the bus and he sings in his bed.他在公共汽车里唱,他在他的床上唱。</p> <p>he sings when he