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2023-01-10 11:15:42 | 人围观 | 评论:






once upon a time, a farmer, who was upset about the slow growth of the seedlings he planted, pulled them up a little bit one by one on the filed. returning home, he said to his family, "i’m really exhausted today, but i finally made the seedlings grow taller." his son ran to the field only to find that the seedlings were all dead.

nowadays, some parents are eager for the success of their children,following in the footsteps of the farmer, and thus making their children miserable without any academic progress. should such parents wake up to this problem and let their children grow up naturally?





once upon a time there was a man who raised a flock of sheep. one day morning, he was ready to pasture his sheep only to find one of them was lost. after looking carefully, he saw a hole on the sheepfold. obviously, a wolf must have slipped into the sheepfold and taken a sheep away. his neighbor suggested him to fix the sheepfold, but he wouldn’t listen, thus finding the next day that another sheep was carried away by the wolf. since his neighbors’ words came to his mind, he hurried to repair the sheepfold by plugging the hole, after which his sheep have never been missing anymore.

we have learned from the story that bigger losses can be prevented as long as problems are solved in time.








directions: suppose you are writing a proposal to your school library about improving its services, you are writing about its current problems and solutions.


directions: write proposals to the student union to enrich the extracurricular activities for the students.


directions: write proposals for the services of student clinic.










news report one

1-1. a new study finds that beverages containing added sugar might be harmful. in the study, researchers analyzed information from over eighty thousand women and thirty seven thousand men. participants worked in the health profession. they were followed for approximately three decades. they complete surveys about their diet every four years. they also answered to questions about sleep and exercise and health every two years.

1-2. the more beverages containing added sugar that people drink the greater their risk of death was during the study period. these beverages included soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks. beverages like pure fruit juice, which are sweet but do not contain added sugar were not part of the study. the findings held even after the researchers considered other factors that could affect people’s health. these factors included lack of exercise and not eating enough vegetables. they also included consuming too much meat. the scientists say that their results support limiting beverages with added sugar. 2. they argue we should replace them with other drinks, with water being the best choice. however, the researchers admit this is simply their recommendation. the study found only an association. it did not prove that drinks with added sugar caused early death.

questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

question 1 what do we learn about the new study from the news report?

根据新闻前三句可能出答案的原则,新闻开篇第一句“a new study finds that beverages containing added sugar might be harmful”

question 2 what is the scientists’ recommendation?

询问科学家的建议,根据“argue”定位,科学家建议“they argue we should replace them with other drinks, with water being the best choice.”

news report 2

german police appealed friday for information about the possible owners of two 19th century oil paintings. (3)police said a 64-year old man found the paintings in a garbage pile at a highway rest stop last month. he later handed them in to the k?ln police. (4)an initial assessment by an art expert, concluded the two framed paintings were originals, police said. one is a landscape painted by the italian artist pietro belotti, dating to 1665. the other is a painting of a boy by the 17th century dutch artist samuel van hoogstraten,date unknown. that combined worth is estimated to be around one million euros. authorities have not yet confirmed what will happen if the rightful owner is not found. nevertheless, it is speculated that they could either be handed over to the national art museum of k?ln, or sold to the public by the local government.

questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

question 3 what did german police say about a 64-year old man?


question 4 what is the art experts conclusion about the two framed paintings?


news report three

(5)a 4-year old girl has walked 8 kilometers through a snowly forest to seek help for her sick grandmother who later died of a heart attack. the young girl, braved the threat of bears, wolves and temperatures fall below freezing. she made the journey through a remote region in siberia after waking up to find her grandmother motionless. named locally as carla, she lives alone with her elderly grandmother and her blind grandfather.

(6)as a result, the girl’s mother is facing a criminal case. she stands accused of leaving a minor in danger in the care of the elderly. she also faces investigation from childcare services, who will also be asking why carla was left alone with her vulnerable relatives. the journey took place in february when temperatures average -26 ℃. russian reports on social media suggest the forest may have been as cold as -34 ℃. the journey was only recently confirmed by authorities, (7)but though she was suffering from the effects of extreme cold, the child reportedly suffered more life threatening effects. last year, a 3-year old boy survived alone for 3 days in a remote forest in the same region.

questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

question 5 what did the 4 year old girl attempt to do?


question 6 what do we learn from the news report about the girl’s mother ?


question 7 what happened to the little girl according to the news report?


conversation one.w: i’ve made a new friend recently. her name is susan and she’s from south africa.

m: how did you meet her?

w: (8)we met over wechat. she has very cruel photos on her social media. the photos of her hometown look amazing.

m: what’s her hometown called?

w: it’s called cape town. it’s in the southwest of south africa. she says it’s very green and windy. the city was built by european settlers. (9)there’s a big mountain that over looks the city. the mountain is called table mountain, because it’s flat at the top.

m: that sounds interesting. what are the people there like?

w: (10)susan says south africa is very missed their black people and white people and indian people. susan is what she says. her ancestors were from britain. many languages are spoken in south africa, but she only speaks english.

m: didn’t south africa host the football world cup a few years ago? they must play football a lot then, right?

w: i think they play football, but it’s not as popular as。

m: what’s rugby?

w: (11)rugby is a sport with two teams. and the players carry the ball in their arms and throw it at each other. the ball is not round, and the players push each other. i don’t really understand the rules. i think it’s very complicated.

m: that sounds like a very strange sport. indeed. is it only south africa that plays it?

w: no, it’s also popular in britain and in other former british colonies like australia and new zealand.


questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

question 8, what does the woman say about her new friend susan?

询问女士对susan的描述,得知两人是在微信上交流,并且“she has very cruel photos on her social media”

question 9. what does the woman say about table mountain?

询问女士对table mountain的描述,从定位词because之后得知table mountain是 “flat at the top”

question 10. what do we learn from the conversation about the women’s friend susan?

从对话可以得知,susan的祖先是来自英国,susan只说英语。“her ancestors were from britain. many languages are spoken in south africa, but she only speaks english”

question 11. what does the woman say about rugby in south africa?

询问女士对“rugby”的说法,“rugby is a sport with two teams. and the players carry the ball in their arms and throw it at each other. the ball is not round, and the players push each other. i don’t really understand the rules. i think it’s very complicated.”


conversation two.

m: hi, jennifer. i’m really struggling with this semesters workload. do you have any advice?

w: (12)have you considered making a study guide? it’s a tool you can make yourself to take the stress out of studying. i’ve been using one since the start of last semester. it has really helped relieve a lot of study pressure.

m: sounds like just what i need. (13)my main problem is that my study folder is full of notes and worksheets and is badly disorganized. i don’t know where to start.

w: the main thing is to have everything in the right place, whatever you’re reviewing. it’s important that it’s arranged for your particular needs of that subject. and in the most user friendly way, you can, what kind of learner are? you?

m: i’m not sure. well.

w: visual learners prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information. logical learners have a linear mind and would rather use logic, reasoning and systems. (14)i’m an emotional learner, which means i need to connect to information emotionally to understand it.

m: oh, i’m very much dependent on vision as a way of taking in information.

w: well, (15) i suggest reorganizing your notes using color coded sections in your steady guides, or using ideal mapping to lay out the information and make it more quickly accessible.

m: so you think i should arrange my notes using color and pictures in place of text.

w: yes, you’ll probably start to grasp information a lot quicker that way. as an emotional learner, i organize my notes into a story that i can connect to and recite to myself.

m: that’s amazing. i didn’t know there was so many different ways to learn.


questions. 12 to 15 are based on the conversation. you have just heard.

question 12, what does the woman advise the man do?

询问女士对男士学习的建议,女士建议男士可以做一个“学习指南”。“have you considered making a study guide? it’s a tool you can make yourself to take the stress out of studying. i’ve been using one since the start of last semester. it has really helped relieve a lot of study pressure”

question 13. what is the biggest problem? the man has with his studies.

询问男士在学习中遇到最大的问题,根据“main problem”可以定位,“my main problem is that my study folder is full of notes and worksheets and is badly disorganized. i don’t know where to start”

question 14. what kind of learner does the woman say she is?

询问女士是哪种类型的学习者。女士是“emotional learner”。“i’m an emotional learner, which means i need to connect to information emotionally to understand it.”

question 15. what does the woman think the man can do with his notes?

询问女士对男士在笔记上的建议。根据suggest可以定位到“i suggest reorganizing your notes using color coded sections in your steady guides, or using ideal mapping to lay out the information and make it more quickly accessible”

passage 1

16.the golden rule is a moral principle, which states that you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.

for example, if you want people to treat you with respect, you should treat them with respect. different people tend to be exposed to different forms of the golden rule based on factors such as the religion in their society. however, all forms of the golden rule revolve around the same concept. normally they help you treat others better. by using the way, you yourself would want to be treated as a guide of how to behave.for example, if you want people to treat you with respect, you should treat them with respect. different people tend to be exposed to different forms of the golden rule based on factors such as the religion in their society. however, all forms of the golden rule revolve around the same concept. normally they help you treat others better. by using the way, you yourself would want to be treated as a guide of how to behave.for example, if you want people to treat you with respect, you should treat them with respect. different people tend to be exposed to different forms of the golden rule based on factors such as the religion in their society. however, all forms of the golden rule revolve around the same concept. normally they help you treat others better. by using the way, you yourself would want to be treated as a guide of how to behave.

17.a notable criticism of the golden rule is that its application can lead to undesirable outcomes when it conflicts with laws and ethical principles. 18.for example, if someone breaks the law, the golden rule would suggest that we should let them go, because we would not want to be punished ourselves. however, this issue with the golden rule can be dealt with in a general manner, are viewing this principle as one of several principles that we use to guide our behavior as individuals and as a society. specifically, in the example described above, most individuals and societies choose to place laws and ethical principles above the golden rule. this means that they strive to implement the golden rule whenever possible. as long as it doesn’t clash with a more important concept.

questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

question 16. what do we learn from the passage about the golding rule?

16.the golden rule is a moral principle, which states that you should treat others

the way you want to be treated yourself.

该题为文章主旨题,出现在文章第一句,“moral principle, which states that you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.”

question 17. what is a notable criticism of the golden rule?

17.a notable criticism of the golden rule is that its application can lead to undesirable outcomes when it conflicts with laws and ethical principles.

该题关注文章中的关键词信息“application”,问题与文本notable criticism of the golden rule原词对应,即“application can lead to undesirable outcomes when it conflicts with laws and ethical principles” 为破题点。

question 18. what does the example of someone breaking the law serve to show?

18.for example, if someone breaks the law, the golden rule would suggest that we should let them go, because we would not want to be punished ourselves.

该题关键句为 “if someone breaks the law, the golden rule would suggest that we should let them go, because we would not want to be punished ourselves.”,该句中关键词为条件if引导的主要内容,suggest及because为强调进行解释说明。



passage 2


[19]?today many large corporations stress the importance of diversity on their websites, but current statistics show that the typical manager in america still tends to be white and male.?obviously,?the desire to bring about diversity has not translated into corporate reality.?why is this??[20]?a?team of researchers from the university of basil?published their new study about people’s attitudes towards diversity at work.?

[21]?they found that people have a wide range of opinions concerning diversity.?on the one hand, many?see value in diversity, which can contribute a variety of perspectives, encourage new ideas,?and generate innovative solutions. on the other hand, they assume that it might be difficult to work with someone who has completely different views, speaks a different language or has a different style of work.?the actual value they attribute to diversity depends on the decision-making perspective.?doubts about the practicability of diversity?have?a greater weight.?if a person is directly affected, in other words, when a person’s own work group is involved, they tend to prefer team members who are similar to themselves. but when people make decisions for others,?they typically put together a more diverse team. these findings could help organizations become more diverse.?companies need to pay attention to who makes hiring and team decisions. these decisions should not only be made by those directly affected. people who are not directly involved in the group’s daily work should also take part.


q19. ?what do we learn from the current statistics about diversity in large corporations?


q20. ?what is the newly published study focused?on??


q21. ?what do the findings of the new study show??

