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2023-02-03 21:15:46 | 人围观 | 评论:

part a reading aloud (仿照朗读)
a week has passed. the elephants are still searching for water. they’ve survived so far by draining the last drops from dried-up water holes. the oldest member of the herd must 北外青少英语官网 lead them to water soon. with a mental map formed over decades, she’s brought the family to an ancient seep. it’s a hidden lifeline in times of drought. the elephants can smell the water through the earth, and they know that to get to it, they must dig. for the adults, it’s easy. but for calves, it’s more of a challenge. they won’t have tusks to dig with until they’re two years old.
part b role?play (人物扮演)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?景象介绍
? ? ? ? ?(2)根传闻话内容答复另一同学的发问。
生词:?theatre festival戏曲节;
? ? ? ? indoors室内

? ? ? ? outdoors户外
1. 戏曲节里有多少个表演?
2. 你最难忘的阅历是啥?
3. 你觉得你的扮演怎么样?
part c retelling (故事复述)
要害词:sweets makers (糖块师)
? ? ? ? ? ? writer (作家)
? ? ? ? ? ? upset (沮丧的)
? ? ? ? ? ? talk (说话)
? ? ? ? ? ? mistake (差错)

part b role?play (人物北外青少英语官网扮演)
m:?hello, mary. how is it going with your presentation?
w:?i’ve just finished the final draft this morning.
m:?good for you. what are you going to talk about?
w:?i am going to share my experience in the wuzhen theatre festival. i took more than one hundred photos there. i would use some of them in my presentation.
m:?that sounds lovely. you must have bad a wonderful experience. was the town full of visitors during the theatre festival?
w:?yes, you can’t imagine how busy every street was in wuzhen. every day, there were different kinds of perfomances.
考生翻译:how many performances were there at the theatre festival?
电脑答复:i am not sure. someone told me that there were sixty-four perfomances indoors and outdoors at the festival. it was impossible for me to see them all as i could only stay in wuzhen for 北外青少英语官网 the weekend. i chose to watch two traditional operas and one contemporary drama. the two days were filled with unforgettable experiences and fun memories.
考生翻译:what was your most unforgettable experience?
电脑答复:well, i would say the street acting. it happened when i was wandering about in the lively town to kill time for the next show. as i walked past a tea house, a young lady invited me to act out a role in their street play. i hesitated at first, but quickly agreed to give it a try. this street play involved some interations with viewers. when the performing ended, everyone laughed.
考生翻译:what do you think of your performance?
电脑答复:i think i did a good job. both the viewers and other performers in the play thought highly of my performing. this acting experience made me reconsider my career 北外青少英语官网 choice. in the past, i wanted to be a doctor. but now, i am wondering if i am suitable for a theatre job, like a performer or a director.
1.?电脑发问:when did mary finish the final draft of the presentation?
考生答复:this morning.
2.?电脑发问:how many photos did mary take?
考生答复:more than one hundred.
3.?电脑发问:what did mary choose to watch?
考生答复:two traditional operas and one contemporary drama.
4.?电脑发问:what did the young lady invite mary to do?
考生答复:to act out a role in their street play.
5.?电脑发问:what made mary reconsider her career choice?
考生答复:her acting experience in wuzhen.
part c retelling (故事复述)
sweet truth
? ? mary was born in a traditional family who have been sweets makers for generations. she was expected to carry on the family business. however, mary hated making sweets, but dreamed of becoming a writer. recently,

she won 北外青少英语官网 a national writing award. she thought it a chance to tell the family her dream. when she told the good news of her award, her grandpa looked happy, but her father impatiently interrupted her, saying that she should have spent more time making sweets rather than on writing. mary was totally upset, thinking her parents would never support her to be a writer. the next day, there was a grand family meal. all her aunts, uncles and cousins came and they kept talking about sweets business. mary felt like an outsider in this happy crowd. when grandpa joked about mary sweets making skills, she cried out, “i hate making sweets. i want to be a writer.” the crowd immediately went silent. mary’s father jumped in anger. grandpa stopped him. then he had a long talk with mary in private. after the talk, grandpa told the whole

family it’s a mistake to give up a genius writer for an average sweets maker.