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2023-02-06 16:15:33 | 人围观 | 评论:

pep大学五大学英语上册温习材料unit 1 what’s he like ?
单词 1.描绘人的表面单词:old 年迈的 young年青的 tall 高的 short 矮的 strong 健壮的 thin 瘦的
2.描绘人的性格的单词:funny诙谐的 kind 和蔼的 strict严肃的 polite 有礼貌的 hard-working 作业尽力的 helpful精干的clever 聪明的shy 害臊的
3.其他单词:sometimes有时 will 即将know 晓得 robot机器人 finish 结束he’s=he is 他是
who’s=who is谁是 mr先生 miss 小姐 ms 女士 speak english 说英语
语音 y [i] baby 婴儿 happy 高兴 windy 刮风的 sunny 晴朗的 sorry 抱愧
句型 ms wang will be our new chinese teacher.王女士是咱们新语文教师
what’s she like? 她怎么样? she’s very kind.她很和蔼。
is she strict? 她严肃吗? yes, sometimes.是的,有时分. |
do you know mr young?你知道杨先生吗?no,i don’t .不,不知道。 yes,i do是的,我知道。
who is your maths teacher? 谁是你的数学教师? mr li李先生。
is he funny? 他严肃吗? yes,he 流利说少儿英语多少钱一年is.是的,他搞笑。no,he isn’t.不,不搞笑。
语法点1.be(is, am, are) 的用法口诀
be动词 am is are ;我(i)用am你(you)用are; is连着他她它(he, she, it); 咱们,你们和他们(we, you, they),悉数都用are
2. be like与do like:
what’s …like?是问”某某长啥姿势?”的意思。它的答语一般用:he/she/ it is…(后边跟描绘人的表面特征的词语)。而在what does … like? 的语句中,like是“喜爱”的意思。如:what does your father like? 你的父亲喜爱啥? 它的答语是he/she/ it likes…(后边跟喜爱的东西)。
unit 2 my week
单词 星期一到星期天首字母要大写。
monday 星期一 tuesday星期二 wednesday星期三 thursday周四 friday星期五 saturday星期六 sunday周日 weekend 周末 often一般cooking烹饪 tired疲倦的should 大约schedule 日程组织wash my clothes洗衣裳
watch tv看电视do homework做家庭作业read books读书 play football踢足球 play sports做体育运动every day每一天do housework做家务
语音 ee [i:] feet 脚 beef 牛肉 meet 碰头 ea [i:] tea 茶 read 阅览 eat 吃
句型 what do you have on thursdays ? 周四你有啥课?
i have maths, english and music.我稀有学课,英语课和音乐课。
what do you do on wednesdays?你星期三都在做啥? i often do 流利说少儿英语多少钱一年 my homework . 我一般在写我的家庭作业。
what do you often do on the weekend?你周末常干啥?
i often watch tv.我常看电视.sometimes i read books. 有时分我看书。
do you often read books in this park? 你常常在这个公园读书吗?
no, i don’t.不,我不常常在这看书。 yes, i do. 是的,我常常。
what do we have on wednesdays ?星期三咱们都有啥课?
we have english、science and computer on wednesdays.咱们星期三有英语、科学和核算机。
what day is it today?今日是星期几? it’s monday.今日是星期一。
you look tired. 你看起来很累。you should play sports everyday. 你大约每天做运动。
语法点 组成词:两个简略的单词放在一同,变成一个新的单词,如:bedroom,classroom
1. in, on ,at 后边跟标明时刻的词语时
(1)标明在某段时刻,如在上午,下午,晚上用in.如in the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening.
(2)标明在某日,在星期何时,用on。如on monday, on sunday .
(3)标明在几点几分,在几点时,用at. 如at 6:30, at 9 o’clock.
what do you have on mondays? (周一你们都有啥课?)
we have chinese, english, math and science on mondays.
what do you do on mondays? (周一你都做啥流利说少儿英语多少钱一年 ?) i often do homework, read books and watch tv.
unit 3 what would you like ?
单词 1.食物类(hungry 饿的时分吃eat)sandwich三明治 salad沙拉hamburger汉堡包ice cream冰淇淋
2.饮料类(thirsty 渴的时分喝drink)tea茶 milk牛奶 juice果汁 water 水
3.描述味道类单词fresh新鲜的 healthy 安康的delicious甘旨的 hot辣的 sweet甜的
4.其他类 drink喝 thirsty渴的favourite最喜爱的 food食物onion洋葱
语音 ow [au] cow 奶牛 flower 花 wow 哇 down 向下ow [?u] slow 慢的 snow 雪 yellow 黄色 window 窗户
句型what’s your favorite food? 你最喜爱的食物是啥?my favourite food is fish.我最喜爱的食物是鱼。
what would you like to eat? 你想吃啥? i’d like some noodles我想吃面条。
what would you like to drink ? 你想喝啥?i’d like some water. i’m thirsty我要一些水,我渴了。
my favorite foot is ice cream .it is sweet. 我最喜爱的食物是冰淇淋,它很甜。
i don’t like beef but chicken is ok我不喜爱牛肉可是鸡肉可以。
i like vegetables but not carrots我喜爱蔬菜,可是不喜爱胡萝卜。
语法点 1.吃饭时,问询别人想吃和想喝啥时,
----what would you like to eat/drink? (你想要吃/喝啥?)
----i’d like a sandwich/hamburger/ an egg, please
tea/milk/juice/water, please. 我想要害茶/牛奶/果汁/水。
i’d like two hamburgers/three sandwiches/five hot dogs, please.
---what’s your favourite food/drink?
---ice cream. it’s sweet./ juice. it’s healthy.
(1)一般情况下,在单词后边直接加s;(2)以o, s, x, ch, sh结束的单词,加es;(3)people, fish,sheep奇数方法和复数方法相同,不加s.

4 what can you do ?
单词dance跳舞cook烹饪swim游水we’ll=we will party集会 next下一个wonderful极好的learn学习any若干no problem没疑问want想要send邮递email电子邮件
短语 sing english songs唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶do kung fu练功夫draw cartoons画漫画play basketball打篮球 play ping-pong打乒乓球 speak english说英语
语音 oo [u] book 书 look看 football 足球 good 好 oo [u:] balloon 气球 food 食物 zoo动物园 noodles 面条
句型 当举办宴会时,查询同学们会啥时,可以这样问:
---what can you do for the party? (你能为集会做啥?)
---i can dance/do kung fu/ play the pipa. (我会跳舞/打功夫/弹琵琶。)----wonderful极好的。
---can you swim/cook/play ping-pong? (你会游水/烹饪/打乒乓球吗?)
---yes.,i can. 是的,我会。/ no, i can’t. 不,我不会。
---i can’t do any kung fu . 我不会功夫。---no problem. i can help you. 没疑问,我会帮你的。
please send me an email at robin@urfriend.cn. 请给我发送电子邮件。
play the pipa play the erhu play the piano play the violin
play football play

basketball play volleyball play ping-pong
陈述句必定式:主语+can + 动词。m
如: i can cook. 我会煮饭。
陈述句否定式:主语+can +not + 动词。
如: i can not / can’t cook. 我不会煮饭。
句式 一般疑问式及答复: can + 主语 + 动词?
如: ---- can you cook ? 你会煮饭吗?
----- yes, i can./ no, i can’t. 会,我会。/不,我不会。
特别疑问式: what + can +主语+do?
如: what can you do? 你会做啥?
3. some和 any 的差异.
some用于必定陈述句中. i can do some kung fu.
any 用于否定句和疑问句中. i can’t do any kung fu.
unit 5 there is a big bed.
clock时钟plant植物 water bottle水瓶 bike自行车 photo相片 in front of在…前面 between在…之前 above在…上面 beside在周围behind在…后边
there标明存在或发生grandparents 祖父母 lots of许多flower花 move 搬场 dirty龌龊的 live居住everywhere处处
ai [ei] rainy 下雨的 rainbow 彩虹 paint 涂 wait 等候
ay [ei] say 说 way 路 birthday 生日 monday 星期一
what’s in your room ? 你的房间里有啥?
there is a nice photo in my room.我的房间有一张美观的相片。
my computer is on the desk. 我的电脑在桌

there are so many pictures and plants here .这儿有这么多画和植物。
my grandparents have a garden in front of their house.
i just moved into an old house. 我刚搬进了一个老房子里。
i see a mouse behind my computer. 我看见了一只老鼠在我的电脑后边。
i live near the nature park. 我住在天然公园周围。
1.there be句型又名“存在句型”,标明在某地有某物,包括:
(1)奇数方法 there is a/an +名词奇数+地址,标明在某地有一个….
如:there is a clock/bike/photo/plant/water bottle beside/on/behind/….
there is an apple/egg beside/on/behind/….
( …周围/上面/后边有一个苹果/鸡蛋)
there are +具体数字(two/three)/many/some+名词复数+地址,标明有多个
如:there are two bikes in front of the house. 房子前有两辆自行车。
there are some buildings in the park. 公园里有一些建筑。
there are many trees in the forest. 森林里有许多树。
2.there be 句型中运用奇数句式仍是复数句式遵从”就近原则”。
3. have/ has 用于表达或人具有某物.i have three pens and she has one pen.
4.on 与above的差异:on在…上面。标明与下面的物体彼此触摸,紧挨着。above在…上房,标明与下面的物体不触摸,两个物体之间有必定的间隔。
unit 6 in a nature park
单词 forest森林river河流lake湖泊mountain高山hill山丘tree树 bridge桥 building 建筑物village村庄house房子go boating 划船rabbit兔子high高的 aren’t = are not isn’t = is not nature park 天然公园
语音 ou [au] house 房子 mouse 老鼠 sound 声响 count 数
is there a river in the forest? 森林里有条河流吗? yes, there is.是的,有。no, there isn’t.不,没有。
are there any tall buildings in your village?你的村庄里有高楼吗?
yes, there are 是的,有些。 no, there aren’t.不,没有。
the nature park is so quiet. 这天然公园好恬静。there aren’t many people . 这儿没有许多人。
1.当问询“这儿有啥吗”时,只需要把there is… 变成 is there…? there are…变成are there...?如:
(1)there is a river/hill/forest/lake/mountain. (这儿有一条河/一座小山/一片森林/一座高山。)
is there a river/hill/forest/lake/mountain?(这儿有一条河/一座小山/一片森林/一座高山吗?)
必定答复:yes, there is. 否定答复:no,there isn’t.
(2) there are four bridges/villages. (这儿有四架桥/四个村庄)
are there four bridges/villages?(这儿有四架桥/四个村庄吗?)
必定答复:yes, there are. 否定答复:no,there aren’t.
流利说少儿英语多少钱一年2. some和 any 的差异.
some用于必定陈述句中. there are some houses in thevillage.
any 用于否定句和疑问句中. are there any houses in the village?
no, there aren’t any houses in the village.