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2023-02-09 06:18:09 | 人围观 | 评论:

一般如今时的用法1)?? 标明不受时限的客观存在:指包括真理,格言,科学实际及其他不受时限的实际
2)?? 标明如今习气动作:常用来标明如今时刻里某种动作的常常性和习气性,上述用法的一般如今常常与频度副词连用,常见的频度副词:always,ever,frequently,...
3)?? 标明现时状况和如今片刻间动作:一般都带有必定的持续性,因而只适用于静态动词。e.g: someone’s at the door,carol.
???? 此种情况只适用于标明时刻短动作的动态动词。这种动作转眼即逝,几乎与说话时刻一起岂止,甚至话音未落动作结束。例如用在对快速体育运动的实况报导中。如:harper passes the ball to jennings; jennings shoots and ...
???? 这一用法也常见于戏法扮演,技能操作扮演等的说明词中;也常见于一些专门用语或往常用语中。
i declare the meeting open.
i wish you all a happy new year.
4)?? 表将来时刻
???? 第一种句型在i hope,i bet 等后边that- 分句中可用一般如今时表将来时:e.g:i hope you have a good time.
??? 第二种句型:see (to it) /make sure/ make certain + that- 分句。e.g: i’ll see (to it)/ make sure/ make certain (that) you don’t get lost.
???? 第三种句型:由 if/when引导的条件分句和时刻分句。e.g:if it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.
5)?? 表曩昔时刻:能用此用法动词:tell,say,hear,learn,gather等如:alice tells me you’re entering college next year. 一般如今时作为一种修辞办法也可用在叙事文或新闻报导中追述往事以增进描绘的生动性和真实感。这就是所谓的“前史性如今时”如:i was just doing off in front of the television when my wife rushes in shouting that kitchen is on fire.
一般曩昔时1)? 标明曩昔的时刻:标明在特定曩昔的时刻中一次结束的动作或一度存在的状况如:we visited a factory last friday.
he worked in a bank all his life.
e.g:? he lived in shanghai for 20 years. (如今不住在上海)
? ? ? ? he has lived in shanghai for 20 years. (可以还住在上海,也可以刚搬走)
2)? 标明如今时刻或将来时刻
1.?标明悠扬口气。如:did you want me? yes,i wondered if you could give me some help. 上述比方也能用一般如今时标明,但口气不如用一般曩昔时悠扬。此用法只限于want,wonder,think,hope等少量几个词上
2.是在it’s time ... , i wish..., i’d rather... 等规划后的that-分句中,以及在某些条件句中,标明片面想象。如:it’s time you had a holiday./ i wish you lived closer to us./if only he didn’t drive so fast. 上述几例标明与如今实际相反的片面意想,又如:if i had the money now, i’d buy a car./if you went at about five o’clock tomorrow,you could... 上述几例用一般曩昔时标明与如今实际相反或标明对将来事态的片面想象。

如今进行时1)? 标明说话时正在进行的动作:what are you doing? i’m writting a letter.
he lives in shanghai. (指耐久住在上海)
he is now living in shanghai. (指暂时住在上海)
the garden bridge crosses the suzhou... (不受时刻捆绑)
the bus is now crossing the garden bridge.(暂时经过)
2)? 标明期间一向在进行的动作:这种动作在说话时不必定正在进行。e.g: jane is studying law while her sister is doing pyhsics.
如今进行时的这一用法也标明一种暂时性。e.g: he works in a chemical factory.(常常性作业)/he is working in a chemical factory these days.(暂时性作业)
如今进行为常与always,continually,constantly,for ever等频度状语连用,对现期间常常发生的这一动作标明某种情感颜色。you are continually finding fault with me. 这一用法上,一般如今时只是阐明实际,如今进行时多伴有豪情颜色。
当然在特定的上下文中也可以不带豪情颜色,频度状语反起偏重作用。e.g: healthy and happy children are always playing.
3)? 标明按方案组织近期内即将发生的动作:一般是依照如今的方案组织近期内即将发生,i’m going to qingdao for the summer holiday.
e.g:? are you doing anything special tonight?
????????are you doing anything special now?
????????are you doing anything special?
4)? 标明刚刚曩昔的动作。e.g: you don’t believe it? you know i’m telling the truth.只适用于口语中某些标明说话的动词,如:tell,talk,say,exaggerate.
标明悠扬口气,e.g: i’m hoping you’ll give me some advice.这一用法只限于hope,wonder 等少量几个动词。
曩昔进行体1)? 标明曩昔某时正在进行的动作:曩昔进行时作这一用法时,一般也要把时刻状语标明出来或许经过上下文把时刻联络暗示出来。这种时刻状语可以标明曩昔某一时刻正在进行的动作。e.g: what were you doing at 7 p.m.? 也可标明曩昔某一期间一向在进行的动作。e.g: from 1983 to 1988, he was teaching at yale.
根据上述用法,我们常在口语中和记叙文中首要用曩昔进行体标明某种正在进行的动作为背就连并由此引出用一般曩昔时标明新的事态或情节。e.g: the students were still laughing, when the teacher stopped in.
2)? 标明曩昔的某种习气动作:一般指曩昔某一期间暂时性的习气。e.g: george was getting up at five every day that week.
曩昔进行体也可与always, constantly, continually, for ever 等状语连用标明豪情颜色。e.g: my brother was always losing his keys.
3)? 标明曩昔将来时刻里的动作:曩昔进行体在必定上下文中也可标明依照方案组织即将发生的曩昔将来时态。如:they were leaving a few days later.曩昔进行体用在某些时刻状语和条件状语分句中还可标明曩昔将来时刻正在进行的动作。如:he promised not to mention this when he was talking to her.
4)? 标明如今时刻和将来时刻里的动作
a)????标明悠扬口气:此用法只限于hope,want,wonder等动词,首要用来标明有礼貌的恳求。如:i was wondering/wondered if you’d like to.../ i was hoping you could...
i hope you can send me some books.
i hoped you could...
i am hoping you can...
i was hoping you could...
e.g:? i wish they were not talking so loudly.
???????? ?i’d rather you were going...
???????? ?would you stay a little longer, if you were enjoying yourself?
???????? ?if they were leaving tonight, i’d like to go with them.
??????? ?it is time we were leaving.
5)? 曩昔进行体与一般曩昔时用法比照。
a)?????? 标明已结束的动作用一般曩昔时,标明未结束的动作用曩昔进行时。
e.g:? i was 雅思小作文图表类型 reading a novel yesterday.(没读完)
?? ??????? i read a novel yesterday.
b)????? 一般曩昔时一般只阐明曩昔某时发生某事,而曩昔进行体则偏重于动作持续的时刻,而不只是阐明实际。e.g: it rained/ was raining all night.
c)?????? 在口语中,说话人标明所读内容是随意的,非成心肠或许无必定意图性,常用曩昔进行体。e.g: i was talking to margaret the other day.
如果i talked to margaret the other day.给人的形象是我主动找她谈了话。
d)????? 留心一般曩昔时和曩昔进行时标明的动作的时刻次序
when we arrived, she was making some fresh coffee.
when we arrived, she made some fresh coffee.

?“已结束”指动作或进程发生在说话之前某个没有清楚说出的曩昔时刻(常指迩来的曩昔时刻)如今结束了,并与如今的情况有联络。e.g: he’s turned off the light.
“未结束”指动作或状况从曩昔某时初步,持续到如今可以持续下去也可以刚刚结束如:he’s lived here since 1960.

如今结束进行体带有进行体的持续性,暂时性和未结束性的意义时不能与如今结束体交换,如:who’s been eating my dinner?
who’s eaten my dinner?
曩昔结束体的用法1.?????? “已结束”与“未结束”
2.?????? 在由when/before/after/until等连词引导的分句中其用法该句型中多半是以各用一般曩昔时,另一个用曩昔结束体。如:we had got everything ready by the time they arrived.
比照:the train (had) left before i reached the station.
也可以在以before引导的时刻状语分句顶用曩昔结束体,以偏重动作的未完成或未结束。如:he offered me a drink before i had taken off my coat.
能一起运用两个曩昔结束体的场合很少。e.g: by the time i (had) recovered from the shock, he had disappeared.
3.?????? 曩昔结束体的

a)?????? 用于由if/if only/ as if 引导的分句中。e.g: if bernard had walked faster,everything would heve been all right./if only you had told me before.
b)????? 用于i wish, i’d rather 等规划后的that-分句中。e.g: i wish i had said that i couldn’t? come. / i would rather you had told her the truth.
c)?????? 用于expect,think,intend,mean(=intend),want,suppose等动词标明曩雅思小作文图表类型昔未曾完成的期望,方案或意图。e.g:i had intended to makea cake, but i ran out of time.
结束时用法的几点弥补1.?????? 结束体与since-分句
e.g: where have you been since i last met you in beijing?
since分句也可用持续性动词或静态动词的一般曩昔时,标明自从某一“时段”以来一向存在着某种时态。e.g:the house has been in bad repair since he lived in it.
留心这儿动词的一般曩昔时意味着动词所标明的动作或状况现已不存在了,即说话时?毕忠巡蛔≡谀抢铮粢昝魉棺≡谀抢铮?..since he has lived in it.
2.?????? 结束体与have got/have got to
口语中have/has got 恰当于have/has作“有”解
e.g:? i’ve got a knife.(= i have a knife.)
????????i’ve got no time.(= i have no time.)
另外,在必定的上下文中,have/have got to 作“有必要”解恰当于半助动词have/has to 如:we’ve got to do it now.(= we have to do it now.)
(have/has got to 的否定方法是haven’t/hasn’t got to.)
e.g: he hasn’t got to do it.(= he doesn’t have to do it.)
3. 结束体在“it is the first time that + that- 分句”中的运用。在“it is/ was/will be the 雅思小作文图表类型 first ?time +that-分句”规划中。当主句动词为is/will be 时,that-分句动词一概用如今结束时e.g: it’s the first time that i’ve been here. 主句动词为was时,that-分句动词一般用曩昔结束体间或也可用一般曩昔时。

在上述规划中,主句的主语还可用this,this evening,yesterday等,这种规划中的first也可用其他序数词。time还可由其他名词替代。
this is the tenth time (that)...
it’s the first month (that) ...
yesterday was the second time (that)...
标明将来时刻的几种特别情况1)? be going to +不定式
a)?????? 表“意图”即方案在将来做某事
b)????? 表“预见“,即如今已有痕迹标明即将发生或即将发生某种情况。e.g: i feel dizzy. i think i’m going to faint.
c)?????? be going to 标明的“意图”一般是事前经过思考的。will +不定式所标明的“意图”,则是说话时刻暂时想到的。在语境中,两者不可以替换运用。
2)? be + -ing (如今进行时)
这一规划的首要意义是标明按方案,组织即将发生的动作,常用于标明方位转移的动词,如:go,come,leave,start,arrive等,也可用于其他动态动词。如:we’re leaving on friday.
“be+-ing”和“be going to +不定式”都可标明如今现已抉择好将做某事,这两个规划在某些语境中可以替换运用。e.g: she is getting/is going to get married this spring.但,假定主动词为come或go,在标明将来事态时,用如今进行体比用be going to 规划更为常见。如:we’re going to a concert tonight.
用如今进行体标明将来时刻有时带有其他神态意义。e.g: i’m not sitting on that hard seat. (= i won’t sit on that hard seat.)/ you’re not staying here any longer.(= i won’t allow you to stay here any longer.)
3)? be to + 不定式
a)?????? 标明按方案,组织即将发生的动作。如:i am to have tea with betty this afernoon.
b)????? 常见于报纸和播送,用以宣告官方的方案或抉择。如:the queen is to visit japan next year. /the prime minister is to speak on television tonight.
c)?????? 标明指令,禁令或可以性等,如:you are to stand here. do you understand?/tell her she’s not to be back late.??? “be to +不定式”规划较常用于正式语体。
4)? 一般如今时:用一般如今时标明将来时刻,常见于条件状语和时刻状语分句。如:if she comes, i’ll tell her all about it./i’ll give it to you after i return.
在主句顶用一般如今时标明将来时刻一般指依照时刻表或既定日程必定会发生的将来时态。如:he’s in all day sunday./tomorrow is saturday./the term starts on 23rd august.
曩昔将来时刻标明特例1)? was/were going to +不定式 标明将来,用此句型还可标明动作或事态,也可所以没有完成的意图。e.g: last sunday we were going to go for a picnic but it rained.
2)? was/were to + 不定式 用was/were to +不定式标明曩昔将来组织,假定这个组织后来被撤消了,没有完成则用“was/were +to+不定式结束体并可与体现如今曩昔或将来的时刻状语连用。e.g: we were to have left at 6 last night, but it rained./we were to have left at 6 the following day, but it rained.
此外was/were to + 不定式也可用于标明今后不可以避免要发生的作业。e.g: they said goodbye, little knowing they were to meet again.
3)? was/were about to +不定式 这种规划一般指迩来的曩昔将来事态。e.g: i felt that something terrible was about to happen. 而且在必定语境中常指未曾完成的意图。e.g: we were about to start when it began to rain./he was just about to dive when he saw a shark.
its raining.
it never rains but it pours.

1 标明“是”“有”的动词:be, have, belong to, own, possess等
2 标明衡量的动词:cost, weigh, measure, matter等
3 标明五官感触的动词: hear, see, feel, taste, smell, sound, seem等
4 标明心思状况或情感状况的动词:believe, consider, think, suppose, expect, imagine, mind, know, understand, remember, forget, love, like, hate, wnat, wish等

he is being foolish = he is behaving foolishly. 他正在做出愚笨的行为。
he is tasting the soup.?
apples are costing more these days. 苹果越来越贵
now im remembering it. 我如今想起来了。

1 主语时态为如今时或将来时,从句谓语大约用啥时态就用啥时态
????she knows you have been in beijing for eight years.
2 主句为一般曩昔时,从句中的谓语动词要用曩昔有关时态
????lucy said she was busy then.?
????i didnt know that she had been to paris twice.
????they didnt know when they would have a rest.
3 假定主句中阐明的是客观实际,广泛真理或习气特征,不管主句时态是啥,从句一般用一般如今时。
????he said that he usually reads the newspaper before going to bed.?
4 假定从句标明的仍然是如今或将来的时刻,其时态不受主句的影响,如:
????she said that she is flying to new york next week. (还没飞)
????he told me that he is a manager in the firm. (如今仍然是)
5 假定出于表达思维的需要,特别是状语从句和定语从句中,主、从句的时态不需要彼此照顾
????the girl who spoke at the meeting,is my sister.?
6 假守时刻的着眼点不一样,并排谓语或并排句顶用不一样的时态
????i support you now and always will.
系动词,不及物动词,不及物动词短语(take place, come true, break out, belong to等)不能用于被逼语态,如:
it seems great.
after the fire, nothing remained.
great changes have taken place here since 2008.


the book costs me ten years.
she lacks confidence and courage.

the kind of cloth washes very well.

the flower smells sweet.
the cloth feels very soft.

在want, deserve, need, worth, require 等动词后用动名词的主动语态标明被逼。这类动词后也可接不定式的被逼语态作宾语(worth在外)
the shoes need mending(= need to be mended).
that boy deserves looking after (= deserves to be looked after)

we found the subjest hard to understand.

使役动词make, have 及感官动词see, hear, notice, feel ,observe, listen to 等在被逼语态中,后没被省掉的to要再加上。
the boss made the secretary work overtime.? -> the secretary was made to work overtime.

一些标明“传闻”或“信赖”的动词如believe, consider, expect, hope, report, say, suppose, think, suggest 等后边接宾语从句时,被逼句有两种方法:
一种是用 it+be+曩昔分词+that从句
另一种是主语+be+曩昔分词+to do sth
we believed that he would succeed.
it was believed that he would succeed.? => he was believed to succeed.
