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剑桥雅思16 作文真题解析和典范 Advertising New Products

2023-02-13 06:16:27 | 人围观 | 评论:

??In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way.
Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


这是一道effect-cause + opinion类型的标


对有关缘由进行分析。宣传推出新产品可以有以下几个方面的缘由:1. 影响花费者需要;2. 出产出了可以满足花费者某一方面实践需要的产品;3. 跟从作业领导者或其他公司的脚步推出所谓的新产品。




1. Introduction:改写(paraphrase the essay topic)+ 简略的response to the questions

例如:It seems to be a common practice for companies to highlight/draw attention to the novelty/new features of their products. In my opinion/view, this way of advertising is mainly for marketing as well as for communicating information to consumers, and it is generally a negative development.


2. Main body paragraph 1:分析具体缘由,举例阐明。

There are several reasons behind this trend.The main reason why some companies advertisetheir goods as having novel features is to boost customers' demand. This is actually a product differentiation strategy developed after studying the psychology of consumer behavior. The marketing departments of these companies

know that people are always attracted by new products and some people consider it fashionable to have the latest products. By convincing consumers that the products are new and better, the advertisement generate sales.

Another reason for advertising products this way is to communicate new technical features or functions to consumers. For example, when new i-phones of Apple have adopted a new generation of chips and thus can provide better user experience, the advertising serves a tool to keep consumers informed.


3. Main body paragraph 2:宣告自个的观点。

While consumers become more informed in some way because of such advertising, I believe this trend generally leads to excessive consumption and waste of valuable resources. Take smart phones as an example. Many phone manufacturers labelling their products

as new in some aspect are actually attempting to mislead the public. Sometimes, these products only have a novel appearance or are designed with one or two new functions that are of little use.

Consumers who are convinced buy new smart phones that are not necessary for them at all, as there is no significant difference between them, creating a huge waste.

4. Conclusion:进行总结。

In conclusion, many companies choose to advertise their products as a new generation of products mainly for the purpose of sales. It seems to me that this behavior causes people to buy more than what is actually needed and thus leads to unnecessary waste.