2023-02-12 16:15:28 |
人围观 |
??Let's change the subject(咱们换个论题吧! )
Let's get back to the subject (言归正传。)
I don't want to talk about it now(我如今不想谈那件事。 )
Let's talk about it later (那事儿今后再说吧。)
To change the subject(另外咱们说说…… )
Well, all joking aside,(好了,玩笑就到此…… )
By the way,(趁便提一下…… )
You were saying? (你方才说啥来着? )
That reminds me(啊,我想起来了。)
Let's stop talking(别说了。 )
I've heard the story before (那事儿我听过了。 )
Let's drop the subject (这件事别再说了。 )
Don't say it so loud (别那么大声说。)
I've decided(我现已抉择了。 )
It's up to you (悉数都看你的了。 )
You decide (你抉择吧!)
This is the important point(这是要害性的一点。
This is my personal problem (这是我自个的疑问。)
It's a matter of life and death (这是存亡
攸关的大事。 )
You're free to go or stay(是去是留,随你。 )
There's no turning back(现已无可解救了。)
Let's play it by ear (走一步看一步吧!(到时分再说吧!) )
I'm sure I
can do it (我深信我能做好。)
I'm still unable to decide what to do(我仍然无法抉择我该做啥。)
I'll follow her(我跟着她。 )
Let's all get together and act as one(咱们拧成一股绳地去干。 )
I have to do it anyhow( 横竖,也得干。 )
It's now or never (机不可以失,时不再来。)
The sooner, the better (越早越好。)
I'll take a chance (碰碰命运看。)
Have more guts! (再拿出点勇气来。 )
Let's finish it somehow (咱们总得想办法结束。)
It's worth a try (值得一试。 )
We must function as one mind and one body(咱们有必要同心协力。)
You just wait (你等着瞧吧。 )
It's all or nothing (豁出去了。 )