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2023-03-03 11:16:53 | 人围观 | 评论:

introduction to china 用英语介绍我国
1 introduction to china

the ancient yellow river flows
uninterrupted from west to east for thousands of years.

silk was made into cloth, while clay was made in pottery and

millions of stones were piled into the great wall.

the country created many wonders, such as the great wall, mogao
grottoes in dunhuang, terracotta warriors and chinese kung fu.

beijing is the capital of zhongguo,
or china, which opens to and embraces the world.

the beijing olympic games 2008 and
the shanghai
world expo 2

010 were held here in zhongguo.


opera and western opera are performed
on the same stage.

cultures of the whole world show brilliant vitality in this
ancient country.

this is zhongguo.

hope you can understand her, appreciate her and love her.

all the chinese people, black-eyed and yellow-skinned, welcome you
with open arms.
