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2023-04-01 21:22:52 | 人围观 | 评论:

Sports tutoring is embracing its spring in the first winter holiday after the country's strictest-ever regulations on academic tutoring in July, as a record high number of Chinese students and parents flooded in to take and pay for sports lessons during the period.本年7月,我国出台了有史以来最严肃的学业辅导规则,在此时刻,我国学生和家长涌入学校参加并付出体育课费用的人数创下前史新高,体育辅导迎来了第一个寒假的春天。

The latest data from analytics firm Tianyancha showed that more than 33,000 sports and art tutoring companies were newly added after the country's regulation on the after-school tutoring sector in July, a staggering increase of 9

9 percent year-on-year.来自分析公司天燕茶的最新数据闪现,在7月份国家对课余辅导作业进行监管后,新增了跨越3.3万家体育和艺术辅导公司,同比惊人增加99%。

Industry experts said the ongoing Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games are also expected to lead to another boom in ice and winter-related sports in the country.业界专家标明,正在举办的北京2022年冬天奥运会估计也将在我国掀起另一轮冰雪和冬天有关运动的热潮。

A survey by the General Administration of Sport of China and the National Bureau of Statistics showed the number of Chinese who have participated in winter sports training, amateur or

professional competitions, and winter sports-related leisure activities has reached 346 million by the end of last year. That means one in four Chinese enjoyed winter sports or related activities at least once.国家体育总局和国家计算局的一项查询闪现,到上一年年末,参加冬天运动练习、业余或作业竞赛以及与冬天运动有关的休闲活动的我国人已达3.46亿。这意味着四分之一的我国人至少参加过一次冬天运动或有关活动。

China is also making winter sports more accessible. Data from the Beijing Winter Olympics organizing committee showed that China currently has a total of 654 standard ice rinks and 803 ski resorts, an increase of 317 percent and 41 percent, respectively, compared with 2015.我国也在使冬天运动更简略进行。来自北京冬奥会组委会的数据闪现,我国当前共有654个标准冰场和803个滑雪场,与2015年比较别离增加317%和41%。


